Losing to a code A player, what a bonjwaaaaa :lol
He was practicing only Broodwar for weeks until two days ago when he got knocked out of OSL.
Is that so ? anymore fanboy 'esque excuses you can share with us from the TL forums ?
Some people were claiming Flash got annihilated in OSL because he spent too much time practicing SC2. Eh I think that's just fans blaming stuff that has nothing to do with it. He just ran into a better player
Why would he practice anything other than BW leading up to his OSL semifinal game?
In Flash's defense, he was facing a zerg that didn't make enough major mistakes to allow him to win.
Phone called twice :3 That's what woke me up.So... has anyone told Yoshi thatMKP is streaming?
He bad man!I leave for a week and Flash starts fucking up? :'(
I leave for a week and Flash starts fucking up? :'(
Gungnam Style music video is great and produced this awesome gif
Shouldn't he be practicing for the final true OSL?Jangbi coming up.
I leave for a week and Flash starts fucking up? :'(
Khaldor says all the sentries are dead as five survive the fight and are clearly shown.
Spine crawlers are bullshit.
In the early game, they slow / stop rushes. In the mid game, they can completely block attacks. Even in the late game they're so cheap that even if they die relatively quick it's still a huge advantage to the zerg.especially when its just a huge sea of them -.-
So GOM takes a break from hosting GSL, to basically host another GSL.
Thanks for warming up those seats Kespa, you can go back to your "Pro"league now.
Yea I saw that but what's happening to GSL?
they eliminated all the kespa players, so now its basically just a normal gsl
Any notable kespa players? I have no idea who they are lol
i dunno, im not watching.Any notable kespa players? I have no idea who they are lol
i dunno, im not watching.
As long as jaedong wins it all, im happy.