so im playing secret of the magic crystals.
and i'm pretty sure i just gave my horse steroids to help it win a race.
speed was at 104/100.
The saturn V of horses.
so im playing secret of the magic crystals.
and i'm pretty sure i just gave my horse steroids to help it win a race.
speed was at 104/100.
Doesn't that also mean he hates America as well than?
so im playing secret of the magic crystals.
and i'm pretty sure i just gave my horse steroids to help it win a race.
speed was at 104/100.
Dont think of them as steroids, think of them as sonic rainboom pills.
hmm. axslav is doing gateway expands.
looks like gate, nexus, zealot, core, zealot, forge, gate, cannon/sentry.
ultralisk/baneling bro, crush past her forcefields and explode some goo on her mineral lines.
just be sure to deny any expo's.
just got DT rushed. fuckin love it
just got DT rushed. fuckin love it
That sucks, but banshees are wayyy more gay.
You probably shouldn't say that on gaf.. right?
I'm about to just 3 rax my way into gold and then play normal shit after there. So annoying man.
I don't get how they enjoy doing cheeses like that.
Nothing wrong with doing the same build over and over again. It helps build solid mechanics.
*getting ready to go to work*
suddenly i dimly hear:
'standing by'
Dear Luna.... i think my roomamte is playing starcraft.
and he's a terran.
I pretty much am doing the same build over and over. However, the build I'm doing is a 1 RAX FE. I do mix it up a little here and there. Reactor Hellion or 3rd CC real fast but that's about it.
I had a good build going against this guy too. I was up and running. I fucking scouted for pylons twice and found nothing too. It's just so frustrating because I know I'm gold level and can compete with Platinum but I'm stuck in silver because of dumb shit.
edit: Here's where he put it. The marine I scouted with didn't go that far. I should have seen some bullshit coming, I scanned and saw him putting up 2 cannons in his main.
You probably shouldn't say that on gaf.. right?
Why? haha
using 'gay' in negative connotations as a junior is a good way to get perma'd.
Guess TL wasn't the only team that Genius couldn't join, or he just gave up quickly. He's joining SlayerS & Crank has been released
Guess TL wasn't the only team that Genius couldn't join, or he just gave up quickly. He's joining SlayerS & Crank has been released
SlayersGenius. Yes
A bland player joins a bland team.
Honestly if you're 1 rax expanding and you scout that they still haven't expanded past a certain time, you should get ready for absolutely everything, save a couple scans, put a couple bunkers up, get a missile turret up maybe etc. do this x2 if you see cannons at the main aha
Just lost like 5 games straight. I don't know why I'm playing so poorly.
I think I'm going to do a 3 cc build and be greedy all the time but play defense until my army is huge. Just macro macro macro.
Ugh I might just do customs for a while, get much better and then cruise through to Gold. Corran we should start playing again, but you have to cheese me. That's the only way I'll learn lol
Crank is already signed up to another team?A bland player joins a bland team.
Let's say I'm playing Zerg and I see he's transitioned to Ultras. What should be my reaction to that? What's counters them? Marauders?
Yep your on the right track! if you can somehow get them to fight you in a choke that is incredibly helpful too, since Ultras are so big.
I'm sorry that, with the exception of MMA, their team is bland and somewhat boring and when you add the dull EG koreans to the mix, you get a bland sandwich with plain old vanilla icecream as a dessert.
MMA is bland and boring :/, much moreso than genius.
I guess what they say is true, everything is upside down in Australia.
you are from Australia right?
Chill brah. Flash vs Fantasy wasn't great. Jangbi vs Zero on the other hand is easily one of the top 3 series in recent BW.funny how most BW fans don't even understand the game, and instead seem solely focused on being a fangirl or boy for some player or another. Then they listen to the Korean stream despite not knowing Korean.
Flash v Fantasy was so boring I won't watch any more
Yeah having a rematch Grand Finals is going to be so fucking sick.Jangbi vs Zero was fucking amazing, I highly suggest watching it. I didn't watch Flash v Fantasy but I'll watch Jangbi v Fantasy again and hope it's as awesome as last time.
Just watched Jangbi vs Zero Ro4. (Watched Flash vs. Fantasy first)
The greatest achievement of mankind until July 28th Grand Finals.
BW is so good it's not even funny how bad SC2 is in comparison. Go fucking watch that that series right now, you have no fucking excuses. Fucking perfection.
Someone please do the Last OSL justice with a good thread, I'm not sure I'll be back in time to make it (No comp or stable internet for next 4 days). It really deserves the full treatment with the recent level of play and BW's legacy.
Glorious Korean:
if you don't have amazing charisma you're boring? great games aren't enough? prowrestling is the sport for you! (prowrestling is still a sport imo even if winning is staged)In other SlayerS news, Clide joined KT Rolster as a Coach.
And what I can gather from the above is that all Koreans who don't act like MC are boring.
Tastosis curse finally killed him.In other SlayerS news, Clide joined KT Rolster as a Coach.
And what I can gather from the above is that all Koreans who don't act like MC are boring.