has stephano played on kr before?
Yeah. I believe he spent a few weeks in the ogs house at one point. I think this might be his 3rd or 4th time in Korea.
has stephano played on kr before?
how is he doing on kr ladder? just missed the stream
They buffed the queen and overlord even though Zerg was even or slightly favored in the months during and before that, which I guess is you're right Blizzard man, Blizzard.
Nice to see them finally address the Raven, although I wish they would've done the whole overbuff them to force people to use them and nerf them later a la Infestors and Warp Prisms.
Its kind of like the ghost emp radius change. It sounds like a small one but when you look at areas instead of radii its quite big.
One tumour vision is now 64 instead of 100, area of creep is now 32 instead of 50.
There's no excuse for Terrans not building Ravens, regardless of it being slow. It's so easy to destroy creep quickly before Mutas arrive
Its kind of like the ghost emp radius change. It sounds like a small one but when you look at areas instead of radii its quite big.
One tumour vision is now 64 instead of 100, area of creep is now 32 instead of 50.
So, to get the same level of creep spread as they currently do now, the zerg will have to push more tumors overall, correct? Won't this make a terran have to burn more scans to clean it all up? The raven change will help a little bit with this I guess.
ravens are so fucking good too, pdd completly wrecks protoss anti air.
So, to get the same level of creep spread as they currently do now, the zerg will have to push more tumors overall, correct? Won't this make a terran have to burn more scans to clean it all up? The raven change will help a little bit with this I guess.
Building one Raven would save what, 4-6 stupid scans a game if not more? It really makes no sense. I guess chalk it up as Terrans not wanting to build anything that isn't OP
Building one Raven would save what, 4-6 stupid scans a game if not more? It really makes no sense. I guess chalk it up as Terrans not wanting to build anything that isn't OP
When did blizzard add so that I can see my fps count and how hot the GPU is? Is it from the latest patch?
wait, you play protoss.
enjoy being more op, i guess.I'm ok with this zerg nerf because it affects toss allin's.
whoa where is this option?
Terrans always have like 4+ scans ready since their macro is horrible. Queue it up like the all TerranBuilding one Raven would save what, 4-6 stupid scans a game if not more? It really makes no sense. I guess chalk it up as Terrans not wanting to build anything that isn't OP
fps count has always been there. GPU temperature sounds new thoughWhen did blizzard add so that I can see my fps count and how hot the GPU is? Is it from the latest patch?
New UI takes a bit of getting used to but looks nice I guess.
In-game UI has been tweaked a bit. Gateways are highlighted differently now when on cooldown than before.
A tiny Raven speed boost isn't going to suddenly break the game but it might get Terrans to finally make some of them.
buff carries so they become stron and standard![]()
Excellent. This is something Ravens should've been 2 years ago.For reference raven is now faster than infestors and same speed as medivacs now.
I would say fix infestors in TvZ well before creep, but honestly most terrans are stubborn against getting ghosts for no good reason and we just saw Gumiho dominate with them. Taeja just splits MMM like a boss against them too. Terrans are figuring this shit out on their own.
Well controlled ravens have made for some pretty goddamn one-sided maxed-out fights in TvZ as well, so a buff to help terran clear creep might just be a buff to help them blow up the zerg army without the zerg being able to do shit about it.
I honestly think Blizz just needs to leave the game alone. People can and do figure this out on their own.
They did a hidden buff I read in 1.5
Plus it seems more people are starting to use carriers now. Just not in mass numbers but mixed in with Voidrays.
Well soon HOTS hits trolololol