We have no thread for GSL?
daed geam
WCS Korea = GSL
It's all part of the WCS system.
I don't think a final between Zest and soO deserves its own thread, if that's what you mean. lol
What about Europe S1 Finals: MMA vs MC? Will need mega hype thread.
Having the final in-studio makes me sad.They have people out in the lobby and hallway, they should at least get a gymnasium or something like they did for a few of the early WoL finals.
Also really wish this were Zest v Life, at least. Royal roader defending his title against potential second royal roader. And Life is just a lot more personable than Soo, and I like to root for ESF players.
You're not wrong, I just think it feels a lot less prestigious, even if the bigger venue were only half full.The quarter finals had around 100 people and most were only there for life vs maru, the pvp semis had about 50, the zvz around 40... capacity of gom is around 300 iirc, I don't really blame them for not finding something much bigger.
Welcome to the next level of protoss bullshit.
Welcome to the next level of protoss bullshit.
Just finished my raid in WoW, what happened in game 1?
Cannon rush into proxy hatch.
Holy fuck. Bump the thread when it starts.
I can't remember the last GSL finals where watching RNG of creep spread was more interesting than anything else on the map.