buck naked
This has been a side-project of mine for two years now, and I've finally gotten enough direction and resources to make it happen. I have a professional web developer, professional hosting, and plenty of know-how and a little bit of know-who.
Here's my concept:
o Daily news stories at 9am (kind of like FGN back in the day)
o News to be original journalistic style stories (I'm 6 months away from graduating from my uni degree majoring in journalism and this is an under-developed area of the industry)
o Lots of features (tabulated review scores, collections, buddy lists and game requests [important for PS2 online gaming])
My site would be written for the Australian market but I figure if my content is good enough I would attract a wider audience - particularlyfor other PAL regions, online PS2 gamers, and people looking for thoughtful news coverage.
I'm really looking for some input regarding my direction.
I'm weighing up the choice to go PlayStation only (PS2/PSP) or the more saturated Xbox, PC, or multiplatform audiences.
The PS2 has the largest user base and is really under-represented online, but the audience is very casual and building community will be hard. The Xbox is really popular in Australia (the Xbox does better here against the PS2 than any other region I know of) and so is the PC gaming scene. However both these areas are fairly well represented online.
The Nintendo community is already well represented online, but that's more of a fan audience than a consumer audience - which isn't what I want.
Handheld gaming is another under-represented audience, but like the PS2, that's a more casual audience.
I guess what I'm thinking is that many 'hardcore' gamers own more than one system and that competent multiplatform coverage would be the best way to go, but is the hardest to succeed at.
Here's my concept:
o Daily news stories at 9am (kind of like FGN back in the day)
o News to be original journalistic style stories (I'm 6 months away from graduating from my uni degree majoring in journalism and this is an under-developed area of the industry)
o Lots of features (tabulated review scores, collections, buddy lists and game requests [important for PS2 online gaming])
My site would be written for the Australian market but I figure if my content is good enough I would attract a wider audience - particularlyfor other PAL regions, online PS2 gamers, and people looking for thoughtful news coverage.
I'm really looking for some input regarding my direction.
I'm weighing up the choice to go PlayStation only (PS2/PSP) or the more saturated Xbox, PC, or multiplatform audiences.
The PS2 has the largest user base and is really under-represented online, but the audience is very casual and building community will be hard. The Xbox is really popular in Australia (the Xbox does better here against the PS2 than any other region I know of) and so is the PC gaming scene. However both these areas are fairly well represented online.
The Nintendo community is already well represented online, but that's more of a fan audience than a consumer audience - which isn't what I want.
Handheld gaming is another under-represented audience, but like the PS2, that's a more casual audience.
I guess what I'm thinking is that many 'hardcore' gamers own more than one system and that competent multiplatform coverage would be the best way to go, but is the hardest to succeed at.