Steam | 02.2016 - Orangeade

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My guess is that Oculus gave them money and they signed contract similar to one that MS had for X1 indie devs where game had to be X1 exclusive first (if i remember correctly). Yes those games will come to Vive to but people don't want it 6 months after Vive release.

Sounds about right. Orth for the money.

But at least Adam Orth said it isnt timed, so shouldnt it come to the Vive a at Vive release?

I'm not trusting that statement when also looking at the other ones. Seems that it is, but also it doesn't seem like there is a massive difference between VR and standard in the first place. Vorpx will eventually get Vive support, as soon as they can get when which will be when it releases. That will probably work out about the same
Knowing the big giveaway was NOWINNERSDAILY, you did your own giveaway to take some competitors out of the pool. Smart man.



This should be unused.

This bundle includes Gunstar Heroes, Renegade Ops & Viking: Battle for Asgard.
If you miss this giveaway by Sega, here is (hopefully) another chance:

ModBot said:
Instructions for Benedict:
Press the quote button to the left of this PM, select the quoted text, copy, and paste in the thread. You can remove these lines from the version you paste.

Instructions for participants:
I am giving away a Steam key. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below containing the game you want to enter for. Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.

ModBot Basics:
- I really appreciate thank you messages, but please send them to me (Benedict, not ModBot!) via PM instead of in thread.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.

Rules for this Giveaway:
- If you are a lurker you are not eligible for this giveaway. You need five or more posts in either the current Steam thread or the previous one to be eligible
- This giveaway is a LIGHTNING raffle. The winners will be selected by random draw 15 minutes after the draw was created. Any games not claimed after that point will be given away first come first serve.

Make War not Love 3 -- MB-F3A01ECE08787179 - Taken by Nzyme32. 1 entrants total.



Hmm, I can extract all the paletted sprite textures without a problem now, but as soon as I replace one of them I don't get any image in the game anymore. I've tried everything I can think of, might have to give up on this one for now.

Isn't it bad though? I mean, GPUs don't support that ever since... SM1 days? Might this be the cause for the performance issues people are having?

I really think the primary (only?) reason for the reported performance issues is the Steam overlay. As soon as I block it, the game runs at a locked 60 FPS. A shame for NISA really that they ran into such a compatibility problem.


I seriously debated which controller to get, and I think I would have liked the steam controller eventually, but I got an xbox one controller for $40 around black Friday and have been very happy with it. After years of using a logitech controller that always needed wrappers and never had prompts that matched, it's nice having something that is plug and play and so many games are designed for.

Probably my favorite games of this last decade. Has Edmund mentioned doing another dlc for Rebirth? I'm hoping he does a different game and then comes back with Isaac 2 a few years down the line.

Yeah, they said another dlc is coming, can't remember the time frame though.


°Temp. member
Trying to hurry up and download this free BlackOps 3 free multiplayer weekend. 2 hours left in the free weekend, 55 minutes until download completes lol.


Finished Dead Space 3 (not the DLC, don't have it). I enjoyed it much more than when I played it initially, and that was on standard difficulty I believe. Will probably add it to the rotation of games to replay every year.

I started Game Informer's Chronicles (super replay) of Deadly Premonition. I never finished the game on 360, but only had maybe a fifth left. The enemies have Heath Ledger's Joker faces.


I guess Steam has issues re-ranking your wishlist when you have over 1000 games on it. I can no longer change the rank of games on my wishlist. A sad day.


I guess Steam has issues re-ranking your wishlist when you have over 1000 games on it. I can no longer change the rank of games on my wishlist. A sad day.

Why do you even have that many on there? Just go through and start removing the ones you know you now don't want and only wish listed because it looked half interesting when you were drunkenly going through your queue during the winter sale.


Hmm could Division be biggest launch this year? Or CoD is too big to beat it? I mean there will be Battlefield this year too but what other game could be potentially huge? Even if we include unannounced games there are not too many candidates. Rockstar and Bethesda are only studios that come to my mind that can release game this year and have huge launch.


Why do you have a 1000 games on it? I think I'm pushing it at 53.

Why do you even have that many on there? Just go through and start removing the ones you know you now don't want and only wish listed because it looked half interesting when you were drunkenly going through your queue during the winter sale.

It's games I'm interested in. Each one was not picked randomly and added, I look and add based on what I like. Sort of for future consideration.

I'm at 1167 and counting.

I have almost 2000 games on my wishlist and changing ranks still works :/

God damnit, I tried on the website and through Steam client, nothing works.


Probably my favorite games of this last decade. Has Edmund mentioned doing another dlc for Rebirth? I'm hoping he does a different game and then comes back with Isaac 2 a few years down the line.

I get the impression they are treating Rebirth as their platform for ongoing development going forward. They actually have another expansion due this year that will add yet more content and mod support.

Hmm could Division be biggest launch this year? Or CoD is too big to beat it? I mean there will be Battlefield this year too but what other game could be potentially huge? Even if we include unannounced games there are not too many candidates. Rockstar and Bethesda are only studios that come to my mind that can release game this year and have huge launch.

You must be referring to console as well as PC since both Battlefield and COD are going to continually struggle moving forward.


Hmm could Division be biggest launch this year? Or CoD is too big to beat it? I mean there will be Battlefield this year too but what other game could be potentially huge? Even if we include unannounced games there are not too many candidates. Rockstar and Bethesda are only studios that come to my mind that can release game this year and have huge launch.
Nothing will beat Call of Duty this year I believe.


It's games I'm interested in. Each one was not picked randomly and added, I look and add based on what I like. Sort of for future consideration.

I'm at 1167 and counting.

I agree. Its how I keep track of whats interesting, separating the wheat from the overwhelming amount of chaff on steam in recent years.

Dr Dogg

Wanna be a grappling bud?

A grapp-ling-bud?

"Hey when we were fighting you made this strange noise like 'guhguhguha'"

"The Satsui No Hado?"

"Nice name I liked it"

Fuck off Laura. Had the potential to be an intresting addition to the cast but she comes off like an extra from a High School Musical film that went straight to DVD.

Well they said that they will fix Win Store issues over time so there is that XD

Microsoft says a lot of things :(

Hmm could Division be biggest launch this year? Or CoD is too big to beat it? I mean there will be Battlefield this year too but what other game could be potentially huge? Even if we include unannounced games there are not too many candidates. Rockstar and Bethesda are only studios that come to my mind that can release game this year and have huge launch.

Well it's been sitting in the top sellers list on Steam for a while and likewise in the sales ranks on Amazon (very scientific I know!) but I doubt it's going to do COD or FIFA numbers. Might snatch Destiny's crown for largest selling new IP though.


So which games are coming out in March besides Hitman?

My haul for tomorrow already looks like this:
- Danganronpa
- Disgaea
- Stardew Valley
- That Dragon, Cancer
- SuperHOT

The Division and that's basically it =/

Quietest March in years.

Could you delightful peeps take a screenshot of your Steam categories, I'm trying to organize my Steam library and am in need of inspiration


Narrative experiences is a much nicer term than walking simulators :p
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