Didn't see anything in his post history that looked that bad...he mentioned HL3 twice today though. Depending on the context that phrase can be deadly.
Didn't see anything in his post history that looked that bad...he mentioned HL3 twice today though. Depending on the context that phrase can be deadly.
Patch just pushed for Dark Matter
Thanks Volcynika for Beep!
Is this part of a bundle by chance?
I was curious about The Polynomial and Bob Came in Pieces.
Here's my leftovers from The Flying Bundle that I picked up yesterday.
Gone Home is very tempting, but so is The Stanley Parable.
I can only have one. Help me choose, Steam-GAF.
Here's my leftovers from The Flying Bundle that I picked up yesterday. I thought I didn't have Clones but apparently I did! So it should work, but I apologize if it doesn't...
Wow it looks like they just reused assets from the Tiny Tina DLC and Borderlands 1's Zombie Island DLC. Isn't that enemy in the 2nd screenshot the same boss from a sidequest in the BL1 DLC?
Yeah...technically, if some yahoo permablocked everyone* but themselves, giveaways using the BLACKLIST command would block everyone but said yahoo from winning. At least, that's my understanding of how that works. I don't really see anyone going that far, but I definitely imagine a few of the posters here are a bit more grudge-prone than I am. Not to criticize anyone; they're free to feel what they do and act accordingly, but I generally avoid using it for that reason.
* "Everyone" would be unfeasible, but you could pretty easily nail a lot of people using the "who posted" section.
One too many "it's half life 3 guyse hur hur hur" 'joke'?
One too many "it's half life 3 guyse hur hur hur" 'joke'?
Penumbra games are great, you should definitely play them.Could I insist on a question that went unanswered just one more time ?
"I didn't really like the scare tactic and AI of Amnesia, but loved the accessible and interesting puzzles. Should I play Penumbra ? It seems it is Amnesia without the hiding in closet simulation (which I didn't found great either, need moar closet in Amnesia)."
Have I a good idea of the trilogy here ?
Fanto just messaged me on Steam and said the reason for the ban was due to port begging in a Titanfall thread.
I noticed they were really bringing the hammer down on anyone who mentioned PS4.
Fanto just messaged me on Steam and said the reason for the ban was due to port begging in a Titanfall thread.
I noticed they were really bringing the hammer down on anyone who mentioned PS4.
Wow it looks like they just reused assets from the Tiny Tina DLC and Borderlands 1's Zombie Island DLC. Isn't that enemy in the 2nd screenshot the same boss from a sidequest in the BL1 DLC?
That's why it's 3$ lol.
wow, they are really running this well dry aren't they? Not in the season pass either, lameo.
It's $3, but it doesn't sound like it's a very big/long expansion. Seems from the description that we can expect more of these "single mission" DLC packs in the future too. sigh
This is the rub for me. I purchased BL2 + season pass on day one. If I would have known they'd be releasing this much DLC I probably wouldn't have even bothered at all.
I hate games that are perpetually "never done". I enjoy games that have a clear beginning and end, and stay that way.
Gearbox is paying SEGA back for A:CM, one recycled Borderlands DLC at a timeI hate games that are perpetually "never done". I enjoy games that have a clear beginning and end, and stay that way.
It's not exactly pushing a narrative edge or anything, everything past the season pass stuff has either been aesthetic or arena based challenges.
I hate games that are perpetually "never done". I enjoy games that have a clear beginning and end, and stay that way.
Anyone who has played Sir You are Being Hunted early access before the sale?
Thoughts? Worth the early opt in at half price?
Anyone who has played Sir You are Being Hunted early access before the sale?
Thoughts? Worth the early opt in at half price?
Fanto just messaged me on Steam and said the reason for the ban was due to port begging in a Titanfall thread.
I noticed they were really bringing the hammer down on anyone who mentioned PS4.
week ban
Anyone who has played Sir You are Being Hunted early access before the sale?
Thoughts? Worth the early opt in at half price?
Anyone who has played Sir You are Being Hunted early access before the sale?
Thoughts? Worth the early opt in at half price?
Yet another reason to wait for GOTY editions that include all the DLC, so you can go through it as part of a regular playthrough. Rather than "complete the base game first, then play this DLC, then that DLC", where it really just feels like stuff tacked on after the fact.
So is he gone forever? That would be a pretty severe punishment for that kind of offense.
The new Sir, You Are Being Hunted biome + halloween update is a lot of fun so far.
The industrial biome finally brings the game full-circle. Comparisons between SYABH and S.T.A.L.K.E.R. have come to life in the usual tongue-in-cheek manner. It's bleaker than the other biomes, at night the air has a chilling green tint characteristic of the smog generated by the still-operating machinery. Piles of junk, abandoned cranes and other various urban production vessels dot the English countryside. Naturally, the Biome operates very much in the same way as others - find the parts of the shattered stone - but some new evils lurk that present additional challenge...
Do be careful, sir.
Yet another reason to wait for GOTY editions that include all the DLC, so you can go through it as part of a regular playthrough. Rather than "complete the base game first, then play this DLC, then that DLC", where it really just feels like stuff tacked on after the fact.
CheesecakeRecipe posted some screenshots and impressions for the new update yesterday.
Wtf comparisons to STALKER!? IM BUYING IT!
Games added to the Humble PC & Android 7 bundle:
- Broken Sword Director's Cut
It did work, thanks.Here's my leftovers from The Flying Bundle that I picked up yesterday. I thought I didn't have Clones but apparently I did! So it should work, but I apologize if it doesn't...
The Gone Home website has pricematched the sale, cheaper for non-US people now.