After playing the game with a couple hours under my belt now, I'd like to give my impressions of
Sir, You Are Being Hunted.
Prior to playing the game the only knowledge I had of it involves a comparison to the game series S.T.A.L.K.E.R. (a Game series which I absolutely love). With this comparison in mind, I eagerly bought the game, and jumped right in thanks to the midweek madness sale. What followed was a tense, thrilling game of sneaking past my robotic predators, the eating of canned pies, frantic dodging of my metallic menaces' potshots, and looting the remains of my robotic foes as they began shooting one another after an instance of friendly-fire. The game carries a tense, somewhat oppressive atmosphere that perfectly conveys that you, sir or madam, are indeed being hunted. The gameplay itself is also extremely gratifying, and feels like a mix between Minecraft's exploration of a procedurally generated world and the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series' atmospheric feel, scrounging for supplies, and tense gunfights. Sneaking past your pursuers, setting a trap for them, or just straight shooting them down are all exhilarating experiences. The aesthetic style for the game fits extremely well.
However, there are a few hiccups here or there in the game. Doors to housing areas merely serve as item spawns; you cannot currently enter buildings.Animations for your actions are also a bit lacking, They're very Timesplitter-esque, with your gun just seemingly floating in thin air. I also ran into an odd bug which didn't give me an item's name and qualities when moused over them, but a quick save and restart fixed that. The save system is also somewhat like Dead Rising, which may initially put of a few players despite myself having no qualms about it. You can only save at the stonehenge-esque monilith you spawn by at the start, near a boat, or while traveling to another island. This feels a bit constrictive.
With all things considered however, the game feels
extremely polished. The game is very enjoyable as-is, and is still only in the alpha phase of production. The devs are attempting at least monthly updates for the game before reaching completion of the full game, and plan to use player feed back to influence the game.
Sir, You Are Being Hunted is a fantastic game, and I look forward to the updates Big Robot Ltd. have in store for the game.
- Tense, Exhilirating Gameplay
- Great Stealth System
- Exceptional Sound Design
- Very Engaging Atmosphere
- Iffy Animations
- Buildings currently unable to be entered
- A bit glitchy
- Kind of odd save system