Don't worry, Let us know your impressions...=)...
Good on ya!
Don't worry, Let us know your impressions...=)...
I did not know Path of Exile was adding in Achievements and Trading Cards! Last I checked the page wasn't showing either, awesome.
Don't worry, Let us know your impressions...=)...
I did not know Path of Exile was adding in Achievements and Trading Cards! Last I checked the page wasn't showing either, awesome.
I did not know Path of Exile was adding in Achievements and Trading Cards! Last I checked the page wasn't showing either, awesome.
I did not know Path of Exile was adding in Achievements and Trading Cards! Last I checked the page wasn't showing either, awesome.
I know you have to pay for stuff to get TF2 trading cards but is that the case with all F2P games?
I know you have to pay for stuff to get TF2 trading cards but is that the case with all F2P games?
I did not know Path of Exile was adding in Achievements and Trading Cards! Last I checked the page wasn't showing either, awesome.
EDIT: Achivements aren't showing up when I look for them through the registry, or try to find them via Steam's community IE
Oh man, now I have to jump back in.
I just noticed the release time changed for Arkham Origins, looks like we get it 6 hours early tomorrow instead of waiting till midnight.
Thanks for Death to Spies!
I did not know Path of Exile was adding in Achievements and Trading Cards! Last I checked the page wasn't showing either, awesome.
EDIT: Achivements aren't showing up when I look for them through the registry, or try to find them via Steam's community IE
I did not know Path of Exile was adding in Achievements and Trading Cards! Last I checked the page wasn't showing either, awesome.
Cards for F2P games are only if you pay lots of money first, don't forget =p
Don't Starve is the daily
I did not know Path of Exile was adding in Achievements and Trading Cards! Last I checked the page wasn't showing either, awesome.
EDIT: Achievements aren't showing up when I look for them through the registry, or try to find them via Steam's community IE
We find out about getting into the hardware beta soon? I NEED it. I must have it.
Try those GFWL retail codes, AC/AA GFWL redemption package just updated.
Try those GFWL retail codes, AC/AA GFWL redemption package just updated.
Warner you cunt.
What's the point.![]()
Because it might not add Vanilla now? Oh no![]()
Did your game count go down? Steam should really know better than to let publishers do that. It directly pisses off the people who spend the most on their service.
It's a week-long deal.
The key still doesn't work, anyway.
So, who's buying Batman Oranges? I'm tempted myself, but it's a bit pricey and I'm actually replaying Arkham Asylum now, with prospects of replaying City in the future (not to mention the other few hundreds of games I just happen to have).
A bad/bat joke to keep this relevant (this phrase is by itself a bad joke):
What are Arkham Oranges?.They are bat snacks.
So... Pitchforks?
Will smash and bang this later.
Finally, my most anticipated game of 2013 has a storepage.
Finally, my most anticipated game of 2013 has a storepage.
Oh damn this game looks great! More city builders on steam is always a good thing.
I totally don't get that joke but I did a trade with a nice GAFer who had a key from buying an Nvidia card. And there are more out there, so you can buy them for a good price.
Cheers! I gots me some more shooty shooty.
Got my duplicate key query with GMG sorted, so enjoy some Kain:
Volgarr the Viking inspired avatar?
Yay, Syder Arcade will be releasing tomorrow - this was in the first Greenlight Bundle, so expect to see an email with the Steam code sometime soon.