Screw the sale.
Buying Clementine 2: The Walking Dead.
Buying Clementine 2: The Walking Dead.
i can add you on my family share account if you want to play. show you the ropes a bit. dodging, kiting if things go to poop, good camping spots, etc.
the main thing holding lvl 0s back is the cost of the weapons. perk bonuses are a big deal but i'd say the lack of dosh is a bigger one at lvl 0. it's easy to level up though.
steam down?
Shotgun-ner. I started playing at beginner, then thought "hey, you know, I should like not suck so bad", upped the difficulty, then began to cry for a few hours.
steam down?
Just the community.
Just the community.
I guess I'm the only one who didn't like this "game". It's an exploration experience.
I'm not going to be able to participate, I haven't even played Metro, Gone Home, Gunslinger, or Brothers yet.
If I do it I'll probably only have 1 game since most of my real list are console exclusive games or 3DS games.
sooo like Dear Esther
having save woes with season 2 of TWD
having save woes with season 2 of TWD
can you be more fucking predictable telltale
fuck this shit
I got disconnected and everything.
me too...
yea my grandma's kind of nuts doeBest listen to your grandma, observer effect is no joke when it comes to quantum physics baking.
ya it's kind of embarrassing for some reason, but I guess that's kind of the funhehe that's so cool
nothing to be ashamed of you're just embracing the new age of videogames
Do you have the first Season installed by any chance? Any save game in there?
I have everything
I did the props.pref trick that helped last time I had fucking SAVE ISSUES THAT NEGLECT THE ENTIRE POINT OF THE GAME and I have either a season 1 completed save, or a "Season 1 till episode 4 + 400 days" save. Even tho I finished everything.
I wanted to play the first ep of Season 2 tonight. I pre-ordered the thing, downloaded it, and made time to play tonight, cause its gonna be hard in the upcoming days cause I have work.
for fuck's sake I just want to sit and play your game. And people are complaining about having to play the whole thing again cause its not recognizing anything at all. It's the ONE issue you absolutely cannot have in this kind of thing and they keep sucking at it. It's like a joke.
I love the walking dead and I love telltale since before that and I hate to bash it but man they make it so hard to feel any other way sometimes. It's like literally the worst issue you could have with this sort of thing. It's madenning.
Instructions for participants:
I am giving away 4 Steam keys. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line below that corresponds to the key you want (if you include more than one game, you will be blocked from entering).
Rules for this Giveaway:
- If you are a lurker you are not eligible for this giveaway. You need five or more posts in either the current Steam thread or the previous one to be eligible
- If you won a game from ModBot in the last day, you are not eligible for this giveaway.
- This giveaway has a manual blocklist. The giver has identified members who abuse giveaways and restricted them from participating.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two:
Little Inferno --MB-CBE8BE004679C0FB- Taken by Cody_D165
Zeno Clash --MB-8FE5D4DCDF2A5302- Taken by Darth Kupi
Gemini Rue --MB-749F45E8BE4CEDA7- Taken by Fox318
Killing Floor --MB-7D1380FAD5C0B2CE- Taken by RS4-
So either stick to beginner, or find yourself some competent hookers to play along, but still at beginner.
Yo SteamGAF
This is basically my home
And even though 23 year olds all fucking suck
I am the one that sucks the least.
Just thought you'd like to know.
Hugs and kisses to you all
Except for the Sorcy Ronald Regan chick avatar wearing bananas. Except JaseC, the OG.
I don't do giveaways because that's fucking cheesy
it's my birthday
This is the first time I've gifted codes with the new Humble Bundle "gift links" so I hope this works! PM me if something goes wrong!
Valve just released a new "Game Notifications" API that lets developers notify players through Steam when it's their turn to play. Designed for "hotseat" multiplayer games like Chess or Civ 5, etc.
I really hope developers don't start abusing this.
(also don't listen to derExperte about the Support class, the shotguns at level 6 are god tier, the double barrel alone is amongst one of gaming's greatest shotguns of all time)![]()
This is mesmerizing.
TellTale are stingy motherfuckers
So yeah, just find that balance between difficulty and class level and you'll be grand. (also don't listen to derExperte about the Support class, the shotguns at level 6 are god tier, the double barrel alone is amongst one of gaming's greatest shotguns of all time)![]()
I dunno why people worry so much about twd 2 not taking twd 1 savefile
not like telltale actually cares for any of your decisions or anything![]()
This is the first time I've gifted codes with the new Humble Bundle "gift links" so I hope this works! PM me if something goes wrong!
Thank you anonymous for Deponia.Thanks to an anonymous benefactor, I am giving away 36 Steam keys.
When I'm around shotguns are useless as everything has been burned to a crisp before getting close enough. :O Nah, they're okay, I just think there are better classes for the first few hours.
Tried out Papers, Please for the first time.
Is this another stupidly hard rogue-like where you have to play it like 50x before you can even somewhat consider yourself a little bit successful? I spent an hour playing, just watching my whole family suffer and starve because I couldn't make more than $10 a day. It was interesting, but not fun. You are repeatedly given way too much to do and way too little time.
I'm thinking that I just need to stop trying these rogue-like games.
maybe it's a metephor
because decisions in TWD didn't matter
dunno about final build but the beta was pretty doable without being a proTried out Papers, Please for the first time.
Is this another stupidly hard rogue-like where you have to play it like 50x before you can even somewhat consider yourself a little bit successful? I spent an hour playing, just watching my whole family suffer and starve because I couldn't make more than $10 a day. It was interesting, but not fun. You are repeatedly given way too much to do and way too little time.
I'm thinking that I just need to stop trying these rogue-like games.