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Couldn't they use this to bypass S. Korea's ratings push?Max said:In what situation would the Steam Wallet be useful? Serious question
Couldn't they use this to bypass S. Korea's ratings push?Max said:In what situation would the Steam Wallet be useful? Serious question
SapientWolf said:Couldn't they use this to bypass S. Korea's ratings push?
A lot of the more popular games have this. It's called Steam Cloud.MidgarBlowedUp said:I'd like to see it do more though, like backup your saves games to your steam account so if you have to reinstall or something you don't ever need to worry with your save games.
If you load up a game once while you're online, it should work fine in Steam offline mode.MidgarBlowedUp said:I have a Steam account now. I still don't completely get the service though. Unless you have a permanent internet connection you can't always play some of the games, which is just completely dumb. Also, my internet just isn't fast enough to download games from there (512k). I end up coming out cheaper, and getting the game faster, if I buy a used or new hard copy of the game from Amazon Prime, plus that gives me a real hard-copy for backup. I do like the Steam software and how it allows for an easy way to keep my games organized and updated though. It's nice that you get your own profile and stuff, sort of like the same thing the consoles are doing now.
I'd like to see it do more though, like backup your saves games to your steam account so if you have to reinstall or something you don't ever need to worry with your save games. There are also some strange quirks with it that bother me. For instance I purchased The Witcher then downloaded the updates and planned on getting the final update from Steam but, it wouldn't let me do it. It just says Install Game and then takes me to the store. Seems like most newer games don't do this though, as it was fine and dandy with Velvet Assasin.
Max said:In what situation would the Steam Wallet be useful? Serious question
MidgarBlowedUp said:I have a Steam account now. I still don't completely get the service though. Unless you have a permanent internet connection you can't always play some of the games, which is just completely dumb.
I'd like to see it do more though, like backup your saves games to your steam account so if you have to reinstall or something you don't ever need to worry with your save games.
There are also some strange quirks with it that bother me. For instance I purchased The Witcher then downloaded the updates and planned on getting the final update from Steam but, it wouldn't let me do it. It just says Install Game and then takes me to the store. Seems like most newer games don't do this though, as it was fine and dandy with Velvet Assasin.
crimsonheadGCN said:Regarding Steam Wallet: Valve could use this to make it easier for microtransactions and DLC purchases. This could really open Steam up to the Free to Play market.
It could also be used for other things like trade-ins, refunds and rewards that give you in-store credit for future purchases.
Archie said:$9.99 is an incredible price.
They were saying on RPS that Armored Princess comes with Crossworlds. I don't know if that's confirmed or not, but if true you're getting all three for $10.BobsRevenge said:edit2: Well, you still need Armored Princess regardless. Interesting.
nexen said:If steam allowed trade-ins and/or sales to other customers I would be giddy with delight.
Archie said:One major issue they will have is ensuring that people don't come out ahead when potentially trading in games. As an example, I bought the Ghostbusters game for $4 during the summer sale and hated it. Would Valve let me trade it in for a fraction of the MSRP ($19.99), or for what I paid for it?
Of course the trade in prices could be so minuscule that it becomes a moot point, but I'd still love to thin out that long ass list of games.![]()
Wow, I didn't even know about this game. I like SRPGs and that is a great price.crimsonheadGCN said:$24.99 = King's Bounty: The Legend, King's Bounty: Armored Princess, and King's Bounty Crossworlds.
Archie said:My wording was bad. When I said 'or what I paid for it' I meant a fraction of the $4. I certainly wouldn't expect to get all my money back. Regardless it is pie in the sky stuff right now, but I guess it could be feasible one day. I know there is some DD service that was touting digital trade ins (Green Man Gaming or something like that) but I haven't heard anything from them in awhile.
Wow, that must be my problem! I never think before I purchase my games, I just close my eyes and click randomly.Stallion Free said:I don't see Steam ever doing trade-ins. I don't mind it not being that way either as I have never traded in a console game either. I think before I purchase though and the only games I have regretted buying have been dirt cheap (5$ or less) so I can't even be bothered by it.
I don't think they will either, but it is nice to want things. I think they could do user-to-user sales though (and even take a cut of the sale price).Darkshier said:I don't see trading in games to Steam as something that Valve would do. Seems like it would be a hassle to handle that on the back end. Really, just be patient and buy games when Steam does their glorious sales. I have been wanting Men of War: Red Tide for a long time now, but I know it will be on sale soon enough and I can wait.
this!Stallion Free said:I don't see Steam ever doing trade-ins. I don't mind it not being that way either as I have never traded in a console game either. I think before I purchase though and the only games I have regretted buying have been dirt cheap (5$ or less) so I can't even be bothered by it.
Like you figured already this won't work well for the publishers. Games like Mafia II would be bought once and then handled through from friend to friend with only Valve seeing a small cut of this resale.nexen said:I think they could do user-to-user sales though (and even take a cut of the sale price).
(Almost) Free money for them, allows customers to have more ownership over their games. win-win, I think.
edit: course it could drive down the prices of the first sales so it isn't so simple as that. Ah well.
Well how else did you end up with games you didn't want? I bet that 98% of PC gamers reason for wanting to return a game is not enough research/giving it the proper amount of thought, especially with Steam sales.nexen said:Wow, that must be my problem! I never think before I purchase my games, I just close my eyes and click randomly.
I should try your method.
nexen said:I don't think they will either, but it is nice to want things. I think they could do user-to-user sales though (and even take a cut of the sale price).
(Almost) Free money for them, allows customers to have more ownership over their games. win-win, I think.
I would like to be able to sell/trade-in my games when I am done with them.Stallion Free said:Well how else did you end up with games you didn't want? I bet that 98% of PC gamers reason for wanting to return a game is not enough research/giving it the proper amount of thought, especially with Steam sales.
It sounds like a good idea to me too but I think it might have the net effect of driving down the price they can ask for first sales over time. The very nebulous distinction between new/used is already a problem for disc-based digital media. There is no distinction at all for rights transfers. If Steam/Pubs take a cut of the subsequant sales and exploit customer lock-in with the wallet the balance point might just be somewhere close enough to make it realistic, I'm not really sure.charlequin said:Yup. In fact, Valve has the ability to solve the "used game" dilemma in a way that everyone's happy with: let users transfer games from one account to another via a marketplace where payment works via the Steam Wallet (they can even deliver your payment to your wallet thereby ensuring you spend it on future Steam games -- sneaky!) and take a cut off each transaction that they kick part of back to the developers.
There are probably a ton of logistical and legal issues here that I'm not thinking of, but superficially it sounds like a good idea to me. :lol
I never trade in my games because I'm always worried I'll want to play them again later. I still own Lair.Joe Molotov said:I've traded/sold so many console games and then regretted it later, that I'm actually kinda glad that Steam doesn't let you trade away your games. :lol
crimsonheadGCN said:King's Bounty: Crossworlds has been added to the "Coming Soon" list and it has a release date of September 17, 2010 and a price of $9.99.
It's probably, like, 60 hours of gameplay too. At least.Dice said:Wow, I didn't even know about this game. I like SRPGs and that is a great price.
BobsRevenge said:I never trade in my games because I'm always worried I'll want to play them again later. I still own Lair.
crimsonheadGCN said:Just a note about King's Bounty: Crossworlds: If you buy it now through then you can supposedly download and play it. Seems like there was a mix up and they enabled it by accident.
No, but its still a ton of fun.GhostRidah said:Is kings bounty like final fantasy tactics or Disgaea? I need a TRPG for pc bad
It looks like there's an Armored Princess demo on Steam, and I'm assuming the gameplay is pretty much the same if you want to try it.GhostRidah said:Is kings bounty like final fantasy tactics or Disgaea? I need a TRPG for pc bad
crimsonheadGCN said:Just a note about King's Bounty: Crossworlds: If you buy it now through then you can supposedly download and play it. Seems like there was a mix up and they enabled it by accident.