Stallion Free said:Well everyone talks shit on you for some reason. Fact of life.
Stallion Free said:Well everyone talks shit on you for some reason. Fact of life.
I'm pretty sure I would be the only one who would talk shit about you, but I don't remember doing this. U:vertopci said:I didn't encounter it until someone told me a bunch of people whom I have never ever played with were talking shit on me for some reason :lol
Twig said:I'm pretty sure I would be the only one who would talk shit about you, but I don't remember doing this. U:
I mentioned your name once! Maybe it's because I said it they assumed I was talking shit. ):
Boonoo said:It's kind of sad, especially since the similar L4D threads get to be in the gaming section D:
Why are yours?vertopci said:Why are your smilies always reversed?
Twig said:Why are yours?
I don't know it's just a weird habit I got into at some point and now it feels awkward to do it the "right" way!
I don't get it. D:Nabs said:have you met emo-vert?
MrNyarlathotep said:Halo threads don't have much to say for themselves after the first week outside of people talking about the online play. At least CoD / Pokemon threads (which usually comprise 99% of online discussions after awhile) do popup with new DLC info.
Yeah, most of the people who post in those threads have never posted in the Online thread.Boonoo said:The trouble with the TF2 thread being in the online section is that it cuts a lot of people out of what could be fun discussion because they just don't know about the thread. I'm always surprised when a patch comes out and a giant thread emerges because I had no idea so many people played.
vertopci said:Why are your smilies always reversed?
It's definitely not a new thing for me. I've been doing it for at least ten years, I'm sure.g35twinturbo said:I said the same thing to an increasing amount of people. It seems to be the new thing.
I guess people forgot you read from left to right top to down.![]()
This sounds like an experience worth having.Stallion Free said:Emo-vert is a special experience. We should do a crazy team stack against him to see if we can bring it out again.
vertopci said:I didn't encounter it until someone told me a bunch of people whom I have never ever played with were talking shit on me for some reason :lol
Stallion Free said:I think Blizzard might have mentioned Vert once and then a couple people dropped anecdotes of how they heard he was a dick or something.
LovingSteam said:NBA2k11 was added to the registry.
kamspy said:So Steam is pretty awesome eh?
LovingSteam said:NBA2k11 was added to the registry.
Stallion Free said:Boonoo, we should ask if we can have a TF2 discussion thread and keep the online meet-up thread for, you guessed it, online meet-ups/server discussion.
bishoptl said:
I just responded since my name was mentioned. I've tried to move on, sorry if I misunderstood your intention.Stallion Free said:I was just explaining Blizz, jesus. I don't even think it had anything to do with what you just said.
But they have black outlines. So everything is fine.LovingSteam said:Thatsracist.gif!! See how the white letters are IN FRONT of the black man?!?
Yay!bishoptl said:
crimsonheadGCN said:Lost Planet 2 is currently available for preorder and the normal price is $39.99. There is a preorder bonus of a 10% discount, which brings the price down to $34.99.
zombieshavebrains said:Better be an awesome TF2 thread...all i'm saying.
It needs an awesome name...mention hippies or something.
It needs awesome gifs of scouts mom.
Fucking A, I'm getting my buddies to get it seeing as how one of them didn't even have to buy the game (got it from a friend as a gift) and the other just picked it up for 30$.confused said:MW2 DLC is 50% off.
Stallion Free said:Fucking A, I'm getting my buddies to get it seeing as how one of them didn't even have to buy the game (got it from a friend as a gift) and the other just picked it up for 30$.
confused said:MW2 DLC is 50% off.
No one likes you, be quiet and go back your corner.vertopci said:Gonna have to start accidentally knifing you more often if it gets me map packs!
confused said:MW2 DLC is 50% off.
kamspy said:So Steam is pretty awesome eh?
crimsonheadGCN said:Lost Planet 2 is currently available for preorder and the normal price is $39.99. There is a preorder bonus of a 10% discount, which brings the price down to $34.99.
confused said:MW2 DLC is 50% off.
ANy update on when it drops?LovingSteam said:NBA2k11 was added to the registry.
Chiaroscuro said:"This item is currently unavailable in your region" What the hell, Capcom????