8400 GS would be the GPU yes. Unfortunately, that's about on par with on-board Intel graphics offerings. You're probably looking at less than console level performancexKilltheMx said:Nvidia 8400 GS is the video card, is that dedicated GPU?
Is that even the GPU? lol
Some fourms have said that Securom was taken out of the GOTY Steam version.
Extras did not come for free. I believe the GOTY includes a few extra challenge maps (either 2 or 4). They were also available for seperate purchase if you have the MS space bucks. That's about all really.Struct09 said:If I already have Batman on Steam, do I essentially already have the GOTY edition? I've looked to see what the differences are, and am not sure if all those extras were free DLC or not.
If you've got the rig for it, high resolution + Antialiasing and a constant 60fps with optional PhysX make it look pretty damn nice.Dr. Zoidberg said:I'm seriously tempted to double-dip on Batman even though I already finished it on 360. I really enjoyed the game. Doubling up on the achievements might be the excuse I need to do it.
Archie said:$60 blah. I'll probably still get it, though.
MoFuzz said:Extras did not come for free. I believe the GOTY includes a few extra challenge maps (either 2 or 4). They were also available for seperate purchase if you have the MS space bucks. That's about all really.
Hm, oh yeah, I saw that out of the corner of my eye as well. You think they'd be giving it more exposure...crimsonheadGCN said:I think Call of Duty: Black Ops is up for preorder. The advertisement was so small that I almost missed it:
crimsonheadGCN said:I think Call of Duty: Black Ops is up for preorder. The advertisement was so small that I almost missed it:
DMPrince said:Gonna wait for a price drop on Black ops... I like that it has steam integration but $60? lol
and why is MW2 still $60? WTF.
This sounds like the D2D way of doing things (download zip, uncompress, install from uncompressed, delete original download and decompressed directory) although I can't understand why 8GB of compressed files becomes 8GB of uncompressed becomes 8GB of installed files. Shouldn't apply to steam though, unless they are doing something different specifically for black-ops.Zefah said:"*Call of Duty®: Black Ops requires an initial hard drive space of approximately 24GB to download and install the game via digital download (8GB of compressed files, 8GB of decompressed files and 8GB of installed files). Upon installing the game, 16GB (compressed and decompressed files) may be deleted from the hard drive. Please make note of where the compressed and decompressed files are being saved on your hard drive in order to later locate these temporary files for removal."
£39.99 in the UK lol, amazing when most pc games here can be found new for £25 or under launch day (outside of starcraft2)Darklord said:$89.99 USD
looks super generic and super cheesy, but $2 what the hellJoe Molotov said:Numen: Contest of Heroes is 2 bones. Game looked kinda cool, so I guess I'm gonna grab that.
I am more interested in this than Black Ops, and I am not very interested in this. But $2...Joe Molotov said:Numen: Contest of Heroes is 2 bones. Game looked kinda cool, so I guess I'm gonna grab that.
Damn straight. THE posterchild example of how to do a PC port and also one of the finest uses of Unreal Engine 3 to date. Can't wait for Arkham City.DennisK4 said:Batman AA is an insanely good-looking game.
And the performance is pretty fantastic. Even at 2560x1600 with 4x MSAA I am getting great framerates on a ATI 4870x2.
I want Rocksteady to make more PC games.
Maybe I'm just remembering wrong but easy mode is not bad at all.Minsc said:Disciples 2 will give you nightmares about Spiders. Those things are ridiculously hard at times when they come after you early on.
The difficulty can be brutal at times. It helps to run through the campaigns in order a little I think, because the Empire one gives you healers, which you need to abuse. Keep an enemy alive if it does less damage than your healers can heal, and heal to full before finishing every fight. Mage heroes are the best once you get their level higher, the 2x spells and mass attack ability combined with an instant death item is incredible.
Great, great game, but can be a bit rough to get in to the genre. If you enjoy Disciples 2, you'll probably enjoy Heroes of Might and Magic 2, 3, and 5. And probably Disciples 3, I haven't played that much yet, hoping I notice if it ever goes on sale so I can buy it.
Stumpokapow said:If that was a dumb question, realize that I live on an island and that island has no trains. I am very new at this!
Rollo Larson said:do i need the GFWL client installed and running for arkham asylum?
xKilltheMx said:Nvidia 8400 GS is the video card, is that dedicated GPU?
Is that even the GPU? lol
Yep, no way to get around it. You can create an offline profile if you don't have an existing hotmail/live account, but regardless you have to sign in every damn time you want to play.Rollo Larson said:do i need the GFWL client installed and running for arkham asylum?
800x600 and low settings might get 20-30FPS. Its not gonna be pretty though.LocoMrPollock said:You won't be able to run it on that.
I am definitely gonna pick it up at that price.The_Super_Inframan said:DogFighter will be £1.05 - $1.50 - 1.50 on monday only!
Sweet! Will buy.The_Super_Inframan said:DogFighter will be £1.05 - $1.50 - 1.50 on monday only!
I bought it without trying the demo, but you're welcome to try the demo that I think is on Steam.Big-E said:So Numen is on sale for 2 bucks, is it worth it? I really don't need another game right now but 2 bucks...
crimsonheadGCN said:I think Call of Duty: Black Ops is up for preorder. The advertisement was so small that I almost missed it:
Devil May Cry 4.MoFuzz said:THE posterchild example of how to do a PC port
Also an admittedly excellent port, as with all of Capcom's recent offerings to be honest. Just Cause 2 is also worthy of mention.K.Jack said:Devil May Cry 4.
Technically, the console versions were the ports.K.Jack said:Devil May Cry 4.
Diablohead said:Even game.co.uk of all places is selling the pc version for £30 and being a steam works title just use the key on steam.
Joe Molotov said:Lego Universe is now available...somewhere.
Apparently not in the United States. There's a news item for it saying that it's been released, and it shows up in the "Coming Soon" section, but when you click on it, it says "Not Available in Your Region".
I care. What games is the cheapo Diablo Clone?Toma said:Puzzle Bots is also supposed to be good. Anyone checked it out?
Oh and any opinions about that 2 Diablo Clone from people who played it?
Edit: Bought both and could give impressions tomorrow if anyone cares.
Fewr said:I care. What games is the cheapo Diablo Clone?
I haven't tried it yet (I bought it without trying the demo), but Baha hated the controls, so beware -- try the demo lest you regret your $2 I guess? :lol I'll report back if I get around to installing it.Volcynika said:Numen: Contest of Heroes or something.
Blizzard said:I haven't tried it yet (I bought it without trying the demo), but Baha hated the controls, so beware -- try the demo lest you regret your $2 I guess? :lol I'll report back if I get around to installing it.