MNC said:
So guys, what next steam feature other than comfy couch mode would we like to see?
Personally some kind of video recording feature or just more steam cloud features would be welcome.
My usual pet peeves:
In the library:
- let me use/define custom artwork for non-Steam games, for the grid and list views. Not just old Sucky McSuck windows icons
- let me add more info about non-Steam games, such as publishers, etc
- in the list view, let me have more display options (i.e. new columns): SP/MP/achievements, etc. Considering these are infos Steam tracks, they're already available, just not displayed.
- let me define a sorting order (through custom sorting names a la itunes for example). If only to have quake 4 after the other 3.
In the overlay:
- let me define for each game new shortcuts to sites pertaining to the game I'm playing. Typically, I'd like to be able to open a wiki for the game I'm playing in just one click from the overlay.
- in the same fashion, let me define a link to a PDF file, directly from the main overlay view. Typically, if a game comes with a digital guide or art book, it would be nice to open it in the overlay with only one click
- mostly covered by the first point but let me handle bookmarks in the browser. No opinion whether these should be shared across all games or managed on a per-game basis. Probably both, let me handle bookmark categories
These are absolutely superfluous, first world problems but that's mostly what I feel I'm missing in my Steam experience right now.
edit: Thanks Snuggler!
Someday, I'll have a nice KOTOR 2 grid icon.

(added the sorting option)