Alright, weekend and I feel good, first quote gets Serious Sam 3: BFE for free. AAAAAAAHHHH!!
edit: actually, give it to the next guy.
winners don't need free things
Alright, weekend and I feel good, first quote gets Serious Sam 3: BFE for free. AAAAAAAHHHH!!
Alright, weekend and I feel good, first quote gets Serious Sam 3: BFE for free. AAAAAAAHHHH!!
too late XD
Now I am confused.
Borderlands is only worth it Co Op. When in co op its really fun. Just make sure you both start fresh and new.
It's a mediocre loot game because it focuses on having thousands of variations of the same weapons, all of which feel equally awful to shoot because it's a mediocre shooting game too. The environments are bland and repetitive, the enemies are bland and repetitive, the skill-trees are all but worthless and the same goes for the classes. There is no story whatsoever, the little robot makes me want to punch babies, the UI on PC is horrible.
If co-op weren't broken at launch I might not hate it so much, but after 8 hours of the singleplayer game I wanted to find Randy Pitchford and spank him with wet lettuce.
Dam now i'm not sure,there is no demo either =(
Dam now i'm not sure,there is no demo either =(
Alright, weekend and I feel good, first quote gets Serious Sam 3: BFE for free. AAAAAAAHHHH!!
G-d, I hate these postsSo subjective.
Have you tried ?
Alright, weekend and I feel good, first quote gets Serious Sam 3: BFE for free. AAAAAAAHHHH!!
It's a mediocre loot game because it focuses on having thousands of variations of the same weapons, all of which feel equally awful to shoot because it's a mediocre shooting game too.
Woo, they finally removed the "PC" from Batman: Arkham City. The is still there, though.
Borderlands is great, Sirens rule...
I've looked back a bit, but any impressions on borderlands? Worth a go at 5 quid? I'm trying to remember what the gaf consensus was of it at the time, but draw a blank.
It's a mediocre loot game because it focuses on having thousands of variations of the same weapons, all of which feel equally awful to shoot because it's a mediocre shooting game too. The environments are bland and repetitive, the enemies are bland and repetitive, the skill-trees are all but worthless and the same goes for the classes. There is no story whatsoever, the little robot makes me want to punch babies, the UI on PC is horrible.
If co-op weren't broken at launch I might not hate it so much, but after 8 hours of the singleplayer game I wanted to find Randy Pitchford and spank him with wet lettuce.
Its 5$. No reason to feel remorse, since its exactly why we use and love steam.
Dam now i'm not sure,there is no demo either =(
It's funny, I disliked Borderlands but I didn't realise that it was so polarising. For a game I found very bland, it certainly brings out some passionate feelings.
I don't know why strong feelings about the game would surprise you considering the hate-on you have for it. I haven't yet seen you miss an opportunity to express your feelings of hatred for the game in the Steam thread.
Any kind of multiplayer that uses Gamespy is broken. Even if it works.
Saint's Row 3 has amazing co-op and uses Steamworks. Connecting to friends works flawlessly.
Yeah, I dig the visual style of the game and I love the ridiculous nature of the missions.Aside from co-op, are you liking the game? Definitely one of my favourites of the last few years.
Yeah, I dig the visual style of the game and I love the ridiculous nature of the missions.
My friend and I are both playing females (we didn't plan this) and one of the side missions had me servicing a guy in the back of my friends car. I felt appropriately degraded.
Yeah, I dig the visual style of the game and I love the ridiculous nature of the missions.
My friend and I are both playing females (we didn't plan this) and one of the side missions had me servicing a guy in the back of my friends car. I felt appropriately degraded.
Alright, weekend and I feel good, first quote gets Serious Sam 3: BFE for free. AAAAAAAHHHH!!
The visuals are so great. I wasn't expecting to like them so much but there are places in Steelport (like the Times Square type area just north of Saints HQ) which I really enjoy driving/flying/running around in. And no matter how sure you are after you finish a mission that they won't be able to top it, the game will work extra-hard to prove you wrong.
lol GOTY for sure.
Well great moving this up in the wishlist so when I get chosen by valve to gtet the 10 free games for their Daily Wishlist Giveaway I will be sure to get it!
No regrets. Try to win while Snuggles is still playing so you can hang out with The Pigman.
Any kind of multiplayer that uses Gamespy is broken. Even if it works.
Has there been any word on what Borderlands 2 is using?
It's a mediocre loot game because it focuses on having thousands of variations of the same weapons, all of which feel equally awful to shoot because it's a mediocre shooting game too. The environments are bland and repetitive, the enemies are bland and repetitive, the skill-trees are all but worthless and the same goes for the classes. There is no story whatsoever, the little robot makes me want to punch babies, the UI on PC is horrible.
If co-op weren't broken at launch I might not hate it so much, but after 8 hours of the singleplayer game I wanted to find Randy Pitchford and spank him with wet lettuce.
2K's gone full-Steamworks, so there's hope for Borderlands 2. It's shocking how much better Steam matchmaking/networking is than anything else, at least on PC.