Is there no weekend deal? Or are they counting Killing Floor as the weekend deal?
I would like one if anyone is willing and have a spare one.I'd like one of those GG Limbo keys for grabs
Thanks RoaringHawk!
Well Killing Floor is a deal, that lasts through the weekend.
In a way, its now a mixture of my own experience and annoyance. My own experience with Steam has told me that there's absolutely no way I ever plan on buying a Steam game again. For example, I've had to spend extreme amounts of time getting it to work. After that, I have to deal with advertisements on a game I paid for. Following that, the actual probability of the Steam version of a game working on my machine is dubious at best, though I can't exactly pinpoint why. So then I go to get tech support, and have to do everything just right so that Steam doesn't get mad at me.
They were doing fine without it beforehand. Mark my words, Paradox doesn't care about usthe people who loved them when the were a niche developeranymore. Like Bethesda or Creative Assembly trying to widen their market and capture a bigger audience, just so Paradox is slowly selling out and twisting the knife into the backs of it's once loyal fans. I will always love Paradox and I even have a Paradox Interactive medal hanging over my bed, but loving something also means recognizingand being vocal aboutits flaws.
I just hope, Magna Mundi wont force me to use that adware program since i really want to buy that game
For me, the problem is that in terms of intrusiveness, inconvenience, and unwanted features, Steam is much worse than almost all the other digital distributor alternatives. Someone used to dealing with Securom in games might find Steamworks a blessing, but for those who buy DRM-free games from GamersGate or GOG, even Steamworks-free games on Steam offer little appeal.
Johan said:Divine Wind was sold NOT sold at Steam for the first month of it release... and still 83,2% of all revenue for Divine Wind has been sold through Steam.
Weekend Deals and Free Weekends are typically not one in the same.
I will always love Paradox and I even have a Paradox Interactive medal hanging over my bed ...
I just hope, Magna Mundi wont force me to use that adware program since i really want to buy that game
And you can turn it off if you just spend 2 minutes looking over the preferences like you should with any program ever.I guess they're talking about the pop-up window describing what's new and on sale? It's nothing like adware, and I don't see how it's even a big deal since it doesn't even come up that often.
After that, I have to deal with advertisements on a game I paid for
Came across this rather hilarious Steam hate thread on the Paradox Interactive forums. Some quotes:
In the end though, this quote matters most:
What does this mean?
I guess they're talking about the pop-up window describing what's new and on sale? It's nothing like adware, and I don't see how it's even a big deal since it doesn't even come up that often.
Probably...What does this mean?
Also, there's no way Steamworks is as bad as Securom or GFWL. I'll agree that DRM-free is nice and my much preferred way, but it's just not realistic for developers anymore for newer games.
People have one or two bad experiences with Steam and go, "lol steam sucks."
Hey GAF, wasn't Limbo Mac friendly? I could swear it was...
PlayDead announced that in celebration of hitting 1,000,000 sales, they would be doing a Mac version to be out by the end of the year. Game will go SteamPlay.
Worst decision. Ever.
ezodagrom said:Looks like Sonic 4 Episode 1 is going to have a PC version. :>
Johan said:Divine Wind was NOT sold at Steam for the first month of it release... and still 83.2% of all revenue for Divine Wind has been sold through Steam.
What does this mean?
I'd be willing to let someone who had one or two bad experiences have the "lol steam sucks" opinion. But these people are practically looking for problems, finding nothing, then fabricating their own problems.
It means he mad.
At least they have medals hanging over their beds to comfort them.
In the end though, this quote matters most:
Has anyone come forth and claimed any of the daily giveaways?
It's amazing how many people, including certain ones here, don't know that you can turn the pop up ads off and then proceed to bash Steam for it and call it adware etc.
It's amazing how many people, including certain ones here, don't know that you can turn the pop up ads off and then proceed to bash Steam for it and call it adware etc.
Sweet, Direct2Drive just credited my Paypal account with $30 because apparently I somehow bought Rage from them twice at the same time (?!). I'll just be throwing that on the Steam wallet for the holiday sales.![]()
I guess they're talking about the pop-up window describing what's new and on sale? It's nothing like adware, and I don't see how it's even a big deal since it doesn't even come up that often.
It's amazing how many people, including certain ones here, don't know that you can turn the pop up ads off and then proceed to bash Steam for it and call it adware etc.
PlayDead announced that in celebration of hitting 1,000,000 sales, they would be doing a Mac version to be out by the end of the year. Game will go SteamPlay.
Twisting the knife indeed.In the end though, this quote matters most:
I always have it turned off, but it has recently started turning itself on again. Kind of annoying.
I keep spamming this in threads, but in case anyone isn't aware:Yeah, Steam has been kinda buggy about some things. I tried to turn off auto-updating for Skyrim, but it went ahead and updated anyways.
10 more days until Steam Holiday sales!
I keep spamming this in threads, but in case anyone isn't aware:
Turning off auto-updating for Steam games will NOT stop them from auto-updating if you play the game. In theory, it will stop them from automatically downloading patches until the next time you run the game, but I think someone (Nabs? Kirby? Stallion? About Dungeon Defenders or some other game with 900MB+ updates?) said that even in that case, it may download updates.
So at best the setting is buggy and may reset itself, if I recall correctly it will reset itself when you launch a game anyway, and it WILL NOT stop a game from autoupdating if you try to play said game. The only exception is if you can launch a game from outside Steam, such as with Skyrim before they patched DRM into the executable.
Yeah, it's especially bad for games that have mods (Bethesda games), or games where updates will overwrite your modded config files without warning (Unreal Engine 3 games), or patches that add DRM to a formerly DRM-free product (Skyrim). I wish they would just add an option to not update the game until further notice, but I feel like there's nothing I can do to get Valve's attention since I'm just one of 40 million people etc. =PEww, I don't like that. :\
I definitely don't want Steam to turn into XBL or anything, but if they're going to force updates they need to have some kind of quality control. I was not amused when Skyrim got patched and broke more things than it fixed.
10 more days until Steam Holiday sales!
10 more days until Steam Holiday sales!
10 more days until Steam Holiday sales!