Syphon Filter said:Anyone want to give me their steam name? I could use some more friends.
Syphon Filter said:Anyone want to give me their steam name? I could use some more friends.
CaerithSyphon Filter said:Anyone want to give me their steam name? I could use some more friends.
Syphon Filter said:Anyone want to give me their steam name? I could use some more friends.
zkylonSyphon Filter said:Anyone want to give me their steam name? I could use some more friends.
xenoflux2113Syphon Filter said:Anyone want to give me their steam name? I could use some more friends.
Syphon Filter said:Anyone want to give me their steam name? I could use some more friends.
Inkblot said:Hey, anyone know why there aren't any Namco games on Steam?
Inkblot said:Hey, anyone know why there aren't any Namco games on Steam?
Well, there's the Witcher 2...Inkblot said:Hey, anyone know why there aren't any Namco games on Steam?
wutwutwut said:Well, there's the Witcher 2...
Snuggler said:If I remember correctly, Scamco only distributed the retail version. I wish they were more involved with the PC scene, Dark Souls and Tales of Vesperia would be welcome editions to Steam/PC gaming.
Given what's happened with a lot of games that went up on Steam, I think Dark Souls would have to be (and SHOULD be) FromSoftware's responsibility alone. That'd be nice on PC just so Blighttown isn't guaranteed to dive into embarrassingly bad framerates.Snuggler said:If I remember correctly, Scamco only distributed the retail version. I wish they were more involved with the PC scene, Dark Souls and Tales of Vesperia would be welcome editions to Steam/PC gaming.
Wallach said:I thought Atari handled retail for TW and TW2?
Nelo Ice said:Hmm gamersgate has the complete GTA pack for 75% off so $12.50 for every game. Kinda tempting since steam may not ever have it as cheap and apparently the ienhancer mod doesnt work on the steam version anyway.
Nelo Ice said:Hmm gamersgate has the complete GTA pack for 75% off so $12.50 for every game. Kinda tempting since steam may not ever have it as cheap and apparently the ienhancer mod doesnt work on the steam version anyway.
Snuggler said:it's not like Steam does them any good
Snuggler said:Go for it. That's a good deal just for the current gen GTA games, all the old ones are a bonus. They use GFWL so it's not like Steam does them any good, it's just one more layer of DRM.
From what I read you can patch 1.0.4 onto the Steam version of GTA4 as long as you stop it from updating again.MRORANGE said:Steam version is 1.0.7 , for ienhancer to work you need 1.0.4 although the ienhancer team are working on it plus I think they have a few builds already.
morningbus said:They (typically) don't make PC games.
So can just plug in a wired 360 controller and games with recognize it?Stallion Free said:I beat the trilogy with mouse/keyboard as I bought them before I started hooking up my 360 pad to my PC. It worked surprisingly well.
gray_fox224 said:So can just plug in a wired 360 controller and games with recognize it?
It's has a huge last-gen feeling i like a lot (i.e. half the environments look recycled from FFXII).jim-jam bongs said:The Last Remnant is pretty~
Madrugador said:I'm going to try this 360 controller emulator (x360ce I think is called), but I have a question regarding if I can get Vac banned for using it or something.
Just checking, I don't want any surprises.
ArjanN said:Inversion (published by Namco) is coming to PC. They confirmed it on their twitter.
Come on, sell your soul!MNC said:I just sold a schoolbook for 60 euro.
MNC said:I just sold a schoolbook for 60 euro.
wilflare said:lol i hope i had schoolbooks to sell
MRORANGE said:I assume it's safe but steam support is your best bet to ask (although most likely they would not tell what gets you vac banned in the first place) as long as it does not modify the game files you should be fine in MP games.
You're welcome to ask support yourself, and please let us know if you get any response.Madrugador said:I'm going to try this 360 controller emulator (x360ce I think is called), but I have a question regarding if I can get Vac banned for using it or something.
Just checking, I don't want any surprises.
I already regret buying the Tomb Raiders. Not that they're not good; I just am too busy not playing games.Glass Rebel said:I somehow missed the THQ/Tomb Raider sale. It's probably better this way.