Sinatar said:After watching TB's WTF is... on Dungeon Defenders I think I'm gonna hold off. Looks... I dunno, just not fun.
do tower defense games ever look fun if you are just watching?
it's really quite awesome. having a blast.
Sinatar said:After watching TB's WTF is... on Dungeon Defenders I think I'm gonna hold off. Looks... I dunno, just not fun.
derFeef said:I already asked this in the game thread, but maybe you guys can help me out:
In short:
- Installed and played retail game with retail GFWL key.
- Got Steam gift of same game from friend.
- Now playing the Steam version but the key is still the same retail GFWL key.
- What to do with new Steam GFWL key, is it bound to my Steam account somehow?
Dead Rising 2: OTR. Wouldn't it be weird though as my Steam library would show this key then?snoopeasystreet said:I think you can give the GFWL key to someone else and it'll work. I don't know how they'd be able to download the game outside of having the disk or downloading the iso off a shady site. What game is it?
derFeef said:Dead Rising 2: OTR. Wouldn't it be weird though as my Steam library would show this key then?
crimsonheadGCN said:So who thinks Renegade Ops will get delayed again? Like two hours ago, the release date was showing October 20, 2011 for a short while then it was fixed.
Are you sure you are playing with the right people? Co-op games are generally like crack for me because I have a couple friends who fit perfectly with my playstyle.plc268 said:I just don't have any fun in coop games, even playing with a friend.
The Steam page still says "released in approximately 4 hours" for me (UK). I wouldn't be surprised if it gets delayed again at this point though. SEGA's handling of the PC version has been beyond terrible.R1CHO said:I am gonna kill a man if it gets delayed again.
And they change the date on the sega web:
Either have someone gift it to you, or pick up a code from ebay.Sophuis said:So apparently you can pre-purchase Arkham City on Steam now and get 20% off if you own AA. Which I do. On disk. Any way I can get in on this?
plc268 said:I knew the moment that it wasn't for me when I heard it was a 4 player coop game. I just don't have any fun in coop games, even playing with a friend.
Nabs said:
They need to throw Armageddon up there and I'll double dip!
FixedFoliorum Viridum said:Amiga version is still the best.
Yeah, that price is nuts. They are also charging 8 for Worms Pinball ( said:Hah, cool, but $7.99? jesus christ
The only time I had to use steam support it took them 3 days to answer me and they didn't solve my problem, so good luck.neoism said:my account is screwed...I put in my pass, and it will not take it.
I think I'm using the wrong secret answer because it never works when I change my pass...
WTF man. this is so shitty. I'll never buy anything on steam again. How long to does it take steam to answer my question and help me.
Nabs said:Yeah, that price is nuts. They are also charging 8 for Worms Pinball (
Here's the entire pack:
Crappy deal.
Where the most pairs of PC-savvy eyes will see it.Gravijah said:have a question about a defect on my monitor... what would be the best place to ask?
JaseC said:Gravijah, what in the world have you done to your avatar?
GuiltybyAssociation said:Needs some more belts, bro. Lots more.
Are we really, really, really getting Renegade Ops today? I have a feeling I'll come home and it'll have a new December release date.
Stallion Free said:Are you sure you are playing with the right people? Co-op games are generally like crack for me because I have a couple friends who fit perfectly with my playstyle.
Derrick01 said:I hear you. I need to play at my own pace and I can't get immersed into a world when someone else is there. Plus most games that are built around co-op are no fun alone as they weren't made for it.
why you so mean~LiquidMetal14 said:Seek help
Xeno_Flux2113 said:Oh my god Gravijah that new avatar is epic!
It will probably take a few days if you made a support account and requested support. I'm almost convinced that my secret question/answer got deleted/changed once or twice and I had to go through the support process.neoism said:my account is screwed...I put in my pass, and it will not take it.
I think I'm using the wrong secret answer because it never works when I change my pass...
WTF man. this is so shitty. I'll never buy anything on steam again. How long to does it take steam to answer my question and help me.
Steam said:<[email protected]> Reply-To: X-Steam-Message-Type: Credit Card Purchase Receipt MIME-Version: 1.0 Subject: Thank you for your purchase Content-Type: multipart/alternative [email protected]
reply-to "<[email protected]> Reply-To: X-Steam-Message-Type: Credit Card Purchase Receipt MIME-Version: 1.0 Subject: Thank you for your purchase Content-Type: multipart/alternative" <[email protected]>,
"</div></td> <td width=202" </b>,
"</tr> <tr> <td width=200" </td>,
to [Available] <my email>
date Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 6:59 PM
Askani said:So, I got an email from Steam from last night:
I'm guessing this is supposed to be my receipt for buying Batman:AA (which is fuck awesome btw but you all already knew that). Someone said they had a weird email earlier from them too. Their mail system must have been really hosed.
It's the new ARG! It's on!derFeef said:ARG for Half-Life 3... see those #color codes? It just has to.
I'm the guy who doesn't read quests and just uses questhelper, even in non-wow games. Everything but the main quest idgaf about generallyplc268 said:Derrick01 basically answered my question. I actually like playing with friends in competitive multiplayer, but co-op, especially if a story is involved, is terrible to me because they'll want to rush, and I want to take my time. I experienced this to a lesser extent when I used to play WoW. I used to read the quest notes and all that stuff and treated it as an experience, when others playing with me never read it and just used questhelper or whatever.
The Renegade Ops shibbacle has got to my head ><Gravijah said:why you so mean~
haha thanks, all credit to chet rippo for going crazy spiffying it up.
crimsonheadGCN said:Tiny Token Empire is a game that mixes turn-base strategy with the puzzle and "Match 3" genres, which will most likely be on Steam and a Steamworks title. It's being distributed by THQ: