It's been $15 on Amazon quite a few times recently. PLUS it is Steamworks.
I'm in Canada so I don't think I can take advantage of that deal on Says I have to have a US address and live in the US. doesn't have download options for their PC games.
+1 in the camp for spending credit cards on videogames is a baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad idea. Pay your fucking rent first, for chrissake.
Uplay is actually useful for once! Still overall as DRM it isn't beneficial.Crud. Didn't even notice the Deluxe edition. Bugging Steam support now to see if they can help me out.
EDIT: It looks like you can buy the challenge pack that comes in the deluxe version for 40 Ubisoft achievement points. I've got 130 left over from the various Ass Creeds. Neat.
Just say you're from the US with an US address. It doesn't matter where you're actually from.
My address is tied to my CC and it stops me from purchasing.
unless someone can gift it to me on steam and i will paypal them the amount.
Its no big deal. I always have plenty of money on hand, but with a car thing that happened this week, my new girlfriends birthday, and father's day, I just can't spare anything atm. Won't dip into saving either lol.
No biggie, I am going to molest the steam sale.
As long as you pay them off in full and on time, credit cards are your best bet for anything you can actually afford to purchase. Most give you cash back and other points/rewards, they're the easiest way to build/repair your credit, and if yours gets jacked you're a lot safer than if someone jacked your debit card (which is a direct line to your bank account).lol
Nope. I got one when I started college, living on my own, and it didn't turn out so good (not anything crazy though). Haven't gotten around to getting another one now that I'm not a dummy.
I can help...this is my steam id: "relaxmx" can just pay me later by paypal
Crud. Didn't even notice the Deluxe edition. Bugging Steam support now to see if they can help me out.
EDIT: It looks like you can buy the challenge pack that comes in the deluxe version for 40 Ubisoft achievement points. I've got 130 left over from the various Ass Creeds. Neat.
As long as you pay them off in full and on time, credit cards are your best bet for anything you can actually afford to purchase. Most give you cash back and other points/rewards, they're the easiest way to build/repair your credit, and if yours gets jacked you're a lot safer than if someone jacked your debit card (which is a direct line to your bank account).
Driving games are pretty hit or miss with me but I love me some Car chase movies. I was tempted by this sale but it seems the demo for the game was yanked from XBL and PSN and there doesn't seem to be a PC demo.
No demo no purchase for me![]()
Thanks for the offer dude!
So how does it work with and Steam? You just purchase the game on and you are given a code and you input that code on steam and the game shows up in your library and you can then gift it to someone if you know the steam ID?
Yeah, you'll get a code in your Amazon library, and just plop that into Steam and away you go.
Just to clarify, my CC is also with a canadian address, but I've purchased from with no issues.
Looks like you've got it sorted out for now, but in the future, it should work no problem![]()
Wow, this has to be the biggest positive surprise of the year. Popped in the game around 2PM hangoverish, didn't expect much. Now it's 3:15AM and I have completed the game in a single sitting - something I think I last did with Blast Corps. This game is so full of awesome its hard to know where to begin.
The game does an amazing job in introducing all the bizarre gameplay concepts one by one in a way that makes them feel a part of the storyline, rather than a tutorial. Rarely if ever have I seen a game mechanic unfold so beautifully.
The way the game is presented in the game is amazing. It feels like a TV series at times and a movie at others. Every once in a while the player is treated with a superb 'previously on Driver' recap on the story.
The story is one of the best I have seen in game. While it is obviously inspired by Life on Mars, the whole concept holds together incredibly well and never becomes entirely predictable. The cast is perfectly sized - enough people to provide variety, but few enough to make it fun to follow. I had genuine interest in the plot, which is always a feat for a videogame.
The writing in the game is consistently excellent, and really funny at times. The team has written a lot of lines to random NPCs you sit in cars with, and makes the most out of the mindjacking gag in their writing. Writing a funny game is really hard, and Driver San Francisco is probably the funniest I have ever played.
Setting and visuals
The San Francisco setting is well executed with many recognizable elements, but it's not accurate - more of a miniatyre city than the real thing. The graphics were only decent at best, while the cut scenes and people modelling was fantastic.
Driver San Francisco combines a seemingly endless variety of gameplay with a difficulty just perfect, resulting in a game I found impossible to put down. I was constantly surprised by new gameplay ideas and game types and wanted to keep on seeing more. I was impressed with how much mileage they got out of driving in terms of different mission types, I never felt I was repeating the same thing over and again. Also, I loved the contoversial mindjacking mechanic - it was really well integrated to takedown missions. The difficulty was absolutely brilliant - tough enough to constantly keep me at the edge of my seat, but still never frustrating. Many missions took multiple practice rounds to finish - making succeeding that much sweeter.
While I took some 10h to finish the game, it seems that I have only scratched the surface, with tons of challenges and collectibles and different game modes remaining. I would figure there is another 10h in the game at the very least.
Take the most fun crashing bits of Burnout 3, the most fun cop chases and free roaming gameplay from Need for Speed Most Wanted, the epic plot treatment of Grand Theft Auto IV and combine them into a perfectly balanced and polished package - you'll get Driver San Francisco.
I assume the game did not sell a whole lot. This would be no surprise given how the marketing and packaging completely missed the Life on Mars epic storyline qualities of the game. The packaging looks bland, and even the logo has just the same old tired 90s Serpentine Bold low budget design. Had I known the depth and quality of the plot I would have jumped in much earlier.
Thanks for the info. How exactly are you doing it? Might help me in the future that way I wouldn't have to ask someone to gift me something and then pay them back when i could just take care of it all myself.
Here's a LTTP thread that sold me on giving Driver a chance:
Driver looks good, I'll most likely pick it up tomorrow, need to really start working on my backlog though
Somebody actually seriously sourcing cracked articles. I've seen everything now.
To be clear, you purchase the game on Amazon, it gives you a CD key, you input that CD key into Steam and it shows up in your Library, not your Inventory. Once you redeem it you're stuck with it. If you want to gift someone off of Amazon, you'd have to tell them the key and let them redeem it.Thanks for the offer dude!
So how does it work with and Steam? You just purchase the game on and you are given a code and you input that code on steam and the game shows up in your library and you can then gift it to someone if you know the steam ID?
So with Payday: The Heist being linked to L4D with upcoming DLC, anyone think that it'll be on the Steam Summer Sale?
So with Payday: The Heist being linked to L4D with upcoming DLC, anyone think that it'll be on the Steam Summer Sale?
So I picked up Driver...but It doesn't go past the ubisoft launcher. I have no idea whats going on. I press Play, and it loads for a couple seconds, and then goes right back to the launcher. Anyone have any idea how to fix this :/
I don't think so. I just never use the bonus garbage.Dammit Dead Space 2 on Steam has all this pre-order/collectors edition weapons and Armour in the Store. I never asked for this.(in Adam Jensen voice)
Any way to disable it?
I don't think so. I just never use the bonus garbage.
Need 2 more for a TL2 4 pack.
Need 2 more for a TL2 4 pack.
Dammit Dead Space 2 on Steam has all this pre-order/collectors edition weapons and Armour in the Store. I never asked for this.(in Adam Jensen voice)
Any way to disable it?
Dammit Dead Space 2 on Steam has all this pre-order/collectors edition weapons and Armour in the Store. I never asked for this.(in Adam Jensen voice)
Any way to disable it?
Have you tried restarting your computer? Sometimes that works for me. Specs?
edit: checked steam forums. Might be an answer for you here:
I have a different Driver problem. At 1920X1080 I have a black border. Only game this happens.
You can play the Origin version without the dlc being unlocked form the beginning.
Origin - 1I don't think you can disable it on Steam, but you could always take your serial key and register it on Origin to play without the DLC.