I predict every single daily from now on will be meh until Summer Sale arrives. It is the Gabens Law.
wanna bet on it?
I predict every single daily from now on will be meh until Summer Sale arrives. It is the Gabens Law.
Sure. I only have dong pics to offer, though.wanna bet on it?
MacGuffin's Curse for 3.50 bucks today.
Looks... meh.
But MacGuffin's Curse doesn't have furries in it, as far as I can tell...It's made by the same people that made Jolly Rover, it should be right up your alley.
It has in the past, but Sunday is usually the peak day, and there's usually more people on during major events like Winter Sale (and Summer Sale...).Just noticed there were 4.7M people logged to Steam at once. Remind me please has the 5M barrier been already cracked in the past?
Sure. I only have dong pics to offer, though.
reminds me of the powerbook prank.
just googled this
thanks for the morning laugh
What region do you live in, and have you tried changing the download region to somewhere like Greenland, and restarting Steam? That sucks.I understand how Steam is amazing but I've had nothing but problems with them from games being 'Unavailable', every download needing to be re-downloaded at least once and it sometimes not even starting!
What region do you live in, and have you tried changing the download region to somewhere like Greenland, and restarting Steam? That sucks.
That's very strange. I'm not sure I even remember the last time I had to redownload a game. If you've tried two or three different content servers around the world, I really don't know what it could be aside from something specific to your location, like a bad authentication server.UK. Tried that a few times. Earlier for example, was trying to play Binding of Isaac but "this game is currently unavailable, please try again later" was the result every time.
The last 2 games I bought (Black Ops and Crysis) had to be re-downloaded.
Just tried the ENB Series Mod on Driver SF and I'm very impressed with how it "fixes" the graphics. Highly recommended.
Pfft Sale snail!
Not falling for it anymore! I have enough games Gabe!
Just tried the ENB Series Mod on Driver SF and I'm very impressed with how it "fixes" the graphics. Highly recommended.
Which enb mod did you use?
I was able to run ENB Series with this game on my rig with vsync on and it never goes below 60.
I used the "First configuration" from that post, and the game's lighting isn't overdone or out of place, even the FMV cutscenes looks ok with it on.
Chances of Steam Summer sale starting at June 30?
There is an interesting discussion on /r/IndieGaming/ started by the dev of A Virus Named TOM. The game was scheduled to be released this month, but it will finally be released after the Steam sales, as happened to QUBE (scheduled for early December 2011, released mid-January 2012). He is worried about his sale volumes. One interesting point is the game will cost $10, may be released with a 25% discount, and is already at a 50% discount (DRM free for Windows, and Steam key included) for pre-orderers. I am tempted now...
Chances of Steam Summer sale starting at June 30?
Chances of Steam Summer sale starting at June 30?
This is how they get you.
That one![]()
Not a big fan. It makes the colors look weird. In some way it's too bright but at the same time the cars look weird. For example the taxi are a greenish yellow instead of the classic cab yellow and the challenger is almost brown.
Didn't get his because of the required d/l manager (unless I'm missing something) so I found this and it looks really good.
Yay it's my birthday! Most the money I receive will go towards the summer sale, I hope ARMA 2 pops up so I can try out DayZ!
I bet 1 copy of bad rats it's on the 25th.
Hope by the time I buy DayZ (well, arma 2) they have the "deathmatch" issues sorted out.Yay it's my birthday! Most the money I receive will go towards the summer sale, I hope ARMA 2 pops up so I can try out DayZ!
So what games are in your "must buy in sale" list?
I'm currently playing Ass Creed 1, so I'll probably try the second. I'd also like to try blops1 but I don't see it going really down (at least as down as in one of the first sales where they had all COD to WaW at less than 30).
There's still Arkham City, Dead Space 2, and probably a few more since I just moved to US and the prices are so much better in here
3 Capcom games were just added to the registry (no idea what they are, the only thing it says is that they're a part of the Capcom Comp subscription).
Nah, those are already in the registry under different App IDs.I wonder if it's the three eXceed games. They're being published by Capcom on Steam.
So if you win, you give someone a copy of bad rats, and if you lose... you're forced to receive a copy of bad rats and play through it?
Nah, those are already in the registry under different App IDs.
Nah, those are already in the registry under different App IDs.
Dragon's Dogma!
6/28 is my bet. I'd put money on that.
Chances of Steam Summer sale starting at June 30?
Dragon's Dogma!
don't play with my emotions ]: