Huh, so Darksiders has no graphic settings at all? Aren't there any files I can modify or mods I can play with to get it to look nicer, or is this as good as it's going to look on my PC?
You can force AA, lots of it.
Huh, so Darksiders has no graphic settings at all? Aren't there any files I can modify or mods I can play with to get it to look nicer, or is this as good as it's going to look on my PC?
I give up.
I can't figure out when Derrick is outright baiting or serious. You win. ;|
Shouldn't really be surprising -- there's nothing really good to buy :s (edit: with as big of an audience that is), and ARMA II's market has to be getting saturated at some point.It is disappointing though, to see a lackluster DLC to be a top seller. I miss Combined operations being on top.
Hey there's still plenty I'm looking forward to playing for the rest of this year and next year, all big budget games too (probably?). It's just the dumbed down ultra casual stuff like Skyrim that I hate.
Don't worry, I'm planning on picking up the Arma bundle when it goes on sale. Not gonna play DayZ, so I'll probably have to wait a whole year or more.It is disappointing though, to see a lackluster DLC to be a top seller. I miss Combined operations being on top.
It is disappointing though, to see a lackluster DLC to be a top seller. I miss Combined operations being on top.
I feel like the ARMA studio is cashing in on Day Z. I bought it just to play DayZ and will probably never play ARMA. I am sure there are thousands of other people like me who purchased just for Day Z. It probably wouldn't make the top 10 otherwise.
DRM is a big deal, essential mods like high resolution mods don't work on the Steam version.So, is anyone going to answer my question on what the difference between the Steam & GOG versions of Fallout are... other than DRM vs. No DRM?
DRM is a big deal, essential mods like high resolution mods don't work on the Steam version.
DRM is a big deal, essential mods like high resolution mods don't work on the Steam version.
Alright just finished Driver SF. Help me pick my next game:
Ys The Oath in Felghana
Binary Domain
Alright just finished Driver SF. Help me pick my next game:
Ys The Oath in Felghana
Binary Domain
Dawnguard- #1 in sales since it came out
Dishonored- Barely in the top 20.
Why do people have such shit taste? The master race is supposed to be better than this!
Alright just finished Driver SF. Help me pick my next game:
Ys The Oath in Felghana
Binary Domain
While I don't agree with his statement, I think Dishonored's art style is fantastic and looks great. It's super stylized, which is a good change of pace from the realism push we've been seeing a lot lately.Have you played and beat Dishonered have you? If anything Dishonered has one of the worst artstyles i have ever seen, you're the one with shit taste.
Alright just finished Driver SF. Help me pick my next game:
Ys The Oath in Felghana
Binary Domain
EDF is $9.98 and can be activated on Steam.
This is not true at all for the high resolution patches. You just have to go through a few hoops to get them to work. I played both Fallouts at 1920x1080. I am not sure about other mods however.
Edit: Game Guru, you will definitely want the high res mod. Otherwise, the game will look all fucked up color wise as it cannot display correctly.
Uh... My version of Fallout 1, which is the GOG version to be fair, displays correctly. Hell, the only times I get funkalicous colors, it because I went from fullscreen to windowed on DOSBox.
Have you played and beat Dishonered have you? If anything Dishonered has one of the worst artstyles i have ever seen, you're the one with shit taste. Game is IP blocked in many countries aswell, Australia being one.
I assumed you wanted to know the difference between the GOG version and the Steam version because you were thinking of getting the Steam version, which does feature this problem.
It ain't easy having standards that make you hate indie games and big budget games.
Dawnguard- #1 in sales since it came out
Dishonored- Barely in the top 20.
Why do people have such shit taste? The master race is supposed to be better than this!
Whaaaat, this is on steam?? How is the pc version?
Is anyone else having problems with Steam? It mostly won't let me log on and when I do I it will not let me make a transaction.
Sleeping dogs OT is up, if you get it on Steam before the release date you get the Triad Bundle for TF2 which costs $19.99/£15.99 - of course you can craft them or get them at drops.
Just a few posts and I'm already a bit hyped for Sleeping Dogs. Thanks GAF. It's not gonna be a day-1 title though, I haven't done that in a while + backlog lolol.
Having trouble with the wired xbox360 controller on PC: it randomly makes the switch tabs back to windwos...
I feel it something with the triggers... Anything I could do ?
Homefront is $6.78 and activates on Steam as well.
I just bought the above, but the version being promoted on the front page is the Ultimate Edition, which includes the DLC and is less than a buck more.
Edit: And with that, quote for a Homefront key.
The Haunted Hells Reach is on sale at gamersgate for $4.99 and activates on Steam with achievements. The 4 pack is $14.96.
Neogaf Thread
Homefront is $6.78 and activates on Steam as well.
The Thief Collection is $6.74, includes all 3. Thief Gold and Thief 2 can be activated on Steam.
Magika Collection is $7.49 and can be activated on Steam.
EDF is $9.98 and can be activated on Steam.
Dawngard = $15
Good till the 10th
Hey there's still plenty I'm looking forward to playing for the rest of this year and next year, all big budget games too (probably?). It's just the dumbed down ultra casual stuff like Skyrim that I hate.
Plus after the list of DLC in the official thread - yeah.. I think I'll wait for the 'complete edition'..
Dawnguard- #1 in sales since it came out
Dishonored- Barely in the top 20.
Why do people have such shit taste? The master race is supposed to be better than this!
Have you played and beat Dishonered have you? If anything Dishonered has one of the worst artstyles i have ever seen, you're the one with shit taste. Game is IP blocked in many countries aswell, Australia being one.
I feel so lucky in that I can enjoy all manner of games, both indie and big company, irregardless of their budgets or fanbase or even units sold, simply on the basis of whether or not I find it a fun game to play.
I love Skyrim. I love Plants vs. Zombies. I love Frozen Synapse, and Stone Soup, and Spelunky, and Indenture, while at the same time enjoying the DiRT series and Railworks and Call of Duty and Minecraft and Diablo III.
I feel so sorry for people like you Derrick, people who can't simply enjoy good games and appreciate the positive in any game instead of focusing on the negatives of all of them.
:lol you're going to say I have shit taste when you knock a unique game just because of its art style? That's beyond stupid.
You don't have to feel sorry for me. My life isn't lacking at all just because I hate indie games and casual stuff like Skyrim.
I don't feel sorry for you because your life is lacking, I feel sorry because you can't appreciate certain things that a lot of other people can. Skyrim isn't perfect by any means, but it's a fun game for what it does do well. It has many merits, and that is why Dawnguard is such a big seller right now. You might think it's casual crap, but it's not, you are just missing out on what makes it good.
4 people wasting their money on a game with a dead community is worse than 1 person. I probably came off too abrasive, but I think I'd be a little annoyed if I were considering getting in on the 4-pack without the prior experience I've had with that game, and no one warned me about the sort of defunct state of the game.
I'll try to put it in less offensive terms next time![]()
There is nothing good about Skyrim. I've been a fan of the franchise for years and I know what makes it good. Skyrim fails in every category. It's the direct result of massive casualization and consolization. I haven't been able to play it again even with mods yet because all of the problems still exist. I'm waiting for the huge mod collections to come out that fix all of its problems and make it a playable game.