So I found this cheap logitech PS2 wheel on my sister's house:
brought it home, used my PS2 to USB thingie, using x360ce to run it as a 360 wheel and ive been playing the shit out of Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit (had about 17 hours played, but havent played in quite a while).
Racer purists might think this is a sin (probably is, wheel isnt very good and between all the different connectors and stuff that im using it's probably far from an ideal experience), but im having a blast
Man, Saints Row The Third is just fun. Easily has the best action hijack out of any openworld game I've played. Drop kicking people through their windshields, driver side windows or off of bikes never gets old.
Reposting GMG's deal, good till the 10th
borderlands 2 $37
dark souls $30
darksiders 2 $37
dawnguard $15
inversion $30
hitman absolution $33
edit: the code is actually good for anything, the $60 preorders turn into $45, etc
Man, Saints Row The Third is just fun. Easily has the best action hijack out of any openworld game I've played. Drop kicking people through their windshields, driver side windows or off of bikes never gets old.
Pretty awesome game and I loved the missions that have music playing during them. It did feel like half the story was missing.
Pretty awesome game and I loved the missions that have music playing during them. It did feel like half the story was missing.
Thanks for the heads up. This one is a little odd because you have to manually click on in to add the free license to your account -- it's not automatically given out to all DD owners.Dungeon Defenders: Jester Hero DLC free until 22 August:
There were rumors that all the cinematics were rushed and done at the last minute. That's why they have plot holes, little setup, are short, so few compared to SR2, etc.Pretty awesome game and I loved the missions that have music playing during them. It did feel like half the story was missing.
The two I know, Champions Online and Star Trek Online, I believe I just logged into my old account, but those were F2P. CrimeCraft was the same but I think I made a new account or it used my steam account.Since The Secret World is now on Steam, has anyone experience with playing a MMO and then playing it through Steam? Does the game-key work in Steam upfront?
There's actually a number of those out there on Steam, including for DD before. Sanctum had some, I think Defense Grid had one free for a period as well.Thanks for the heads up. This one is a little odd because you have to manually click on in to add the free license to your account -- it's not automatically given out to all DD owners.
Thanks for the heads up. This one is a little odd because you have to manually click on in to add the free license to your account -- it's not automatically given out to all DD owners.
I hope anybody who preordered Dark Souls is okay with the 720p internal framebuffer.
How the hell are the profiting from this?!
Pick up warlock.I wonder if there are 4x games with a scope different from space travel or civilization.
I just finished F.E.A.R. for the second time (very good shooting game...a little repetitive but still a very fun game) ...Extraction Point and Perseus Mandate is worth to play it?
I also played QUBE and quite enjoyed it but stopped at THAT FUCKING PUZZLE and I'm not going back. Please don't put unreliable physics in your puzzle game which requires absolute physics precision, thanks.
How far into the game was that?
How far into the game was that?
I also played QUBE and quite enjoyed it but stopped at THAT FUCKING PUZZLE and I'm not going back. Please don't put unreliable physics in your puzzle game which requires absolute physics precision, thanks.
Hello fellow GAFfers, I have a quick question for you:
I was on vacation for the past week but decided to bring my Laptop over. Now, for some reason it was never possible to log on Steam on my Mac side but I could play Offline mode on Windows 7 without a problem.
I finished Costume Quest (great game by the way) and while playing I never got any achievement. When I arrived home, Steam did an update but no Stats for the time in game played and no achievements. I tried restarting from the last checkpoint, and got two random achievements and when I did the last boss (again) I got the achievement for beating it (which I had already done in offline mode)
I never played on Offline mode so I don't have an idea if it was my fault. Is there a way to update my Stats and Achievements? If not, it's cool, I don't care for them I was just worried If it was my own fault for not having these updated or something.
Thanks in advance!
Ignore him.Thank. *strikes off wishlist*
I know it's Origin only, but Need for Speed: The Run is actually quite a fun game.
Hey man, you should support indie devs who aren't pompous assholes, racist, or whiny as fuck about their game getting on Steam.Thank. *strikes off wishlist*
For me yes, but that's because I love that type of gameplay and the franchise. If you're interested in the story canon, then you may skip them.I just finished F.E.A.R. for the second time (very good shooting game...a little repetitive but still a very fun game) ...Extraction Point and Perseus Mandate is worth to play it?
I bought "Orcs Must Die Game of the Year edition". It includes "Artifacts of Power" and "Lost Adventures".
In the manage DLC option i see the extra suit, the extra traps and the levels. But i can't access the DLC levels. Any ideas of what im missing?
Thanks for any help.
Edit: Does the game have any free camera options or special tweaks?
Hell Torchlight 2 seems to be flying farther away as well. Last time I checked, it was like late September, now it seems to be October since Guns of Icarus is Sept 30. I'm not real concerned about it although I've had the odd think about actually playing it.
Hell Torchlight 2 seems to be flying farther away as well. Last time I checked, it was like late September, now it seems to be October since Guns of Icarus is Sept 30. I'm not real concerned about it although I've had the odd think about actually playing it.
Thank. *strikes off wishlist*
Speaking of which, how long is Darksiders supposed to be? I bought it on a whim from GMG when it was $4 and started it a couple of nights ago but I'm starting to wonder if I'll be able to finish it along with Human Revolution by mid-September :lol
Meh, that's alright by me as long as I can buy it come December (and if it comes along with a ~25% discount during the winter sale then all the better). I've been getting rid of my backlog ever since the summer sale ended (done with Rayman Origins, LIMBO, Alan Wake and L.A. Noire so far! Some of those were already more than halfway done though), and I've got more than enough to keep me content until year's end.
Speaking of which, how long is Darksiders supposed to be? I bought it on a whim from GMG when it was $4 and started it a couple of nights ago but I'm starting to wonder if I'll be able to finish it along with Human Revolution by mid-September :lol
Darksiders is around 12-15 hours and Deus Ex is around 25-30 depending on how much side stuff you do.
I'm about 2 hours off finishing Darksiders, I've been collecting everything (granted using a guide as its my second playthough) and spent at least 2-3 hours grinding achievements, but I'm roughly at 12 hours atm. First playthrough, I'd say 15 hours if you not rushing it.
I also played Dear Esther a few weeks ago, the environments were breathtaking but the whole experience was marred by the horrific writing. It's like they took a normal script and someone said "hey, not enough convoluted metaphors and substanceless drivel in here, let's get to work guys!".
Borderlands for $37 and Sleeping Dogs for $27, PC gaming in herr!
Borderlands for $37 and Sleeping Dogs for $27, PC gaming in herr!
Green Man gaming maybe? I'd buy it in a heartbeat for $27. Where'd you get that price from?