Looks like it has received an update that includes new difficulty modes:Pineapple does look fucking superb + sounds good.
Looks like it has received an update that includes new difficulty modes:Pineapple does look fucking superb + sounds good.
I recently saw that as well in CS:Go, after pounding esc through it for so long and in so many games, I randomly let the game load.
My mouth opened at the speed of his head turning, freaked me out lol.
I'd love to see the other Valve guy (Antonov?) be animated as well but he left Valve![]()
I'm so happy there was still someone who hadn't seen that.
I thought it was a brilliant touch to have the logo that's been on Valve games forever, with the subtle creepy twist that no one would be expecting.
wat! lemme see that.
So I booted Portal 2 last night at 3am and the Valve logo guy turns around and looks at me. fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
I recently saw that as well in CS:Go, after pounding esc through it for so long and in so many games, I randomly let the game load.
My mouth opened at the speed of his head turning, freaked me out lol.
I'd love to see the other Valve guy (Antonov?) be animated as well but he left Valve![]()
Looks like it has received an update that includes new difficulty modes:
This song is incredible.
All a wallet can do is prepare.
I just built a new computer (my first gaming PC!). I have all these indie games from the Humble Bundles, but I really want something to push my computer. Unfortunately, I'm waiting on buying anything before the Steam sale.I'm resorting to demos.
Sale can't come soon enough.![]()
I just built a new computer (my first gaming PC!). I have all these indie games from the Humble Bundles, but I really want something to push my computer. Unfortunately, I'm waiting on buying anything before the Steam sale.I'm resorting to demos.
Sale can't come soon enough.![]()
Lots of free games to play. League of legends, Team Fortress 2 etc.
Despite the name...Looks fun. Anyone have any impressions?
I just built a new computer (my first gaming PC!). I have all these indie games from the Humble Bundles, but I really want something to push my computer. Unfortunately, I'm waiting on buying anything before the Steam sale.I'm resorting to demos.
Sale can't come soon enough.![]()
You can always install ARMA 2, watch your budget seem wasteful by an ugly grey boring-to-the-eye military game reducing your framerate to the 20sI just built a new computer (my first gaming PC!). I have all these indie games from the Humble Bundles, but I really want something to push my computer. Unfortunately, I'm waiting on buying anything before the Steam sale.I'm resorting to demos.
Sale can't come soon enough.![]()
What GPU did you go with? I just upgraded to a GTX 670 and I definitely share your sentiment -- it's like being a kid waiting for Christmas (well, not quite as good for me because I already owned a number of the powerhouses, but it was still fun to replay them with everything on max).
Lots of free games to play. League of legends, Team Fortress 2 etc.
Metro 2033, Witcher 2 are good benchmarks to test your pc.
Metro 2033, Witcher 2 are good benchmarks to test your pc.
How about Just Cause 2? It has a demo as well.I got a GTX 560 Ti 448 Cores (I basically followed the "Excellent" build in the "I Need a New PC" thread). I just tried the Bulletstorm demo and it looked great, everything on max I believe.
I actually have PLENTY of games to play. Bastion, Amnesia, LIMBO, Puzzle Agent, and about 40 more games, but I really want some eye candy.
I'll give it a shot thanks.
Have you guys seen this? You can find out what percentage of games in your library you've actually played: http://www.lambentstew.com/webblog/miniproject/steamanalysis?steamid=awfurious
I'm at about 25%. How do you think you stack up?
Damn it, local store still hasn't put up prices for Civ V's expansion. I could've compared them!
I'm hoping it'd get some discount.
Just Cause 2 is a fantastic game but awful for testing your new rig.
It looks gorgeous even on my old piece of shit PC.
Just Cause 2 is a fantastic game but awful for testing your new rig.
Why's that? I was actually kind of hoping that it would be the first game I played when I get my new laptop.
I was just making a joke on how good it looks even on lower-end hardwareof course you will notice the difference when you play it on a powerful PC.
Amazon.com has it for $27 and gives you a Steam code. I was even able to play yesterday despite the fact that it isn't out here til Friday.
Have you guys seen this? You can find out what percentage of games in your library you've actually played: http://www.lambentstew.com/webblog/miniproject/steamanalysis?steamid=awfurious
I'm at about 37%. How do you think you stack up?
Cool, although that site (like Steam itself) counts DLC and F2P games as "owned games", so the percentage you get out of it isn't all that accurate if you ask me. DLC shouldn't affect your percentage at all, obviously (a DLC pack isn't a game), and F2P games just artificially buff your played:not played ratio.
Looks like the store price for Spec Ops: The Line here is significantly lower than the US
hit me with a pm if someone wants me to buy it for them
Looks like the store price for Spec Ops: The Line here is significantly lower than the US
hit me with a pm if someone wants me to buy it for them
drshows | Games Owned: 138 | Percentage Played: 32.61%
Full Steam Analysis Profile: http://lambentstew.com/webblog/miniproject/steamanalysis?steamid=drshows
That's kind of embarrassing.
I think its broken. I got the following: Baron Calamity | Games Owned: 359 | Percentage Played: 0.00%
it's still better than the community thing
this site shows the same number that appears under "all games" in my library, steam community shows that I own 644 games
I think its broken. I got the following: Baron Calamity | Games Owned: 359 | Percentage Played: 0.00%