Anyone played Pirates of the Black Cove? How is that?
Very disappointing, and I like anything with pirates.
Anyone played Pirates of the Black Cove? How is that?
Very disappointing, and I like anything with pirates.
Is it still as broken and alpha as hell as it was on launch?
feels weird not being in the wall of shame from the previous thread, effin ban
Looking forward to Binary Domain and Raccoon City sale the most, really want to try them.
Hey now, 11 minutes gave him plenty of time to download and install it.Err, remember that part where he said he just bought it?
"Saved". Haha.
Looking forward to Binary Domain and Raccoon City sale the most, really want to try them.
Excited for that 30% capcom sale are ya?
Is it still as broken and alpha as hell as it was on launch?
Excited for that 30% capcom sale are ya?
We'd e lucky to get 30%.
Really? I've been waiting for pretty much all the Capcom games to go on sale... I want Onimusha 3, dammit.
Hm, was SFIV:AE not on a good sale once? SFxT would be sweet too... damn you Capcapom.
Now take this event, imprint it in your memory and never forget it, because the moment that violating the rule is most dangerous is coming soon.
Fucking capcom trolls with their sales. I would've bought any SSF, Dead Rising 2 and/or Lost Planet 2 ages ago. Hoping for some good pricing errors.
Am I the only one that keeps an excel sheet of all the purchases made?
I swear Dead Rising 2 went up for 9.99 once, but I can't find it on I can only find the 14.99 troll price.
Was I dreaming?
Fake Edit: I have kept a spreadsheet on purchases since last year Summer Sale, but I only do it for big sales.
Aren't Onimusha and DMC3 terrible ports?
I wonder if Max Payne 3 will go on sale.
It should at least dip the customary 33%...
Yes we should contact the Steam team to have them make custom library view icons for non-Steam games, so your Tribes link won't have that ugly icon next to it.This can't be good.
It's all Salsa's fault!
Yes we should contact the Steam team to have them make custom library view icons for non-Steam games, so your Tribes link won't have that ugly icon next to it.
Good luck. Capcom hasn't updated it from 1.0, and online is rocky as hell. They supposedly sent the first patch into MS weeks ago, but meh, you know how long that shit takes.
33% would be the Max. :O
Skyrim for example was 25%, most likely what it will be. Or they'll make a Payne Bundle where you get to save a few bucks + throwing in 1 and 2 for free basically.
The weird thing is, I changed the icon so many times but it keeps switching back to the old/default one - so I gave up.
A friend keeps asking me to buy it so he can kick my ass (like in SFIV) so it will be not a big issue I hope. All arcade and 1vs1.
I really don't know what went wrong there. Games downloading gigabytes now after that trade. Never had that before.
Oh, I thought it was maybe games getting updated with some sort of Summer sale content.
New thread?
Steam is stupid and you should all stop using it and use Origin instead because it is superior to steamingpileofshit and EA loves me and they make Dragon Age.
wonder if I should get Sonic and big the cat's super racing buddies, I hear its a good port and all but the lack of online MP bums me out.. also with the new one announced.. though I guess that's a long way off
Oh, I thought it was maybe games getting updated with some sort of Summer sale content.
I wouldn't call it a good port, just an okay port. There's no anti-aliasing and I get some annoying 1 second framerate drops if the low detail models option is set to 2 players or more (if this option is set to 2/3/4 players, the game will only work with low details with the chosen number of players in split screen, if the option is set to 1 player or off, the game will work at low details even in single player).wonder if I should get Sonic and big the cat's super racing buddies, I hear its a good port and all but the lack of online MP bums me out.. also with the new one announced.. though I guess that's a long way off
New thread?
Steam is stupid and you should all stop using it and use Origin instead because it is superior to steamingpileofshit and EA loves me and they make Dragon Age.