Before I purchased it on Newegg last week, I made sure with SteamGAF that it was alright to purchase and that it was optimized. SteamGAF don't tell no lie.
Will look out for it on the next Steam sale then :3
Before I purchased it on Newegg last week, I made sure with SteamGAF that it was alright to purchase and that it was optimized. SteamGAF don't tell no lie.
Is this better on PC now/safe to buy?
Will do. I'm in no hurry to play it, to be honest.Wait on the Winter sale, IMO.
$5 each, right? Not even Tony could get all that for five bucks, lol.This Autumn & Winter Sale, I'm hoping I could get these titles...
Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon
D.I.R.T. 2
H.A.W.X 2
Deus Ex: GOTY Edition
Fallout 3: GOTY Edition
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
Legend of Grimrock
Wrath of the Ninja
Hard Reset
... for around 2.50~5.00 USD.
Yep, I want them to be around 2.50~5.00 USD each.$5 each, right? Not even Tony could get all that for five bucks, lol.
You would think that but I think Company of Heroes 2 didn't meet the 2nd or 3rd "stretch" goals.That would be a PR embarrassment, so I naturally assume they pick a relatively safe number.
You would think that but I think Company of Heroes 2 didn't meet the 2nd or 3rd "stretch" goals.
Any Point n' Click games on sale or going on sale soon?
This Autumn & Winter Sale, I'm hoping I could get these titles...
Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon
D.I.R.T. 2
H.A.W.X 2
Deus Ex: GOTY Edition
Fallout 3: GOTY Edition
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
Legend of Grimrock
Wrath of the Ninja
Hard Reset
... for around 2.50~5.00 USD each.
The Christmas Sale is just six'ish weeks away, so it'd be wiser to show some restraint and wait on anything I don't immediately want...
Currently installing 21GB of RAGE. What'd you all think of this game?
Who are you and what have you done to JaseC?![]()
you would be better off downloading 21gb of rick astley
Who are you and what have you done to JaseC?![]()
Currently installing 21GB of RAGE. What'd you all think of this game?
you would be better off downloading 21gb of rick astley
I need to stop buying games anywhere but Amazon. Just bought Space Marine a few days ago for like $5. :/Funny you mention that, cause this Friday's Amazon/Gamespot PC DD deal is $10 for the following THQ games:
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl
Metro 2033
Red Faction Guerrilla
Red Faction Armageddon
Space Marine
All redeemable on Steam
Mothership Zeta down. It was kinda fun, more of a dungeon than anything else, got some nice new energy weapons from it but that's about it. Better than Point Lookout but I didn't enjoy it as much as Operation Anchorage or The Pitt.
Now the only add-on left to beat is Broken Steel.
I'm loving it so far. Never really gave it a chance outside of the x360 demo but this caught me by surprise. I had to turn the FOV up to 90 though because I was getting headaches.Currently installing 21GB of RAGE. What'd you all think of this game?
Stahpyou would be better off downloading 21gb of rick astley
That's really going against the grain, usually Point Lookout is considered the best by far, and MZ the worst by far. Personally I didn't love any of the DLC, but MZ drove me insane on Very Hard so I lowered the difficulty to Very Easy![]()
man fuck the world, id 5 is GORGEOUS
I dont play my games sticking my face against textures. If only id was back into the engine game more seriously.. im tired of UE3
Started replaying New Vegas, began a new game on hardcore. Let's see how far the back-to-back Fallout marathon goes.
I don't see how or why Point Lookout would be considered the best out of all the add-ons. About the only notable thing going for Point Lookout was it took place in a sizable location that actually required a decent amount of exploration. The story, characters, questline, dialogue and rewards were all terrible. Desmond is outright the worst character in Fallout 3, easily. His try-hard dialogue and terrible VO made him immediately unlikable.
I played with texture detail turned off anyway, as it started to grate on me that all it seemingly did was add a grainy noise overlay on every texture in the game.So, just started playing RAGE - got everything maxed out, but can't turn on the Texture Detail option because an pop-up is telling me that I don't have the sufficient cores for it.
It looks great at times, but I just couldn't shake the feeling that I was in a world full of jpeg artifacts fuck the world, id 5 is GORGEOUS
I dont play my games sticking my face against textures. If only id was back into the engine game more seriously.. im tired of UE3
I played with texture detail turned off anyway, as it started to grate on me that all it seemingly did was add a grainy noise overlay on every texture in the game.
So, just started playing RAGE - got everything maxed out, but can't turn on the Texture Detail option because an pop-up is telling me that I don't have the sufficient cores for it.
Game is locked at 60fps and plays smoothly. However, I am not impressed with the textures. There's even some texture pop-in with the Texture Cache option set to Large. Tweaked some settings - looks alright to me.
Currently installing 21GB of RAGE. What'd you all think of this game?
Why? Are the prices on the winter sale lower than the rest of the sales/dailies?I don't plan on spending much during the Autumn Sale. The LucasArts' stuff I'm missing (I don't trust Disney to keep the games around), any Capcom Dailies (you can't be sure when they'll go on sale again), and a few indies here and there should do me. The Christmas Sale is just six'ish weeks away, so it'd be wiser to show some restraint and wait on anything I don't immediately want... unless they show up as Daily/Midweek/Weekend Deals during the non-sale interim.
Why? Are the prices on the winter sale lower than the rest of the sales/dailies?
Despite all it's flaws, it has some of the best FPS combat in any shooter in recent years. The shotgun in this game is a thing of beauty. The game also has some really nice level design and artwork, especially in the latter half. My advice would be to stick to the main missions and avoid the side quests which always send you back to the area you've just cleared.
Why? Are the prices on the winter sale lower than the rest of the sales/dailies?
Currently installing 21GB of RAGE. What'd you all think of this game?
Oh fuck, I'm still missing the classic LucasArts adventures. I hope they don't get removed :-/
I'm getting that season pass, I'm loving the game, I'm about 4 and a half hours in. So given all the backlash I assume it goes to shit later on, but so far the combination of Prince of Persia and Diablo is fantastic.
Oh gosh, I'm having a hard time resisting Black Ops II. Why is it that the one Holiday release I want is the only one without any discounts around release? $40 and I would be on that shit.![]()
That length probably still has you on the 1st world which wasn't so bad.
The next world is when the game reaches joke-level with the amount of fetch quests you'll have to do. And then the last 2 worlds don't even really qualify as worlds since they're so small.
Dudez, I got it. And I absolutely suck at the game. Totally play togetherz.