Foliorum Viridum
I'd probably jump on Rayman and Dust if the Summer sale wasn't around the corner. Seems silly not to wait now just in case they have any crazier deals.
Welp.I tried From Dust the other night and it still feels awful on PC. 30 fps + garbage mouse control = no fun.
I almost broke on Rayman, but I'm not gonna get to it before the summer sale or anytime soon. Self control prevails.
Also a friend whose opinion I trust told me it wasn't that great a platformer.
Is Rayman worth the price?
I enjoyed the demo, but how much content does the game offer and is it a decent single-player experience?
will pick it up for a dime in Indie Gala 32
I almost broke on Rayman, but I'm not gonna get to it before the summer sale or anytime soon. Self control prevails.
Also a friend whose opinion I trust told me it wasn't that great a platformer.
OK so dead space 2 really gets back on its feet when you. This feels like what the entre game should have been. bummer i got the surprise spoiled here a long while agogo back to the ishimura
Buy Rayman for 15 bucks or wait for summer sale?
i can say that From Dust worked fine with an xbox360 pad.
i never tried it with the mouse/keyboard, so i have no idea how good or bad it is with that setup.
Summer sale generally means 33-75% off MSRP. MSRP will still be 29.99 for Summer Sale. So if Rayman is 50% off, 66% off, or 75% off you're better off waiting, but if it's only 33% off in the summer sale, you lose by waiting.
Summer sale generally means 33-75% off MSRP. MSRP will still be 29.99 for Summer Sale. So if Rayman is 50% off, 66% off, or 75% off you're better off waiting, but if it's only 33% off in the summer sale, you lose by waiting.
Yeah, the dilemma is killing me.
Just wait. It will almost certainly be the same, if not more likely to be 66%/75% off.
Very few games which I've passed in regular sales have had worse sales in the big ones. In fact, they're usually always better.
Would you care to bet 5.00 dollars that it will be more than 33%? It's going to be at least 50 percent (and probably 66 or 75).
The only real way to win the Steam sales game is to not play: only buy stuff that you'll get to within a week or two. If you miss out on a deeper discount before a seasonal sale, evaluate if the seasonal sale price is worth it, or wait for another opportunity when it'll probably be even cheaper. Not every game needs to be on your Steam list as quickly as possible or ever.
No bets here. I expect it'll be 50% across the summer sale, and maybe featured in a daily deal for higher.
I suspect MSRP will be $19.99 by Christmas, which should make it $5-10 for the Christmas sale.
Should I trust this sentiment? :I
I'm being tempted harshly.
Would I lie to you?
Your avatar tempts me to, but no, I wouldn't!
I got Altitude! Thanks!Today I realised that I haven't given away any spare indie bundle codes in a while, because they go live when it's late here and I simply forget to hand out the spares the next day. I can't remember which ones I've used (Steam doesn't display the used key message if you already own the game), so I've lumped all 2012 codes into this post, hidden behind the e-mail tag. Naturally, many of them will have been used already, by myself, but some will work. Due to the amount of keys contained herein, mention if they're already used or if you've used one, and I'll cull the list accordingly.
Indie Gala:
Critical Mass: 0XR2M-M6N0M-WX8JJ
Fortix 2: 0XT52-64353-YVRYC
Bunch of Heroes: 0Y54Y-JW3NC-ZZATV
Hacker Evolution: Y57A3-C0EV4-NEXL7
Roboblitz: 0PJCX-9L990-BY6BK
Greed Corp: A5S2D-44RRA-IQL2G-DXH34-ZJE8Q
Future Wars: 54PFA-6D3N3-0VDAJ
Greed: Black Border: 56DP4-V4GHF-M6NI6
Trapped Dead: 55HNT-29NBN-M0YY0
Grotesque Tactics: Evil Heroes: 4KAWG-5372X-6ZEI8
Twin Sector: 4JN30-3YRWB-YFD6Q
Steel Storm: Burning Retribution: 5HRXX-9RWG5-TYX5H
A.R.E.S: Extinction Agenda: 5GPHL-HNCQ0-2EZYI
Alien Shooter: 5FKJ9-JNW26-4NDDT
Disciples II: Gallean's Return: 4V2AH-WRJ4I-MK96X
Altitude: 4QIBQ-MC45F-M067R
Alien Shooter 2: 4T8KA-QIB76-8K0E9
Really Big Sky: 4PP2C-N0LZ2-Q3966
Indie Royale:
Ancients of Ooga: 304I3-5ADLX-DTYEC
Cloning Clyde: 2VL4I-ZVGA9-69TF3
Defense Grid: The Awakening: 9WT4J-VCAHL-A2VAC
-- Resurgence Map 1: 8ECF0-4QTKT-RZJ8V
-- Resurgence Map 2: 83KAZ-KEEJX-T4ZC8
-- Resurgence Map 3: 7ZF9N-FBJY0-7A4IX
-- Resurgence Map 4: 7Z6LH-YMRDN-5GJGI
Hack, Slash, Loot: 4L0ID-NLCHV-LR5Y9
Alien Zombie Megadeath: 4H7W3-GV83K-K5QQ2
Astro Tripper: A5ZFR-3CLI5-6H9P2
Unstoppable Gorg: 5BMJX-V4X44-YAGT3
Depths of Peril: 5D39H-A27LJ-7KLEW
Tobe's Vertical Adventure: 03TAR-WBYMY-KKEGI
Osmos: 26XB2-0CHXN-0PBDV
Blueberry Garden: 2HGXY-3GI9Q-LP7VH
Humble Bundle for Android:
EDGE, Anomaly, and Osmos: FETJH-NLR56-XMEL0
World of Goo: FZXLC-PTQVN-7BE3Y
Botanicula, Machinarium, and Samorost 2: DM4ZG-QH926-BHIJM
Windosill: GNMZD-I6LTF-Z90E5
(Ignore the broken text -- the formatting plays silly buggers with the email tag.)
Edit: B.U.T.T.O.N. removed.
I tried RoboBlitz and it gave me an invalid code error--is it possible that they lock attempting to activate codes if you try too many duplicate ones?
I tried RoboBlitz and it gave me an invalid code error--is it possible that they lock attempting to activate codes if you try too many duplicate ones?
I took this one for myself: Fortix 2. Thanks!
Today I realised that I haven't given away any spare indie bundle codes in a while, because they go live when it's late here and I simply forget to hand out the spares the next day. I can't remember which ones I've used (Steam doesn't display the used key message if you already own the game), so I've lumped all 2012 codes into this post, hidden behind the e-mail tag. Naturally, many of them will have been used already, by myself, but some will work. Due to the amount of keys contained herein, mention if they're already used or if you've used one, and I'll cull the list accordingly.
Indie Gala:
Critical Mass: 0XR2M-M6N0M-WX8JJ
Fortix 2: 0XT52-64353-YVRYC
Bunch of Heroes: 0Y54Y-JW3NC-ZZATV
Hacker Evolution: Y57A3-C0EV4-NEXL7
Roboblitz: 0PJCX-9L990-BY6BK
Greed Corp: A5S2D-44RRA-IQL2G-DXH34-ZJE8Q
Future Wars: 54PFA-6D3N3-0VDAJ
Greed: Black Border: 56DP4-V4GHF-M6NI6
Trapped Dead: 55HNT-29NBN-M0YY0
Grotesque Tactics: Evil Heroes: 4KAWG-5372X-6ZEI8
Twin Sector: 4JN30-3YRWB-YFD6Q
Steel Storm: Burning Retribution: 5HRXX-9RWG5-TYX5H
A.R.E.S: Extinction Agenda: 5GPHL-HNCQ0-2EZYI
Alien Shooter: 5FKJ9-JNW26-4NDDT
Disciples II: Gallean's Return: 4V2AH-WRJ4I-MK96X
Altitude: 4QIBQ-MC45F-M067R
Alien Shooter 2: 4T8KA-QIB76-8K0E9
Really Big Sky: 4PP2C-N0LZ2-Q3966
Indie Royale:
Ancients of Ooga: 304I3-5ADLX-DTYEC
Cloning Clyde: 2VL4I-ZVGA9-69TF3
Hack, Slash, Loot: 4L0ID-NLCHV-LR5Y9
Alien Zombie Megadeath: 4H7W3-GV83K-K5QQ2
Astro Tripper: A5ZFR-3CLI5-6H9P2
Unstoppable Gorg: 5BMJX-V4X44-YAGT3
Depths of Peril: 5D39H-A27LJ-7KLEW
Tobe's Vertical Adventure: 03TAR-WBYMY-KKEGI
Osmos: 26XB2-0CHXN-0PBDV
Humble Bundle for Android:
EDGE, Anomaly, and Osmos: FETJH-NLR56-XMEL0
Botanicula, Machinarium, and Samorost 2: DM4ZG-QH926-BHIJM
Windosill: GNMZD-I6LTF-Z90E5
(Ignore the broken text -- the formatting plays silly buggers with the email tag.)
Edit: B.U.T.T.O.N., Defense Grid & DLC, World of Goo, and Blueberry Garden removed.
Today I realised that I haven't given away any spare indie bundle codes in a while, because they go live when it's late here and I simply forget to hand out the spares the next day. I can't remember which ones I've used (Steam doesn't display the used key message if you already own the game), so I've lumped all 2012 codes into this post, hidden behind the e-mail tag. Naturally, many of them will have been used already, by myself, but some will work. Due to the amount of keys contained herein, mention if they're already used or if you've used one, and I'll cull the list accordingly.
Indie Gala:
Roboblitz: 0PJCX-9L990-BY6BK
Greed Corp: A5S2D-44RRA-IQL2G-DXH34-ZJE8Q
Future Wars: 54PFA-6D3N3-0VDAJ
Greed: Black Border: 56DP4-V4GHF-M6NI6
Trapped Dead: 55HNT-29NBN-M0YY0
Grotesque Tactics: Evil Heroes: 4KAWG-5372X-6ZEI8
Steel Storm: Burning Retribution: 5HRXX-9RWG5-TYX5H
A.R.E.S: Extinction Agenda: 5GPHL-HNCQ0-2EZYI
Indie Royale:
Ancients of Ooga: 304I3-5ADLX-DTYEC
Cloning Clyde: 2VL4I-ZVGA9-69TF3
Tobe's Vertical Adventure: 03TAR-WBYMY-KKEGI
Osmos: 26XB2-0CHXN-0PBDV
Humble Bundle for Android:
EDGE, Anomaly, and Osmos: FETJH-NLR56-XMEL0
Windosill: GNMZD-I6LTF-Z90E5
(Ignore the broken text -- the formatting plays silly buggers with the email tag.)
Edit: B.U.T.T.O.N., Defense Grid & DLC, World of Goo, Blueberry Garden, Altitude, Botanicula/Machinarium/Samorost 2, Disciples II: Gallean's Return, Really Big Sky, Critical Mass, Bunch of Heroes, Hack, Slash, Loot, Unstoppable Gorg, Fortix 2, Flatout, Hacker Evolution, Astro Tripper, Alien Shooter 2, Alien Shooter, Depths of Peril, Alien Zombie Megadeath, and Twin Sector removed.
I just discovered that registered keys show up in your purchase history as "retail", so I'll cross-reference it with the key list.
Before trying Greed Corp, I tried several which were already used:
- Roboblitz
- Grotesque Tactics: Evil Heroes
- Twin Sector
Today I realised that I haven't given away any spare indie bundle codes in a while, because they go live when it's late here and I simply forget to hand out the spares the next day. I can't remember which ones I've used (Steam doesn't display the used key message if you already own the game), so I've lumped all 2012 codes into this post, hidden behind the e-mail tag. Naturally, many of them will have been used already, by myself, but some will work. Due to the amount of keys contained herein, mention if they're already used or if you've used one, and I'll cull the list accordingly.
Indie Gala:
Steel Storm: Burning Retribution: 5HRXX-9RWG5-TYX5H
A.R.E.S: Extinction Agenda: 5GPHL-HNCQ0-2EZYI
Indie Royale:
Tobe's Vertical Adventure: 03TAR-WBYMY-KKEGI
Osmos: 26XB2-0CHXN-0PBDV
Humble Bundle for Android:
EDGE, Anomaly, and Osmos: FETJH-NLR56-XMEL0
Windosill: GNMZD-I6LTF-Z90E5
(Ignore the broken text -- the formatting plays silly buggers with the email tag.)
Edit: B.U.T.T.O.N., Defense Grid & DLC, World of Goo, Blueberry Garden, Altitude, Botanicula/Machinarium/Samorost 2, Disciples II: Gallean's Return, Really Big Sky, Critical Mass, Bunch of Heroes, Hack, Slash, Loot, Unstoppable Gorg, Fortix 2, Flatout, Hacker Evolution, Astro Tripper, Alien Shooter 2, Alien Shooter, Depths of Peril, Alien Zombie Megadeath, Twin Sector, Greed Corp, Grotesque Tactics: Evil Heroes, Trapped Dead, Greed: Black Border, Future Wars, Cloning Clyde, Ancients of Ooga, and Roboblitz removed.
Yeah, they were in my purchase history. The handful that are left should work.![]()
got the edge+anomaly+osmos pack. thanks a lot man.