Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Yeah, worms is pretty damn old.Old?
Yeah, worms is pretty damn old.Old?
don't forget to put font from the skin to your windows font folder (in control panel)
another skin that I really liked before finding PixelVision is Enhanced Steam by TDD
Speaking of Enhanced Steam, when I tried that, the friends list don't show up the names and have a rather garbled text.
I played it maybe a year ago, Win 7 64bit, and it ran. It didn't run fine, because it would crash a lot, but it did run. I believe it has shitty compatibility issues with certain graphics cards (though it ran on my AMD card), being a shitty Xbox port and everything, but it does run. At least there's a chance that it will. Poorly. But playable! Thing is... the game is not that great to play and has some frustrating spots, so you might as well watch a let's play, or youtube the cutscenes or something. Those can be quite amusing.I bought it a long time ago on Direct2Drive, the game didn't run, it's broken, you can't run it on newer PCs, it's a shame because it's a good game!![]()
Does anyone even use the NEWS tab in Steam? D:
Cool, I'll have to try that. Is the best way to do this to create an autoexec.cfg file and add the commands there?
EDIT: Hmm, can't quite get it to stop tearing using that command. With fps_max 60, the tearing is restricted to a thin "band" which slowly creeps up the screen, doesn't seem like it's quite syncing up to my screen's refresh rate. I've also tried 59 and 61, but they all make the tearing worse than when just not limiting the framerate at all.
PixelVision is the best looking skin IMO
Are there any good skins where the text is more visible on an HDTV at a distance?
It would be a nice hold over until Steam gets their rears in gear.
Also, I can just put the skin on one PC, right? I have a desktop and a HDTV PC. I just want more visible text on the later.
I think there's a fancy media centre option floating around that looks sleek as hell for a temp "big screen mode"
Steam daily is late, whoever is in charge of putting it up must be watching the CD Projekt conference.
I think there's a fancy media centre option floating around that looks sleek as hell for a temp "big screen mode"
Have a link by any chance? I tried googling all combinations and couldn't find anything. Or do you just mean using Windows Media Center?
Dailt Deal: Space Quest 75% off
The Max Payne 3 entry was updated a few minutes ago.
Size is now 1gb bigger.
Well, it's not 35 GB big, only 29 GBBefore the update it was 28 something GB big.
PixelVision is the best looking skin IMO
Oh, I must have misread earlier news then. Nothing to see here!
Got an extra The Void key off the Indie Royale bundle, I'll give the key to someone that's really interested and promises to play it
edit: life's boring when GAF implodes...
Got an extra The Void key off the Indie Royale bundle, I'll give the key to someone that's really interested and promises to play it
edit: life's boring when GAF implodes...
Sent!If no one took it yet, I'll be glad to.Promise I'll play it
Still got the Desura key if you're interested, but who is, reallyI'd really like to try it out please
Edit: nooo, ninja'd!
So Crysis 2 is on Steam now. RIP Origin.
I see the Space Quest Collection on sale for $5 USD, what do you mean?Don't think so. Think this turned out to be one of those occasional fake outs.
Is the Space Quest pack all six games? Was planning on getting them on GOG, but for $5 and steam library convenience I'm gonna snap them up.
Is Space Quest Collection functional on Windows 7? King's Quest wasn't.
I don't see how Compact takes less space than PixelVision...Also STEAM COMPACT is better.
Steam and all the other skins take up too much damn space, I'm using windows not a Mac.
Why would either collection be broken in Windows 7? They all work in DOSBox.Is Space Quest Collection functional on Windows 7? King's Quest wasn't.
Thanks for posting about Pixelvision, I realize now I had been using the same skin for too long.
Also, I'll have to admit seeing a Shogun 2 DLC titled "the Obama faction" made me chuckle.
Any feedback on Dungeons?
Time played: 2 hours
I need to admit that I never really played Dungeon Keeper. I can't quite understand why Dungeons has such a bad reputation on the Internet, but I assume it's due to the fact that most people expected a Dungeon Keeper sequel, which is also what I read in some reviews. But in its current and updated form, Dungeons is a pretty damn fun game on its own merits and one of the best surprises I have encountered in my mini review-athon for this thread.
The basic premise is that you, as the dungeon lord, need to lure Heroes into your dungeon, satisfy their needs and then "harvest" their soul energy when they have been satisfied. For that you have several options to enhance your dungeon, like putting in gold chests, prestige objects that heroes can marvel at and your minions that will fight the enemies. The several systems for that are quite engaging and all the maps I played in the story so far felt fundamentally different due to varying requirements you need to fulfill to advance on a story map.
I sort of got the impression before playing this game that its more like a simulated affair, where you just build your dungeon, and then let the dungeon work on the heroes. However, the game requires you to be heavily involved with the incoming heroes. Mainly for "harvesting" heroes after you satisfied their needs and defending your base.
I also really like the campaign overarching character progression by giving you several goals each level, and if you manage to beat enough goals you get the skill points, which you can then use for better stats and powers.
Conclusion: Very fun and highly recommended, what exactly was everyones problem with this game?
edit: The Void key gone
edit: life's boring when GAF implodes...
While we are in the giving mood I too have one to give. (The Void)
If someone takes it. Please mention that you have. (available inside email bbcode- so quote this post, blah blah blah- you know the drill).
Beamdog was added to the registry so looks like Baulder's Gate Enhanced Edition is heading to Steam.