I'd love one! Always wanted to try it!
Words you will regret for the rest of your life...
I'd love one! Always wanted to try it!
:roll eyes:I don't know why people complain about Steam Download Speeds...
this is such a rare event that I had to take a screenshot
I don't know why people complain about Steam Download Speeds...
this is such a rare event that I had to take a screenshot
I don't know why people complain about Steam Download Speeds...
this is such a rare event that I had to take a screenshot
I often get speeds of about 6-7 MB/s from Steam. I'm on a 100 Mbps fiber connection, but my crappy router limits my actual speed to 50-60 Mbps, so Steam actually pretty much maxes out my connection at times. I know this is definitely not the case for everyone, so I guess my combination of location + ISP + whatever just works really well.
I often get speeds of about 6-7 MB/s from Steam, sometimes even higher. I'm on a 100 Mbps fiber connection, but my crappy router limits my actual speed to 60 Mbps, so Steam actually pretty much maxes out my connection at times. I know this is definitely not the case for everyone, so I guess my combination of location + ISP + whatever just works really well.
(Yeah, it's in Swedish, but you can probably work it out!)
Just in case you were wondering, this is one the most powerful consumer home routers.
Get a router with DD-WRT support and you should be good to go.
Steam is like reverse piracy. Instead of not paying for games I play, I pay for games I don't play.
So it's shooped?
The dude has kids. He watches it with them.Probably not. Hes admitted to being a brony before.
That's one expensive router, though...
Damn, my router is actually supported, but only the revisions after mine. Bummer.
Also, preferably, never use your modem as your router. Just put it in bridge mode and use a proper router for routing purposes. Specially on fast connections.
If you're going the cabled route (which you should probably if you want to make the most out of your connection, my WNR3500L has served me well and I always get ~95 MB/s transfer rates to my NAS.
Wireless isn't superb on it though, but it can be found for around $70
Again, I have a fiber connection, so there is no modem, just an ethernet jack on the wall from which all teh internets just come rushing out!![]()
Don't kid yourself: There's a modem somewhere on your house/building. I don't think Fiber Modems (called ONTs, usually) have routing options.
But there's something somewhere that eats fiber and spits out Ethernet.
Edit: Thinking about it, I don't know if ONTs can be called Modems. Hmm. Something to research at another date.
When Civilization V released nearly 2 years ago, it included a feature that allowed players to browse a list of community-created mods and install them directly inside the game. With the Gods & Kings expansion pack on the horizon, 2K Games and Firaxis Games have decided to go a step further and overhaul the system to use Steam Workshop (and yes, this will be for the base game as well, not just the expansion!) See the full announcement here.
Keep your eyes on the Steam Workshop for the Civilization V update coming soon!
So didn't feel the love at all. It looks absolutely amazing at 1080P 60fps/3D. And I love the world. But for people saying it's more Zelda than GoW... I couldn't disagree more. It's an action game pure and pure. Get locked in a room, press 500 button presses, move to the next room. Get locked in a room, press 500 button presses, next room.
I loved the light Zelda elements and world so much that I attempted to salvage the game by starting over at a reduced difficulty (Really, you can't just change difficulty levels?) But even then, the endless grind was too much.
I should point out that while I love lots of genres, the action genre (Devil May Cry, Ninja Gaiden, GoW) is not one of them.
So I'm just saying for those who hear the agrument: It's more Zelda than God of War. It's really not. It's an action game with a Zelda like structure. If you don't love hardcore button masher action games, stay away.
Wish I'd played this before I'd put Darksiders 2 on my wishlist. Maybe I can trade my gift away, because I really have no desire to touch DS2.
Oh, and in case I didn't stress it enough, world looks absolutely amazing in 3D.
lolSteam is like reverse piracy. Instead of not paying for games I play, I pay for games I don't play.
this is such a rare event that I had to take a screenshot
Hahaha, awesome.
Anyone know if the Manchester server is any faster than the London one (I'm in London though)?
If London's slow because of a big sale or something Manchester's usually a *bit* better but I usually just go the whole hog and pretend I'm Dutch, Steam seems to have plenty of spare capacity in the Netherlands.
BoomI have a Bastion key if anyone wants it, just quote me and I'll PM you it as long as you actually play it because seriously Bastion is amazing
I have a Bastion key if anyone wants it, just quote me and I'll PM you it as long as you actually play it because seriously Bastion is amazing
Sent, enjoy!
Sword of the Stars - the Complete Collection (original Sword of the Stars plus all its expansions) is also on sale for $4.99. I'd recommend that over the still buggy mess that is SoTS2 if you've never played it.
So awesome. The easier mods get the better.So Civ V is getting Steam Workshop support. Sorry if it was already known, I've just read the news on Steam.
If you want Sword of the Stars 2, you may want to buy this Amazon bundle instead. It's 12.49, and includes Crusader Kings 2, Magicka Complete and The Stars Are Left DLC, SOTS 1 Complete, SOTS 2, and Victoria 2. The codes for Crusader Kings 2, SOTS 2, and Magica all register on Steam.
The big problem for me is it doesn't tell you how to play. There's a newbie guy, but that's not as good as it should be, and the interface is just clumsy compared to Sins of a Solar Empire.What's the problem with the second game btw?
If you want Sword of the Stars 2, you may want to buy this Amazon bundle instead. It's 12.49, and includes Crusader Kings 2, Magicka Complete and The Stars Are Left DLC, SOTS 1 Complete, SOTS 2, and Victoria 2. The codes for Crusader Kings 2, SOTS 2, and Magica all register on Steam.
Glad you're all digging the sale![]()
. The Paradox deal just got better:
I just got off the phone with Paradox.
We're going to extend this sale through the end of the week (6/2) since it is doing so well.
More importantly though. Everyone who purchased the Plentiful Paradox Package, and everyone who chooses to purchase it this week, will get 2 $23 promotional credits, 1 for
Europa Universalis III Chronicles
and 1 for
The Hearts of Iron III Collection
That will make both of these games $6 each for those of you looking to round out your Paradox Grand Strategy collection.
Just a note that we won't start giving out the credits until tomorrow likely. There are a couple of people that I need to click a button here and there to turn the promotion on...and I think they are eating burgers right now...
Just an FYI, for those who already purchased the bundle. I need to wait for my systems to catch up with all the data from the weekend, so you'll likely receive your email with promo credits mid-late day tomorrow...you'll get them though.
If London's slow because of a big sale or something Manchester's usually a *bit* better but I usually just go the whole hog and pretend I'm Dutch, Steam seems to have plenty of spare capacity in the Netherlands.