I need to finish my play through of FEAR. The padding really started to get to me.
The game started to lose me just a bit after this despicable buffoon showed up.
I need to finish my play through of FEAR. The padding really started to get to me.
The game started to lose me just a bit after this despicable buffoon showed up.
Huh. I don't remember this.
Maybe I should play it again someday.
Oh yeah, that thing was the epitome of making the player feel powerful.
F.E.A.R. was super awesome. I will put people on my ignore list who say otherwise.
Just finished the 3rd stage of Castlevania, and it's a strange game. The combat feels great, but the camera is beyond terrible. And I feel the game doesn't reward exploring, because although there are a few sections where the path branches, if I take the right one first it won't allow me to go back and explore the one I missed. And that really sucks, because I don't want to have to replay levels later, I like exploring it all the first time (unless I need a specific item/power-up/skill to access, that is).
Oh, and according to Aida64, the CPU temperature is normal during the massive slowdowns (around 50°C), but the GPU reached 96°C or so, which I think is pretty high. Unless the sensors aren't working well, I may be on the road to have a toasted graphics card. I have no idea why, because I cleaned it less than 3 weeks ago.
How can I do that? From the Nvidia drivers?GPUS can handle high temps however most GPU's have awful fan slops, manually set your fan to a higher %
How can I do that? From the Nvidia drivers?
MSI Afterburner?How can I do that? From the Nvidia drivers?
Can you stop with the shady split/trade posts? We have threads for that, plus the fact you decided to bump the post to the new page.
Oh god triple post, what are you doing?
It's a GeForce 9800 GTX+. Old, but good (or at least it is whenever it feels like working properly).What GPU are you using
I use the regular Nvidia drivers, and my card's brand is XFX. No idea if that changes things.MSI Afterburner?
It's a GeForce 9800 GTX+. Old, but good (or at least it is whenever it feels like working properly).
I use the regular Nvidia drivers, and my card's brand is XFX. No idea if that changes things.
Never had to deal with something like this. Usually things started working fine after I gave them a proper cleaning.
I have no idea, things went horribly wrong
AC3 in the summer sale's price was pathetic, do Ubisoft really expect people to buy that at 24 dollars?All but AC3 go 75% off during a sale.
All but AC3 go 75% off during a sale.
AC3 in the summer sale's price was pathetic, do Ubisoft really expect people to buy that at 24 dollars?
Uh-huh so you managed to miss a double post, which was only 3 minutes ago then you realised that you were at the bottom of the page so the only logical solution was to post it again and fake ignorance?
Fans preorder or buy on launch, but for the rest of us that waited for sales, 24 is hardly appealing.There's people that bought it at full price (not me, I couldn't stand it after 3 hours, glad I got it for 'free' with PS+). It takes all sorts, man.
AC3 in the summer sale's price was pathetic, do Ubisoft really expect people to buy that at 24 dollars?
No, what happened was instead of editing the post I quoted my own post and edited it there, then I deleted the first post once I realised
Steam version? Or just Uplay?I got it for $11 a few weeks ago.
Yeah, I played for that long and I barely got to the New World, playing a total douchebag the entire time and when I finally get there, I'm still in the tutorial? Also, there's almost no verticality, even in the first town, so I figured I'd best bail before I lost more time on it.I watched him play it and holy crap, it's janky, unoptimized, boring.
So you totally ignored the first post you did then.
Look you know you are not supposed to trade here, the rule is listed in the OP.
Bought Revelation for 10.20 a long time ago, it was ok, and I'm not going to pay more for an AC game.Assassin's Creed 3 is such a chore. My brother bought it (he's not really well informed on games) for $40 on PS3. It really is a huggeeee drag. He bought Revelations with it and he played that, which is when he noticed Revelations was getting stale. AC3.....I watched him play it and holy crap, it's janky, unoptimized, boring.
Don't bother until it's at most $10.
Bought Revelation for 10.20 a long time ago, it was ok, and I'm not going to pay more for an AC game.
Wilderness is boring? I actually prefer Italy over Istanbul, more historical buildings to scale and see.What I liked most about Revelations was the refreshing colourfulness and setting of Istanbul. AC3...oh man, just so pale, there was no life. Also, the redesigning of characters was grossly unnecessary.
Wilderness is boring? I actually prefer Italy over Istanbul, more historical buildings to scale and see.
When do you even get to the wilderness? All I got were like, little wooden houses spaced far apart and a wide open wood/dirt fort, which is really not what I signed up for in an assassin's creed.
Were you playing as the white guy still?
Gonna try this if it keeps happening. Hopefully it'll help.MSI afterburner works with all GPU's, either use that or EVGA Precision X. Both allow fan control. By Default Nvidia cards target 80c. If your GPU is old it will get higher, I am confident cranking the fan up will drastically help
Steam version? Or just Uplay?
Yep. I'd just... gotten back from the fort where I got the... whatever it was, with the random dudes that spawned on roofs. That's about the point where I said "yeah, okay, I'm done"
Were you playing as the white guy still?
So AC3 truly has a long ass tutorial/prologue? How long is that?Yep. I'd just... gotten back from the fort where I got the... whatever it was, with the random dudes that spawned on roofs on the way back. That's about the point where I said "yeah, okay, I'm done"
That's why lol. You didn't even get to interesting plot point, which leads you to play as the native guy, but even after that, it all just dies down.
So AC3 truly has a long ass tutorial/prologue? How long is that?
Dude, I'd been playing for like, 2-3 hours as a total douchebag that I knew wasn't the main character in a stupid boxed off tutorial with little areas that went "And now you are going to learn to do <whatever>" which usually came down to "PRESS X NOW".
My time is more valuable than that.
So AC3 truly has a long ass tutorial/prologue? How long is that?
The entire time I was saying to myself, "When are they going to get to the fireworks factory?" That's a Simpsons reference btw. Basically another way of expressing the anticipation of reaching the good/exciting part of something, but it never comes..
So I just found out that Steam has a secret multiplayer game that you can play. It's Spacewar. You just need to type steam://install/480 into a steam chat window and it gives you the option of installing it.
Has anyone ever tried it before? It looks fun.
So AC3 truly has a long ass tutorial/prologue? How long is that?
That sounds...sad.While the tutorial is indeed 6-8 hours long, it's maybe the best part of the game, so, yeah.
That sounds...sad.
That sounds...sad.
It isn't really, it's not a particularly bad tutorial, and there are genuinely beautiful set-pieces, but like pretty much every AC the game gets more and more boring as you play it...