Yeah the ship is not glued to your mouse, it has its own momentum.
Btw, later levels require you to play previous levels on higher and higher difficulties in order to unlock them.
*throws laptop out the window*
Yeah the ship is not glued to your mouse, it has its own momentum.
Btw, later levels require you to play previous levels on higher and higher difficulties in order to unlock them.
Gaf when is the cave releasing? Just says January 2013
I'm torn because I don't think Ravaged is worth it, but I do think you should play the game just to see someone else attempt to fly a helicopter.
I hope you guys are ready to defend more towers. This should be out in a bit ($8.99): http://store.steampowered.com/app/215710
They sent me an email at some point giving me Ravaged for free. I have no clue what I did to get that.
January 2013
Gaf when is the cave releasing? Just says January 2013
I'm torn because I don't think Ravaged is worth it, but I do think you should play the game just to see someone else attempt to fly a helicopter.
They sent me an email at some point giving me Ravaged for free. I have no clue what I did to get that.
Oh and I installed and played a bit of Jamestown. Normal is do-able for me, but I sadly do not like how the mouse controls very much, the movement of the mouse doesn't let you move the vehicle itself it seems, it felt like I was dragging it.
Tower Defense is officially the worst genre ever. I felt mad just seeing towers and lanes in that Steam background that was just posted.
You probably ran a red light or something.
I got Ravaged for free at the start of the Steam Winter sale as a gift for being in the beta. lol
Tower Defense is officially the worst genre ever. I felt mad just seeing towers and lanes in that Steam background that was just posted.
Hey guys, I'm trading Hotline Miami for FT..hahahafgaasdfa... First quote gets Hotline for free. I might skip you if you're a known Steam hoarder.
You win! It looks like you actually play games and stuff. That's great.
You win! It looks like you actually play games and stuff. That's great.
An unexpected error has occurred. Your purchase has not been completed.
Please contact Steam Support.
Is this a new thing you guys do with games now? Playing?Thanks a lot! I do enjoy playing games![]()
Ok guys I'm trying to buy Spec Ops, but I always get this really stupid problem. I've gotten it since the sale before the Christmas one, and plagued me the whole Christmas. I CANNOT buy anything with PayPal, I get an error message. I don't want to use CC since I have PayPal money.
Have you tried... contacting... Steam support?
Well I just tried that, how long do they usually take to respond?
Kentucky Route Zero (the dev's store)
Do you have a pad at hand? Or do you have a decent keyboard? I found them to be better options than the mouse.*throws laptop out the window*
You're a sucker Nabs, you could have had any game worth $10 and had him draw a picture for your amusement.
Then you could have made him wash your feet and kiss your giant, gem encrusted gold ring as he proclaims the lengths of your charity and penis.
Yeah, it got a whole bunch of noms at the IGF, and so wins this year's bonus prize of instant greenlighitng. Ditto Incredapede.Greenlit.
Thanks a lot! I do enjoy playing games![]()
Buy FTL if you don't have it people. Such a great game
FTL is also half off over at the game's official website. Steam key + DRM-free version.
What's Cities in Motion and how does it play? I see it popping up on Steamgifts.
Did anyone like Retro City Rampage? Seemed like it took forever to come out and when it finally did Hotline Miami totally stole it's thunder.
Knew I forgot to buy the FTL soundtrack so this is a good chance to get around to it.
Tower Defense is officially the worst genre ever. I felt mad just seeing towers and lanes in that Steam background that was just posted.
It is an awesome transportation simulation game, and it is the main reason you should buy this bundle.
It is a very fun stategy game that has you owning and operating a puplic transportation company that has to use the challeges of the existing cities to complete objectives and requests from city officials and patrons. The fun part of the game is really trying to use the different forms of transportation to create an interconnect web of travel to make all of your patrons happy, while riding the economic waves and trying to keep your company's head above water, financially. I thuroughly enjoyed this game.