It'll be interesting to see what my first purchase of the year will be.
Mine was Miasmata. I'm happy with that.
It'll be interesting to see what my first purchase of the year will be.
It'll be interesting to see what my first purchase of the year will be.
might I recommend:
Needs to be a Daily.
fat-chance, freaking ubisoft amirite
I'd like to play it again with different choices, but don't feel like doing it all in one day again. Guess that's my new recordYeah, the beginning of the first episode had me like "oh, building fences. hm...sounds fun..?" but I'm hooked now. I love how the game doesn't shy away from gore. Episode 2 was really goodand I'm gonna start Ep. 3 now.(the dinner scene was tense!)
Wait, XI3? I remember that from CES 2 years ago!
It'll be interesting to see what my first purchase of the year will be.
fat-chance, freaking ubisoft amirite
Off to a fantastic startFirst purchases of 2013 was Dark Souls and 2k Strategy Super Pack. So worth it. Nothing planned for purchases. Heck, I may not buy anything in the summer either.![]()
Friend got me that during the Steam sale. GOTY.might I recommend:
Punch, Raz, Punch! YAY Raz! PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH!Yo, whoever put the collect all figments achievement in Psychonauts was a dick to the max. I'm missing 1 in the Napoleon level and I have combed through the level like 4 times now.
Also, that smashing minigame is assholishly designed too.
Punch, Raz, Punch! YAY Raz! PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH!
I still hear their voices in my head
I just installed an new ssd and am trying to figure out how to install steam. I have steam installed on my old drive. Now I know I can just load up steam on that drive and it will be all fine. My question is if I can reinstall steam on the new drive and will it pick up the library on my other drive. In this case the drive letters and file locations will not have changed as steam was not on the C drive before either.
I don't know what happened, but I don't feel like playing The Witcher right now. I've been enjoying it a lot, but...
I'm only 18 hours in, still at chapter 2. And it's a great game, I like the combat, writing and all. I don't know if I should force myself to go back to it, or forget about it for a while. I really want to complete it someday.
And all the while, I can't decide which game to play now. If that one, or the original Deus Ex (another long game that I'm afraid will bore me), or Binary Domain, Alpha Protocol or Prototype. Or some random indie game, I don't know.
So many unplayed games, and somehow it's harder to choose than if I only had a pair or two.
Could be it, yes. I'm not an RPG fan, but loved the Mass Effect series (and don't hate them in retrospective, even after ME3 ending) and now was loving The Witcher too. But I may have grown tired of it, though the story, writing, characters and setting is top-notch. I'll follow your advice and let it rest for a while, until my interest comes back again (I hope it happens soon).This may not be what you're suffering, but I find myself with RPG burnout from time to time - I think it's the burden of decision making, not helped by being an over-analyser who tends to over-think and get bogged down with character development and whatnot.
When I'm in one of these ruts, I like to dig my way out with something completely different, often linear, shooty or possibly 'mindless'.
Say, do you have Mark of the Ninja still to tackle? A mate is playing through that at the moment, and loving it.
You accidentally loaded up Doomline Miami apparently.anyone know why?
I do have MotN, and haven't started it yet. Actually I did, played for 5 minutes, died in the tutorial and never touched it since. Looks like I'm going to play it now, then. Thanks a lot
I hope this game is as good as everyone says, 5 minutes aren't enough to form a proper opinion.
You accidentally loaded up Doomline Miami apparently.
Shit gets real, mid through, is all I'll say about it. The shooting aspect is definitely standard fare. Not bad, but unremarkable.Started playing Spec ops seems pretty standard so far but I've heard it's good so I'll keep playing.
Started playing Spec ops seems pretty standard so far but I've heard it's good so I'll keep playing.
The gist of it is that the storytelling makes up for the average gameplay.
Edit: b10.
the gist of it is that the average gameplay actually plays into the storyline
wtf brahs, are you sharing a bed or something?
Yeah the shooting doesn't even seem as bad as I have heard it is. I mean it's not great but some people make it sound like it is unplayable.
Started playing Spec ops seems pretty standard so far but I've heard it's good so I'll keep playing.
Question is, is it better than Gears? Because we all know Binary Domain is. Now we need the Spec Ops The Line decision.
the gist of it is that the average gameplay actually plays into the storyline
Isn't that what one of the devs said? That the gameplay was made average on purpose so as to not detract people from the narrative? That's an awful excuse.
Isn't that what one of the devs said? That the gameplay was made average on purpose so as to not detract people from the narrative? What an awful excuse.
Isn't that what one of the devs said? That the gameplay was made average on purpose so as to not detract people from the narrative? What an awful excuse.
Isn't that what one of the devs said? That the gameplay was made average on purpose so as to not detract people from the narrative? What an awful excuse.