I'm having trouble with my steam install re: symbolic links and the new ability to install some titles on separate hard drives. Some Googling shows this isn't uncommon but I haven't found a simple solution so far.
Steam basically wants to install everything on my full SSD or thinks it's already installed there because of how my symlink is set up; Steam on the SSD, steamapps folder on the HDD sym linked to think it's on the SSD. I'm mostly hoping for an answer that doesn't involve me backing up everything, uninstalling steam, and re-installing it on the HDD and then hoping I can do the old 'install a game, pause the install, shut down steam, move the finished files over, tehn restart steam to finish the 'install'' trick. I've something similar with moving a game to different folder and editing the file path in the .afc file but it doesn't seem to have worked.
The downside right now is that I can't do fresh installs of anything that doesn't use Steam's new content structure since it thinks it's installing it to the C drive which is full.
Anyone have any magic bullet solutions or dealt with this themselves?