Can I have it?
Yep, check your PMs
Enjoy it, it is quite addicting.
Can I have it?
Yep, check your PMs
Enjoy it, it is quite addicting.
Is XCOM any good? Looks alright, but I'm skeptical about it.
I realized that once again the free trial game(this time Natural Selection 2) didn't properly delete itself. It just disappears from my Steam client but the files still remain on my hard drive.
Am I seriously the only one with this problem? I wonder how many of you have free trial files still sitting on your hard drive without realizing it.
I'm not necessarily asking for it to auto-delete itself. What annoys me is how it disappears from my Steam client with no indication that it's still installed on my hard drive.Yeah that always happens when a trial expires before you uninstall it. Kinda dumb, I wish it removed the files too but i'm sure people would get upset if it did.
Nah, I don't want games I don't own plaguing my library. It's bad enough already with the Ys Origin demo not disappearing from the games list in my Steam profile.I'm not necessarily asking for it to auto-delete itself. What annoys me is how it disappears from my Steam client with no indication that it's still installed on my hard drive.
This is what happens when a game is installed that you don't own. It shows up in Steam but with a 'purchase' label. This is how free trial games should remain in the Steam client instead of disappearing altogether.
Nah, I don't want games I don't own plaguing my library. It's bad enough already with the Ys Origin demo not disappearing from the games list in my Steam profile.
But the free trial files are still sitting in your hard drive. At least this way you have the option to delete it from within your Steam client. I am not asking for a permanent entry in your Steam client. Just an option to delete the free trial files from within your Steam client.Nah, I don't want games I don't own plaguing my library. It's bad enough already with the Ys Origin demo not disappearing from the games list in my Steam profile.
i put the mac versions in a category.Not to mention Mac versions of games and the like.
i put the mac versions in a category.
It could give you the option to choose which one you want, that's fine. But I'd take having to manually delete the game files over being forced to have an expired game on my library any day.But the free trial files are still sitting in your hard drive. At least this way you have the option to delete it from within your Steam client. I am not asking for a permanent entry in your Steam client. Just an option to delete the free trial files from within your Steam client.
I seriously don't think many people are understanding what I'm saying here. There's a problem with the way the Steam client handles free trials.
Oh wow WOW. For a second I thought... but no, then I realised that's the Mac version.Yeah me too. Still the option would be nice.
yea im still hoping they are working on a redesign for the client. missing so many options.Yeah me too. Still the option would be nice.
Why do you keep assuming it has to be a permanent entry in your Steam client. All it has to do is show you which expired free trials are present on your hard drive and give you the option to delete it.It could give you the option to choose which one you want, that's fine. But I'd take having to manually delete the game files over being forced to have an expired game on my library any day.
You know what? I'm going to make a new account just to avoid having Ys Origin demo on it![]()
Here comes the ban hammer!
Read the one and only announcement for the whole forum.I'm getting banhammered for that?
Faerie Solitaire
Mea culpa.Damn, already taken![]()
Is GetGames legit? They have Civ V Gods & Kings for $10 and my son has money burning a hole in his pocket.
So is Brutal Legend ridiculous short if you skip the side content or something? I'm kinda surprised I have 2 story achievements left at 4 hours played.
About 4-6 hours if you avoid all the collectables and side 'missions'. Still I was just having a hoot driving around to a kick arse soundtrack half the time until late on in the game where I knuckled down. Multiplayer seams to be where the meat is and is actually surprisingly quite enjoyable if you don't go in thinking it's an RTS.
It's really annoying I have to keep myself from rushing through a game just to get it checked off the backlog. I don't want Bioshock Infinite to end, one of the games I'm just enjoying and taking it all in; but I just know I'll play atleast 3 other games 'just the main content' just to get it over with. It sucks. Maybe I'll make a new account or something. Or not. Or games just last too long, sometimes. Sometimes I'd prefer playing a 6 hour game, so my attention span will stay with that certain game long enough to enjoy it. I've played far too many games where I felt "OK, fun's over guys. Let's wrap it up."
Man, my posts in this thread are so random.
It's really annoying I have to keep myself from rushing through a game just to get it checked off the backlog. I don't want Bioshock Infinite to end, one of the games I'm just enjoying and taking it all in; but I just know I'll play atleast 3 other games 'just the main content' just to get it over with. It sucks. Maybe I'll make a new account or something. Or not. Or games just last too long, sometimes. Sometimes I'd prefer playing a 6 hour game, so my attention span will stay with that certain game long enough to enjoy it. I've played far too many games where I felt "OK, fun's over guys. Let's wrap it up."
Man, my posts in this thread are so random.
I had the exact same problem with Alan Wake.Then after finishing it up, I wasn't in the mood to try the DLC, up to today :/
I know exactly what you mean. This year though I've adopted a different method. If I'm not enjoying the game and I'm only playing to get it off my backlog I'll play it in chucks, level by level so not to get totally bored with it. Beat a level or section and put it down for the day or move on to something else. Some stuff has taken me 3 months just to get through, others 5 years!
BioShock Infinite was different for me as I was so engrossed in the story I couldn't put it down. Played it for 3 days straight and enjoyed it more than anything else I've beat this year. I didn't rush through it at all. Took my time and explored the environment looking for voxophones and other bits and bobs. I was the same with Dishonored. Plan to replay both of them fully when I get some breathing space from the backlog.
HL3 jokes are particularly dull since people joke about it every damn day of the year.Ugh, it's going to a long day of unfunny, trite, predictable game-related April Fools Day jokes.
Half Life 2 Episode 3 is on steam now! Go pre-purchase!
HA...Half Life 2 Episode 3 is on steam now! Go pre-purchase!
BioShock Infinite was different for me as I was so engrossed in the story I couldn't put it down. Played it for 3 days straight and enjoyed it more than anything else I've beat this year. I didn't rush through it at all. Took my time and explored the environment looking for voxophones and other bits and bobs. I was the same with Dishonored. Plan to replay both of them fully when I get some breathing space from the backlog.
Both games (Dishonored and Bioshock Infinite) last 10 hours. This is the perfect time span for this kind of gameplay in a single-player adventure. Deux Ex Human Revolution is way too long, and the player gets bored. Portal 2 is a model: a single-player which lasts 8 hours, and lots of replay values, thanks to leaderboards and coop'. Skyrim was okay with a time span of 30 hours, but this is thanks to lots of in-game content (music, characters, animals, voices, etc.). L.A. Noire is too long, because the game is very repetitive and does not show so much content.
Both games (Dishonored and Bioshock Infinite) last 10 hours.
I suppose it's all down to different people play different games different ways and finish them in different times in a different amount of sessions. I know what you saying but here's a few example just from my own experiences.
BioShock Infinite took me roughly 18 hours to finish and Dishonored around 20. I soaked up every single bit of each of those games and took way longer than what most people list on hltb but due to personal enjoying the experience with both my interest didn't wane.
Where as Halo 3 and ODST both took me around 8 and 6 hours respectively they both bored me to tears and took 5 and 4 years to beat due to not being interested in the world, character or story (well maybe a bit in ODST).
Despite DE:HR taking me 25 hours I could put it down and went and hacked every computer and did every side quest. Portal 2 took me 12 hours and then I went and played it again on PS3 and then in coop. L.A. Noire took me 13 hours on 360 and did it over a weekend and about 18 on PC and I did that in 2 chunks despite having being a game with little to no replay value and having played it before.
The length of the game doesn't really make a difference to me but good games I won't notice the time it takes where as bad ones it seams a lot longer. The Steam 'hours played' stat sometimes makes me stop and look. I suppose we all got to find what works for ourselves really.
Incidentally, while ~10 hours seems to be the accepted length of a typical Dishonored play-through, I'm about 15 hours into it... and nowhere near the end, as best as I can tell. I'm playing stealthily, so there's a bit of trial and error and back-tracking, but I'm glad it's not over just yet - I'm enjoying it a lot.
Completely sucking at games sure does extend the play-time.
Sure. From a player point of view, a good game never lasts too long. From a designer point of view, an average 20-hour long game could make a good 10-hour game, and I feel like DE:HR or LA:N would have been better in overall if they had been shorter.
From what I have read, Dishonored does have some replay values, and depending on the playstyle, the game can last longer. I have no problem with this, since this seems to be a well-designed game: it is up to the player to play for more than 10 hours, or to rush a bit more. Basically, if the player has to play for 20 or 30 hours to see the ending of a game, the creator should have put a lot of content in the game, otherwise the designer should have allowed the player to play different ways and finish the game quickly if she wants. There is nothing worse than playing a good game for 6 hours, expecting 4 hours till the end, and then to have to play the same average gameplay for 20 more hours instead.
Even the boss battles?I didn't have the same problem with Deus Ex, but then again really enjoyed the whole package.
Both games (Dishonored and Bioshock Infinite) last 10 hours. This is the perfect time span for this kind of gameplay in a single-player adventure. Deux Ex Human Revolution is way too long, and the player gets bored. Portal 2 is a model: a single-player which lasts 8 hours, and lots of replay values, thanks to leaderboards and coop'. Skyrim was okay with a time span of 30 hours, but this is thanks to lots of in-game content (music, characters, animals, voices, etc.). L.A. Noire is too long, because the game is very repetitive and does not show so much content.
Sure. From a player point of view, a good game never lasts too long. From a designer point of view, an average 20-hour long game could make a good 10-hour game, and I feel like DE:HR or LA:N would have been better in overall if they had been shorter.
I think I've spent 3 or 4 hours at Dishonoured and only completed the first proper mission. A ghost/no-kill/no-upgrade playthrough definitely takes more than 10 hours, at least if you suck at it like me.