how come we don't have official steambox discussion thread? Pretty much for every game reveal these days, at the end it says, "coming to PS4 and other next gen consoles." this pretty much confirms steambox right?!
how come we don't have official steambox discussion thread? Pretty much for every game reveal these days, at the end it says, "coming to PS4 and other next gen consoles." this pretty much confirms steambox right?!
how come we don't have official steambox discussion thread? Pretty much for every game reveal these days, at the end it says, "coming to PS4 and other next gen consoles." this pretty much confirms steambox right?!
how come we don't have official steambox discussion thread? Pretty much for every game reveal these days, at the end it says, "coming to PS4 and other next gen consoles." this pretty much confirms steambox right?!
Are Bioshock 1 & 2 from Gamefly redeemable on steam?
how come we don't have official steambox discussion thread? Pretty much for every game reveal these days, at the end it says, "coming to PS4 and other next gen consoles." this pretty much confirms steambox right?!
This is my third post about Oblivion, and I just can't play anymore, first of all I want to say I try to play games like old times when the games dont need to be perfect to have fun, I love RPGs and games with adventure, i don't care about graphics or mechanics... But I hate Oblivion..
I try 15 hrs. I put several mods, I read lore, etc. But nothing.. I just feel like a doll in very good looking world, like a tech demo of a open world, the gameplay was very archaic, the story was meh..I feel bad for don't like the game I never like leave games without finishing but this.. In not that strong
I stopped playing at this point. Now I just wish there was a way to remove it from my steam profile.
This is my third post about Oblivion of impressions, and I just can't play anymore, first of all I want to say I try to play games like old times when the games dont need to be perfect to have fun, I love RPGs and games with adventure, i don't care about graphics or mechanics... But I hate Oblivion..
I try 15 hrs. I put several mods, I read lore, etc. But nothing.. I just feel like a doll in very good looking world, like a tech demo of a open world, the gameplay was very archaic, the story was meh..I feel bad for don't like the game I never like leave games without finishing but this.. In not that strong
This is my third post about Oblivion impressions, and I just can't play anymore, first of all I want to say I try to play games like old times when the games dont need to be perfect to have fun, I love RPGs and games with adventure, i don't care about graphics or mechanics... But I hate Oblivion..
I try 15 hrs. I put several mods, I read lore, etc. But nothing.. I just feel like a doll in a very good looking world, like a tech demo of a open world, the gameplay was very archaic in a bad way, the story was meh..I feel bad for don't like the game I never like leave games without finishing but this.. Im not that strong
I warned you! When I played vanilla at release I quite liked a few of the city designs, but the copy pasta dullness of oblivion gates/caves/ruins combined with the level and loot scaling made the game a complete bore. I'm sure it can be decent with enough overhauling & mods, but if I was going to go to the trouble it'd be for Morrowind.
That's the same bit of gameplay I found to be exciting in Oblivion. That and the Brotherhood quest line being legitimately entertaining.
Of course, I'm playing Geneforge 5 and enjoying lockpicking/mechanics gameplay far more there. It's just a skillcheck but the level design means if you spec for it, and you practice stealth a bit, you get to see and do a lot of stuff you couldn't otherwise. It's almost more like the way Deus Ex was put together. And there are probably other games that do it even better. There isn't a great reason to play Oblivion for that specific gameplay.
should get around playing the first one. something about it always pushes me away.
Zeno Clash II 2-pack. $15 each.
Might be interested in one later
At least Skyrim has human beings with human heads instead of balloons filled with vaguely face-shaped piles of Crisco.
I keep trying to solo Torchlight II, ultimately get bored, stop playing the game and uninstall it. Should probably stop being lazy and make a Runic account.
This is annoying...
Hell Yeah! doesn't work, it shows the first screen with a chainsaw in the lower right corner and then it just crashes. I've tried about everything I found in the steam forums like reinstalling .Net framework and XNA but nothing helps. Same with Penny Arcade Episode 3.
Restart your PC that happen to me last week with a couple of games
Cross-thread replies, now that's service! THX BRO
Sounds like I could handle it. I ended up enjoying Revelaitons and that was Bullet Sponge: Portable Ops, basically. Not my favorite trope but I'll take it over 1,000 one shot kills with no challenge.
Out of all things you think I forgot to reboot my PC?![]()
Can you see the cutscenes?
Out of all things you think I forgot to reboot my PC?![]()
Nope. Crashes before that. The files in the game folder are perfectly watchable though.
Do you have installed some codecs pack? If so, maybe you should try uninstall them!
Tons of things wrong with Skyrim but i chosed to forgive because the sense of exploration was fantastic. However, one i couldn't let pass:One of the reasons I am not a fan of Skyrim, they really didn't take much of a step from Oblivion.
The combat is still horrible
Same engine as Morrowind/Oblivion
Dumbed down the RPG mechanics
World and Quests are almost more shallow
uninstalled, rebooted, nada
Oh well, thanks for trying to help.
I would be down if anyone wants to grab the Torchlight 4-pack. Each copy would be $7.5.
Last week was 6 on gamefly
I really shouldn't bring this topic back up.
But I don't suppose I would get banned from if I hurled explicatives at the developers who made the game I want to get rid from my Steam account, quite notoriously?
I'm a little irritated to the point I don't much care about how people would disagree with my taste here about what game it is I don't like. I want to rant about them and the industry that has produced games like this. I just need a rant right now. Need need need a rant right now. And I'm not thinking of the consequences very clearly.
But I don't want to get banned for cursing out some developers.
Stop being coy about what game it is with the "it's personal" bullshit. You just told now have a game made you freak out and abandon 2 grand worth of games. That is a tad more personal then what the game is. Someone find a mod and have him tell us or ban his ass. If a guy can get banned for not updating us how his flight cross county to meet a girl is going, then this should be too.There's nothing attention grabbing.
I shared my issue with something and it turned out that saying what I did really stirred the pot with many people telling me I have OCD and to seek therapy and ect.
I am not sharing what game it is because that's personal and not many people would agree with me on the reasoning. My reasons for not liking the game are my own and not anyone else's business. What I shouldn't have done is anything pointless like giving anyone any hints.
Anyway, I made the decision to make a new account after a lot of thought and I'm very happy with myself and my decision. It has reinvigorated my love in Steam and PC gaming. And that's what matters. I'm going to be a lot more careful now with that I buy and I'm not going to buy for the sake of buying. Even if that means I never have more than 50 games.
I really shouldn't bring this topic back up.
But I don't suppose I would get banned from if I hurled explicatives at the developers who made the game I want to get rid from my Steam account, quite notoriously?
I'm a little irritated to the point I don't much care about how people would disagree with my taste here about what game it is I don't like. I want to rant about them and the industry that has produced games like this. I just need a rant right now. Need need need a rant right now. And I'm not thinking of the consequences very clearly.
But I don't want to get banned for cursing out some developers.
Stop being coy about what game it is with the "it's personal" bullshit. You just told now have a game made you freak out and abandon 2 grand worth of games. That is a tad more personal then what the game is. Someone find a mod and have him tell us or ban his ass. If a guy can get banned for not updating us how his flight cross county to meet a girl is going, then this should be too.
HolyBaikal what is the fucking game?