Stallion Free
Cock Encumbered
Shit frame rate is PS3 Bayonetta before patch, I guess I got that one in a 1000 copy that magically didn't have frame rate issues.
Or maybe you just have a magical overclocked PS3.
Shit frame rate is PS3 Bayonetta before patch, I guess I got that one in a 1000 copy that magically didn't have frame rate issues.
Or maybe you just have a magical overclocked PS3.
I found an amazing guide to figure out the remaining 3 bullshit figments I was missing.
Do you have a link?
Or maybe you just have a magical overclocked PS3.
When's LoS2 releasing again? March right? Might make a replay of 1 by then...
Use the menu in game with the figment list with this:
Just wrapped up 100% in Psychonauts. Wasn't as irritating as I thought it would be. I found an amazing guide to figure out the remaining 3 bullshit figments I was missing.
It feels pretty good having it join Costume Quest:
and Stacking:
I'm ready for The Cave now. I have a pretty easy 100% line up after this too: The Walking Dead, Scribblenauts, and Lego LOTR.
Psychonauts aside, Double Fine games are pretty easy to 100% without going too far out of your way.Wow dude! You are the gamer I wish I was...
Wow dude! You are the gamer I wish I was...
You should anyway. Costume Quest is the best RPG ever made.Hmm... maybe I should finally boot the Double Fine games up then.
Dammit, Dream Machine updated and I thought maybe it was Episode 4 but it was just a patch.
You're welcomeHoly shit, I wasn't expecting this answer :lol
You're welcome
Steam is just like that. At the least expected moment, something pops up in the registry, be it Alan Wake for PC or Nights into Dreams and such.
Just hoping PES2013 will be good and play well on the comp. Like
Oh, I noticed the Stacking mention. I guess I have my targets. Stacking and Half-Minute Hero. Time to trim some of the fat of this backlog!
The game is already out for PC, just in retail format, so I'm sure someone could find some impressions of how good of a port it is. Great to see the game finally coming out for Steam though, hope the price is inline with the retail PC release (half the price instead of full priced), though I have my doubts about that.
It's okay if they are clearly CGI, but I absolutely hate it when it uses in-game assets. Why not just script it? You already did the work, didn't you? The only thing Darksiders 2 had for it was it almost had no (if any) pre-rendered cutscenes so it didn't bloat up my hard drive.pre-rendered cutscenes in PC games is the cancer of ports
MercurySteam also hinted at a PC port of the original. It'd be nice if it came bundled with the LoS2.
Which of the LEGO games are worth picking up?
Since it's Konami it'll probably be some deal where if you pre-order on Steam or elsewhere you'll get LoS1, but that will be the only way.
What's this? Imageshack is blocked :/Ugh I feel like a bout of deja vu coming on, and this time it's Kotaku that took the bait.
What's this? Imageshack is blocked :/
Since we don't have a GamersGate thread and lots of people from Steam Sale thread bought items from GamersGate during the "fiasco" I'll post this here:
End note: Don't trust GamersGate.
What's this? Imageshack is blocked :/
It's a picture of Kamiya trolling someone on Twitter by claiming to not know what Valve is. And Kotaku taking it seriously without doing any background investigation and posting the tweet as a serious article, hinting that Japanese devs haven't heard of Steam.What's this? Imageshack is blocked :/
Which of the LEGO games are worth picking up?
It's a picture of Kamiya trolling someone on Twitter by claiming to not know what Valve is. And Kotaku taking it seriously without doing any background investigation and posting the tweet as a serious article, hinting that Japanese devs haven't heard of Steam.
(For what it's worth, Platinum Games visited Valve HQ last year)
If you want some non tongue-in-cheek comments from PG regarding Steam.
Kotaku strikes again!
It was specifically Inaba, not Kamiya, that got photoed trying to rotate the giant red valve in the Valve HQ lobby.I was going to say the article is particularly funny as Kotaku published an article last year about Kamiya's visit to Valve, but apparently that's a figment of my imagination.
It's like for every post Jason Schreier makes trying to defend them, someone on the Kotaku staff manages a feat of journalistic failure. Using tweets as the basis for articles is pretty classic Kotaku.Kotaku strikes again!
Primal Fears is out now for $8.99 (the 4-pack is $22.49)
best icon.
It's a 4-player / top-down / co-op game where you kill things with friends. I bet morningbus will like this one.
It was specifically Inaba, not Kamiya, that got photoed trying to rotate the giant red valve in the Valve HQ lobby.
It's a 4-player / top-down / co-op game where you kill things with friends. I bet morningbus will like this one.
Spec ops with a better deal than it got in the big sale? Wasn't it 66% off then?
$7.49 at Amazon, $2.49 if you have an EC coupon from buying a digital download game in Nov/Dec 2012. Price good until 1/9 iirc. Redeems on Steam.Spec ops with a better deal than it got in the big sale? It was 66% off then IIRC
The Walking Dead. Each one of the 40 achievements is progress-related, so there's absolutely no way to miss one. At the end of your first playthrough you'll be presented with an easy 100%'ed game (and an experience you won't forget, truly awesome game).So, speaking of backlogs, what games are relatively easy to 100%? I would say the Double Fine games, Sequence, most point & click adventure games (Blackwell requiring a second playthrough with commentary on), and even Deus Ex HR (I only missed one book because I wasn't thorough).
What else?
Someone asked Kamiya for his opinion of Valve and Steam, he replied that he has no interest in either thing. His twitter's been blowing up about it since the article hit.
Was he joking or what? It can be a humorous way of saying he hasn't got plans of releasing any future games on Steam, or an innocent joke unrelated to his future plans on PC. Whatever it is, I'll read the article when I get home.It's a picture of Kamiya trolling someone on Twitter by claiming to not know what Valve is. And Kotaku taking it seriously without doing any background investigation and posting the tweet as a serious article, hinting that Japanese devs haven't heard of Steam.
(For what it's worth, Platinum Games visited Valve HQ last year)
If you want some non tongue-in-cheek comments from PG regarding Steam.