Miner Wars 2081 Steam news I hadn't seen posted here yet. From an email I received earlier:
The rest of it was just excuses about why they had to delete comments about the pathetic always on "feature" that they just removed.![]()
The plot gets a lot more involved (both in a general sense, as well as for Cole personally), so it's worth playing through the story. The individual cases start to meld together to reveal an overarching plot.Didn't really want to necro bump the L.A Noire thread (or get spoiled), but would you say the game is worth continuing once you finish Homicide? Anything good to look forward to on Vice and Arson?
Didn't really want to necro bump the L.A Noire thread (or get spoiled), but would you say the game is worth continuing once you finish Homicide? Anything good to look forward to on Vice and Arson?
Didn't really want to necro bump the L.A Noire thread (or get spoiled), but would you say the game is worth continuing once you finish Homicide? Anything good to look forward to on Vice and Arson?
Didn't really want to necro bump the L.A Noire thread (or get spoiled), but would you say the game is worth continuing once you finish Homicide? Anything good to look forward to on Vice and Arson?
Thanks mate, I'm glad you agree with my summary. Firaxis did an excellent job bringing XCOM to a new generation; they retained the heart of XCOM but made it feel fresh and exciting. I believe that deserves a high amount of praise.
XCOM can definitely be stressful, as you say. I've often found myself sitting for a good 5-10 minutes contemplating my next move, as I know if I get it wrong, someone is likely to die. That's a lot of pressure. Personally, I revel in that sort of environment. I like to be challenged; it makes success taste so much sweeter. It was a good idea for them to include Civ V with preorders (though I'm guessing you already had it?), as I have noticed that once people experience the joy of XCOM, they tend to seek out more TBS games.
Where did all these EU3 Chronicles keys come from? Is there a bundle with it included? I've been interested in taking a crack at the game.
Sorry if it was already asked, but is Lucius worth 5Â?
Yeah, I had friends that played the original Xcom a lot, but it's completely new to me, but not new to TBS, so I was pretty excited to finally play it.
Heh, I don't think I sit around for too long thinking, and maybe that's what gets me killed sometimes, but I've just been in the mood for a new TBS game for so long. I've actually had Civ V for a while now, but only really started to play it fairly recently. I mentioned not long ago that a Fire Emblem-esque game would be great on pc, or heck, now I wish I bought those sega packs and I'd play Shining Force again. lol
They were handed out to Paradox newsletter subscribers.
If you haven't signed up for their newsletter already it's too late now.
I was just browsing my spam email..low and behold...I must have signed up long time ago haha!
Got a key =S
**I just looked up the game..don't think I will play it..is there a way to add it as a gift?
I don't think so, only way i know is through the purchase screen.I was just browsing my spam email..low and behold...I must have signed up long time ago haha!
Got a key =S
**I just looked up the game..don't think I will play it..is there a way to add it as a gift?
I was just browsing my spam email..low and behold...I must have signed up long time ago haha!
Got a key =S
**I just looked up the game..don't think I will play it..is there a way to add it as a gift?
Anyone wanna have a Hitman Sniper Challenge Key?
Far Cry 3 for $30 on Amazon mmmmmmm.
I see $35?
XCOM really does deserve all the praise it can get. Playing on Ironman Normal mode now, and the tension of having every decision be definitive and being aware that any weak move can put your whole game at risk really makes for some seriously stressing missions. I also keep playing only around 2 missions at a time, only to alt-tab out of the game because I can't handle 3 missions in a row out of fear.
Definitely my 2012 GotY.
Tony still hasn't gotten that Microsoft thing through?
Does anyone have impressions of Droid Assault?
I love to see the XCOM love in here. Like I said early it was my SOTY (surprise of the year) I like everything in the game. When I go to a new mission I always listen to that soundtrack before landing to give me the battle mood. I just wish I could have more time to play it.
ShaneB there's going to be Steam Workshop support? What could we expect in that if it happens fellow GAFfer? You got me curious now.
Heh, yeah, I tend to just run a few missions at a time as well. I've accepted that XCOM is best suited as a roguelike with Ironman on, the idea of reloading saves and whatnot just feels like so much cheating. I think I'm extra careful when I have Canadian solders![]()
I can't remember if they've clearly stated it, but there are mods readily avaiable, so some tools are there, various tweaks and whatnot. Plus Firaxis has clearly shown with Civ V their support for Workshop. I think the biggest thing most people want is fully randomized maps. Workshop won't bring exactly that (and maybe that will come eventually who knows), but if the option is there for users to create maps, you can essentially just get so many map packs from workshop. And just some sort of skirmish scenarios and whatnot would be neat.
I really wish multiplayer was more fun though, it just seems horribly unbalanced, that and I tend not to really like 1v1 games.
edit: The recent RPS 2 piece interview with Jake Solomon is a nice read too.
Seriously, Euro Truck Sim 2 is dope as hell. This game is great.
You can. I believe in you.snagged Alpha Protocol from GMG ($3 after coupon). Really hope i can get past the jank that turned me off last time i played...
Mini prize give-away: Sleeping Dogs - (5 Copies to give away)
1. My favorite PC game from 2012: Torchlight 2. I skipped out on Diablo 3, so I needed an arpg fix. I still haven't got my first legendary :/ I have put too many hours into it. I don't have that much time for games, but I'd like to find something to really push my system (and have fun)
2. I just built my PC in the last year, so the only thing I may look into in the next year is a new monitor (I'm using a TV I bought 4 years ago). I got a 2500K so I'll probably look into overclocking at some point.
Thank you for doing this.
1- I was thinking about this earlier and to me it has to be XCOM Enemy Unknown . In fact this was my SOTY (Surprise of the year) the type of game is not one that got many similar releases in 2012 and this was released on 3 platforms. I got a real sense of Fear because of the panic levels, I get attached to my soldiers a bit, I fear when Aliens are killing defenseless civilians and I love when I come back from a well done mission. I can spend my time reasearching and getting ready for the next mission and all of that just make a complete game in more ways than just a strategy game.
2- I'm really curious about new Graphics Cards coming once the Next-Gen hits the consoles. When we start to see those next-gen games I can't imagine how powerfull it can get on a new 2013 PC. Hype!
3- Sorry for the not so good english. I got hyped for this game thanks to fellow GAFfer Corto who has been playing a lot it lately.![]()
1. FTL: It's a perfect game in so many way. Short and long at the same time, easy to learn but horribly hard to master and it touches so many scifitropes it makes my heart melt. Take the tactics from Battlestar Galactica, the exploration from Star Trek and the all around sillyness from Red Dwarf and you get close to what this game feels like. Just don't allow the bugs to teleport onto your ship...*zap*...fuuuuuuuu bugs, buuuuuuuuugs!!!!!
2. Starbound - I loved Terraria even if I didn't want to. Was way into Minecraft and tbh it looked like a copycat in 2D. Oh boy was I wrong, such a gem and the more game-like focus made it a whole different game then Minecraft. More of the same but in space, sign me right up! The preview art is gorgeous too.
1. Natural Selection 2
I had always heard how revolutionary the original NS was. The sequel was announced so long ago that I told myself I would just wait and dive into the notoriously deep series with it. I waited, and waited, and eventually forgot about it as other games came and went. During that span the Left 4 Dead series was released to huge acclaim. I played the everliving fuck out of its Versus mode, which opened my eyes to how fulfilling asymmetrical multiplayer can be. Fast forward many years to Natural Selection 2's release. Due to the sheer amount of time it spent in development I went in with tempered expectations. There was little more than a murmur about the game on GAF, and I was worried that it would take a lot of grappling to fully understand. Any reservations I had vanished as soon as I joined my first game.
The marines play familiar enough that I had fun immediately, and my experience with the Tribes games meant jetpacking around and shooting at high speed targets felt very natural. I also have a lengthy history of playing RTS games, and although I am in no way ready to sit in the commander seat I have picked up on the strategy side of the game quickly. The complex, winding maps with random spawn points for each team, in addition to the many tech tree options available, means no two games play out the same. As an audiovisual experience it is superb, drawing you into the well-realized universe.
All of this gushing comes without spending more than a trivial amount of time playing the alien race, which is half of the game! The learning curve for the melee-focused aliens is clearly steeper, and a more intimate knowledge of each map is required to succeed with them due to the fact that they can crawl through vents and scale walls. I am super excited (and somewhat nervous) to learn their massively different style. It sure helps that the community is easily the friendliest I have ever encountered. Voice chat is universally used by each side's commander, and despite my clear noobishness at the beginning I almost never sensed an ounce of anger from those directing me. I know that when the time comes to dive into the aliens I will be spared the insults that are the norm in multiplayer communities these days.
In short? It's fast-paced, beautiful, immersive, well-balanced, and features some amazingly dynamic team play.
2. Oculus Rift
I am going to have to parrot most of the others here. Don't have much to add except that this type of hardware is going to be the standard a few iterations in, and I would beat up anyone's grandma to play the aforementioned Natural Selection 2 with it right now.
Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition was undoubtedly my favorite PC game of 2012. Played it a year earlier on PS3 but never got around to beating it, low FPS in some areas did not help. When the PC version came out and Durante's DSFix released soon after, I was convinced I had to upgrade my system to play this the way it was meant to be played. Such an awesome game, only recently did I delve into the online part, after spending 80+ hours pretty much single-player only. I love a good boss-fight, and many games seem to be lacking in that department these days. There is a reason Shadow of the Colossus is one of my favorite games ever, and Dark Souls was the first game (I guess along with Demon's Souls) that truly made me enjoy boss-fights again.
I'm very much looking forward to Dark Souls II obviously, but other than that I would say I'm most curious about what Telltale is gonna do with The Walking Dead. This was my favorite game right after Dark Souls last year, I was blown away by the characterization and storytelling. The ending was just amazing, and I can't wait to see what Telltale will do with the second season; a continuation of the main story or a totally new setting and line of characters?
I was sweating bullets XDSorry it took so long, it's been a shitty week so far
(Send me a pm with your steam ID)
Thanks to everyone that entered!
Awesome! PM sent, thank you so much for sharing it here!Sorry it took so long, it's been a shitty week so far
(Send me a pm with your steam ID)
Thanks to everyone that entered!
I blame you JaseC for giving me an invite in the first place!![]()