The Steam community has been acting funny for me these past few days. Anyone else?
Weird place to ask, but any leaks yet on what happened to the THQ thing?
Is Relic in good hands?!
@_@ Gonna have to step out for an errand and won't be back for another 30 mins or so, I'll get the JSR Give-away ready by the time Steam's daily deal goes live.
...and the AKB Idols were literally excited to play Halo Reach, but got GGPOed by Ragna and Hazama from BlazBlue.
Which reminds me...Halo isn't available for PC/Steam right?
Nothing official yet. Current rumor has Sega buying Relic.
Hmm, not completely sure how I feel about that tbh. Like I can imagine alot worse, but I can also imagine a better place for them.
Oh well. Time will tell.
Uh huh. We should talk about your multiple personalities.
Strike Suit Zero got absolutely reamed in the Eurogamer review. Might be taking that one off my wishlist, pending user reviews. They were also harsh in the Scribblenauts review, and although a lot of it was justified, the overall score was lower than I would have given.
What is the daily deal? Can't check at work.
Chaos on Deponia, not Deponia.Deponia for $6.79
What is the daily deal? Can't check at work.
@drizzle- Aha, but is it available for purchase in Digital form?
I'd say Halo 2 is available on Games for Windows, I *think* it was back when Games for Windows was a thing and had a proper client and everything, but I can't even tell you how to start looking for PC Games on the Xbox Live website for digital purchases.
And that let's you take advantage of their amazing streaming technology that allows you to play the game as it installs!Halo 2 is only available on disc.
Halo 2 is only available on disc.
Then maybe it was Gears of War that was available on Games for Windows for Digital Purchases? I want to say that I remember one of them was, the other one wasn't.
So yeah, you can't buy any of them digitally, and I think you never will.
Also, I don't believe any other Halo will ever come out for any platform that's not a console from Microsoft.
Most PC games of that time period came in those fat DVD cases. Drove me nuts having a game consisting of one DVD and a little piece of cardboard explaining where to find the manual PDF on the disc.Edit: Halo 2 also came in a huge case. It was the width of 2 DVD cases for no apparent reason:
I will watch you stream the entire game with commentary.Reading the angry tears from that EG writer just makes me want the game even more.
I'd love to enter. Can any throw me an invite to the gaf gifts group? My id is the same as here
Post the link to your Steam ID and you'll be added =)
21 dollars? Are they out of their damn minds?
Green Man Gaming has the Sega Retro bundle up.
Each of the Megadrive Collections are 75% off individually as well. $1.50 each with the 20% off key.
Anyone who preordered South Park on Amazon or GMG might want to cancel their orders.
Dat data compression.Devil may cry pre load popped up, but it was a 38.5MB download...
Dat data compression.
Devil may cry pre load popped up, but it was a 38.5MB download...
Probably the costume pack :lol
Apparently someone at SEGA messed up and it's gonna be a day late.Wasn't the cave supposed to be unlocked by NOW?
It's going to unlock in about 2 hrs.
You had me excited for a moment there.(It's ~10 hours away.)
~1 hr
Should I get Chaos on Deponia now or just wait for the Daedalic bundle to go on sale? I already have the first one.
It's the best murder simulator on Steam. If you don't want to invest in the DLC though you might be better off with Hotline Miami.How is the Sims 3 just by itself? My girlfriend is interested in it but no idea if you really need any of the expansions