Surprised that the Gaping Dragon is easy as shit, so much for that intimidating gif from a few years ago haha.[IMG][/QUOTE]
a lot of media and gifs are really intimidating, that and the difficulty talk were really what kept me away from the game for the longest time, but when I got myself to play it I find it to be a lot different and I found the game quite "relaxing" to play in some way, and it was a lot of fun.
It seems to be a common thing with Ninja Theory games. They all get shit on yet they're all great and highly underrated. Plus I think people still probably have bias in their mind from when the first images of 'emo' Dante appeared.
Anyone else have issues with Deadly Premonition and pad? I can press all the face buttons but the d-pad and analog's won't work. The only way I can get it to work is with Windows 98 compatibility but the caveat is that it only runs in a 720p window. This is with or without DPFix.
Someone on the Steam forums mentioned that you have to enable the pad in the DPFix ini but I don't have a clue how to do that. I know the DPFix key ini and how to alter the main DPFix ini but anything else is beyond me as these things are mentioned but never actually typed out to show how exactly the issue was fixed.
At this point either stick to your 360 pad or just get a DS4. The touch pad support is nifty enough and it's a great improvement over the DS3. That and you can mix and match controllers so if you don't have an extra pad for PC then your DS4 can be that 2nd controller.
Hard to justify buying PC games coming to PS+ even though I know I'd prefer it on the PC. Bring on the VR stuff! My PC build is almost complete. And it's been like three Steam threads ago.
I laughed, but on the other hand, Blow's not exactly wrong. I also had to start my game over 30 minutes in after getting irreversibly stuck (ran out of weights) in Temple of the Sun, or whatever the area's called.
Your response might be, "why didn't you carry more weights," or even more, "what are you doing in the Sun Temple 30 minutes into the game?" But the reality is that the game doesn't really offer you that kind of guidance. If you're new to the game, how are you supposed to know that you shouldn't leave the first area until you've found the holy grail, or heck, even until you've beaten the first boss?
I'm not sure I'd go so far as to call it a "poor" game design, but it's most certainly a punishing design in a world where few games allow one to be trapped in that manner. People are conditioned to expect that there's always a way out of an unwinnable situation, but that's just not the case in La-Mulana.
I just started the game up tonight, figured I'd give it a shot. Not using a guide or anything, just playing it like *Souls and figuring it out as I go, and having a better time of it than Blow but it's not that good at telling you things.
The Holy Grail? Okay, that's fair: it mentions that the map loops and the false wall is right by a skeleton that mentions finding a shortcut. The hard red skeletons triggering the appearance of a third block in the next room when you kill them? If you just avoided fighting them, how would you know they had to die? The ladder to the switch with four icons near it and a nearby room has four tablets with the same symbol? I had to look that one up: you're supposed to destroy the tablets in a certain order, but how would you know this? I didn't see any hints about this, so am I supposed to trial and error my way through?
Maybe I'm playing wrong or overlooking things. I really don't want to have to play with a guide up though.
If Lost Planet 2 is a good example of Monster Hunter I don't think I will ever bother with that series. Fighting the large Akrid was an exercise in tedium even with 3 friends in co-op.
a lot of media and gifs are really intimidating, that and the difficulty talk were really what kept me away from the game for the longest time, but when I got myself to play it I find it to be a lot different and I found the game quite "relaxing" to play in some way, and it was a lot of fun.
Having now played through the original Shadow Warrior and one of its expansions(Wantdon Destruction), I think I can put it up with my favorite FPS games of all time. Sweet Hank and Marie it's fun as fuck. I'll have to write more after I play through the last expansion.
Oh, and the Classic Redux has Workshop integration with usermade levels. Cooooooooooooooool.
To keep a long story short, many found the combat system disappointing in comparison to its predacessors for a variety of reasons, and / or weren't fond of the new characters / story. Personally, I think it's a good game with some glaring issues that prevent me from considering it...Well, great, I suppose. If we somehow end up getting a DmC 2, I think NT has the potential to really tighten shit up and deliver an amazing action game.
Also, do you want some DmC emoticons / backgrounds? PM me your Steam username, I have a few lying around.
Agreed. I found that everything up to the Gargoyles was pretty damn hard, lost count of how many times I died, but after beating them it gets much easier. Also don't understand the frustration with Blightown, didn't take too long to clear it.
yeah, it's a lot more forgiving than I originally thought too, even if you die you essentially learn all the enemy placements and you get through an area reasonably fast, you always find yourself getting better at it and make progress as long as you keep playing.
You never really get "stuck" like people usually do in a really demanding game.
yeah, it's a lot more forgiving than I originally thought too, even if you die you essentially learn all the enemy placements and you get through an area reasonably fast, you always find yourself getting better at it and make progress as long as you keep playing.
You never really get "stuck" like people usually do in a really demanding game.
You get stuck if you refuse to learn and adapt. Otherwise, yeah, Dark Souls is challenging but the difficulty is waaaaaaaay overstated. And that's even without factoring in using overpowered items/spells, abusing faceroll strategies, grinding to overlevel, or summoning help.
Started up Skyrim for the 1st time and while Im enjoying it the grapics are abit dated I heard there are mods that improve stuff like textures etc what ones would ye reccommend downloading?
Started up Skyrim for the 1st time and while Im enjoying it the grapics are abit dated I heard there are mods that improve stuff like textures etc what ones would ye reccommend downloading?
I was singing the praises of the DS4 + XInput wrapper app in an earlier post, but since then I've had a few rare occurrences where the controller input would get "stuck" and go unresponsive for several seconds. This resulted in my death in DuckTales a few times. But I've also come to realize that, while better than the 360 controller, I still find the d-pad lacking. Which was one of the controller's main draws for me.
Started up Skyrim for the 1st time and while Im enjoying it the grapics are abit dated I heard there are mods that improve stuff like textures etc what ones would ye reccommend downloading?
I can't believe I made to the wall of shame...
in need to rethink my posting habits?
or are you guys slacking?
it probably was posted already, but there are some good discounts on the Humble store, surgeon sim is $2.49 and windosill - $0.99.
Also Total War master collection as all TW games separately are on sale at gamersgate -75%. I'm not so sure all games redeem on steam though.
in vanilla, which I think is about of a third of the way through. Totally wrecked my crew up. Still last time I played I rage quit after 3 Chrysalids zombified and murdered my squad in 1 turn.
there was some talk last night about Alice: Madness Returns and always-on DRM, so i figured i'd test it out on my end.
the first time you run it, it does require an EA account and putting in your CD key. i already have an EA account, so it was pretty painless. i then exited, turned off my wifi, rebooted steam in offline mode, and was able to boot the game back up without the "EA activation" popping up, i ran the game for 20 minutes to test out the "phone-home" theory, and i didnt have any issue.
i know the people who said they had problems running in offline mode were using mods, and my tests were vanilla so that might be the difference.
in vanilla, which I think is about of a third of the way through. Totally wrecked my crew up. Still last time I played I rage quit after 3 Chrysalids zombified and murdered my squad in 1 turn.
granted, I leave it open so it might be not quite as much time, but still a lot for my backlog.
Now when we got over unpleasant part.
Some words of wisdom. Reus is very diverse game in fact, you can go so many ways about it, you can advance your planet and villages, what a game is about, you can have waring states and that's no easy, as keeping them aggressive enough to fight each other but not that much that they kill your giants, it's very hard task. Balancing danger, prosperity and advancing a game still eludes me at times, even after so much time spent with this game. Even more, I haven't unlocked all unlockables yet, some of them does require longest era (120 min, which with all pausing for giving orders takes much closer to 4 hours real time) and ability to shift balance fast. If someone told me it's a game for 100 hours, I would have laughed. It doesn't seem as funny now.
The biggest fault of Reus is repetition, all advancements has to be made in every game it takes time to get to new stuff and it's usually near the end, no wonder nobody plays it. I think such a game with retaining your obtained abilities at least partially, and not starting exactly from 0 every time, would help it a lot. Then again it could have no time limit, and be one game, no repetition at all.
Wanna build that ultimate Utopia one day and unlock everything, so I'll keep playing.
Different than earlier ones (slightly really), same as Tomb Raider, others. Yeah it has a couple cons, but they are NOTHING to me compared to the backtracking crap from DMC4...I mean talk about testing my patience I had to run through same areas and then fight boss rehashes constantly
DMC is awesome, even the color coded enemies hate is overblown (similar concepts in at least two of the others). After you get used to it, it adds a whole new layer of strategy to keep good combos, prevents and overpowered combo spam.
I think I love it because I think all DMC games have dumb characters and the story is about useless to me. I just care about the gameplay and content. In spite of my backlog I found myself immediately restarting on a higher difficulty.
As for Jasec, most of his post are actually answers to any help request or a question here, so, for anybody to reach that post count, one had to be as knowledgeable about steam and sales and stuff.
Anyone why some of my steam games run in windowed mode when Full screen is selected? It's weird because if I run the executable by itself it's fullscreen but whenever steam launches it the game loads in windowed mode.
In vanilla EU all but two enemy types seem to turn up depending on what point you are at in the calendar. The two exceptions are plot critical enemies; I'm sure you know which ones I mean.
Whether they changed that for EW I couldn't tell you as I do not has it but I would doubt it.
Speaking of Steam Tracking Time when you leave a game on....
This is one of my biggest annoyances on steam. I absolutely try and close everything out if I am not playing it. Though of course Stacking hid itself running in the background when I closed it and now I have 17 hours on a game I don't even like. Wouldn't care but it's my 2nd most played title after Chivalry.....Actually both my 1 and 2 are messed. Chivalry play time is because of my friend.