I had high expectations for "Brothers: A tale of two sons" ... but I found it boring and so basic. I know this a story-driven kind of game but I don't know.. I'll keep playing to see what happens
That's part of the problem. In a game where story is the focus like this, it just didn't deliver for me. I can name at leastt 4 other games I played where the story was the focus and there was very little gameplay that were leaps and bounds above Brothers.
That's not to say there aren't a few high points -- some of the artistic design is well done and the customized interactions of the brothers in parts was well done (I recall the cat, most specifically), but everything else seemed so clunky and forced to me.
I felt the same way when I started playing it. Stick with it, the set pieces and the way the story unfolds is worth the frustration of the controls and some mechanics overstaying their welcome. The game is pretty short (around 3 hours if I remember correctly).
I really disagree that it's "worth it".
But, yes, the game is like 2-3 hours max. I have 3 hours on record, 12/12 achievements, and I had time idling at pause menus, I'm sure.