But can it see why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch?
Not at all. Instead, I can run the heaven benchmark without a forced hard reboot! I'll be able to play Titanfall with no crashing to desktop.
But can it see why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch?
Not to my knowledge, there's no web store or anything and the connections are done over SSL so I don't think you'd be able to spoof it. I keep a dual-boot partition on my Macbook Air to reboot on the extremely rare chance I want to check out a W8 game.
Dark Souls question regarding Big Hat Logan:
Is there any reason for him not to be appearing in the prison cell under Dukes Archives? I know I freed him back at Sen's Fortress, but he's nowhere to be found in this cell. I haven't fought Seath yet (well I obviously did enough to get thrown in prison), and I have the key, and am standing in the empty cell. Thoughts?
Dark Souls question regarding Big Hat Logan:
Is there any reason for him not to be appearing in the prison cell under Dukes Archives? I know I freed him back at Sen's Fortress, but he's nowhere to be found in this cell. I haven't fought Seath yet (well I obviously did enough to get thrown in prison), and I have the key, and am standing in the empty cell. Thoughts?
Maybe check if he's at Firelink still? Maybe you have to talk to him first (though I doubt it). Weird stuff!
Also while we're talking about Dark Souls, closing in on the end of my SL1 run. Earlier today I beat (DLC boss spoiler)Highly recommend trying an SL1 playthrough, it's like playing the game for the first time again. So much fun~Manus, only Kalameet left now as I fully expect Gwyn to be a pushover. Made decent time, ~18 hours so far. Wonder if I should go back and beat some of the optional bosses I skipped?
Maybe you have/had to talk to him @ firelink first. Dunno if you still can.
Maybe check if he's at Firelink still? Maybe you have to talk to him first (though I doubt it). Weird stuff!
I mention it in part because the developer, Southend Interactive, no longer exists. So this might very well be the last sale, and I don't think it's likely to appear on Steam or anything like that.
Southend no longer exists because it was bought out by Ubi and incorporated into Ubisoft Massive. Assuming Microsoft doesn't own the IP, Ilomilo+ will likely disappear from the WinStore when Microsoft's publishing contract expires but I'd say that the reins being handed to Ubisoft actually increases the possibility of a Steam release.
I believe technically Southend closed and Ubisoft hired everyone from the company, rather than Ubisoft buying the company.
Why is that dude wearing a skirt?
And why is it raining panties?
Wow my interest in Ninja Gaiden Yaiba just went from a 0/10 ("no interest, would probably still be compelled to buy if it was $1 or something, but I wouldn't play it") to a -5/10 ("wouldn't buy at any price, would give it away if I got it in a bundle")
so spark unlimited trying too hard to make western sushis instead of japanese hamburger
So I saw The Muppets Most Wanted today andOMG Saoirse Ronan.
Dark Souls question regarding Big Hat Logan:
Is there any reason for him not to be appearing in the prison cell under Dukes Archives? I know I freed him back at Sen's Fortress, but he's nowhere to be found in this cell. I haven't fought Seath yet (well I obviously did enough to get thrown in prison), and I have the key, and am standing in the empty cell. Thoughts?
So I saw The Muppets Most Wanted today andOMG Saoirse Ronan.
Haha, yeah, for some reason I stumbled upon Variety's review and the author mentions that she has a brief cameo. The film doesn't release here until the 10th, which is the same day that Grand Budapest Hotel hits theatres, so maybe I'll make a day of it.![]()
Did LEGO Movie show there yet?
Nah, that's still a week-and-a-half away (the 3rd).
LEGO Marvel is the most boring LEGO game Iv'e played, but maybe it was due to series fatigue. I just really got bored by the time I beat it and deleted it from my PS3 =/
Man, LEGO Movie, Grand Budapest Hotel and Muppets Most Wanted within 2 weeks. You're gonna have a fun time. Wonder if cinema tickets are expensive in AU?
I don't think Spark Unlimited had that idea, and it was more Comcept or Team Ninja.
In any case I'm looking forward to what hayashi and inafune will say about the game this time![]()
Then I guess I should watch it. Do they still sing 'Rainbow Connection'? Is it still a musical? I love musicals.
EDIT: I've been away from the Steam thread for 3 days. What deals did I miss?
Not overly, but they creep up more often than they should. These days a student concession only reduces the price of an adult ticket to $16 for a 2D film, however my local cinema offers a "member's club" card you can buy for $25 that gets you $10 movie tickets for a year so I've been meaning to get my hands on one.
Damn, that's rough. Cost me 6.50 to see the Grand Budapest Hotel yesterday at a pretty nice theater.
I'm not sure if it's been posted yet but Cart Life has been taken off Steam and is now open source.
It does get a bit boring in the end game, where you are doubling back to collect all the collectibles. But I did enjoy the humor on the first run.
well that sucks, I didnt get it :/
I have a sealed copy of Mass Effect 3 Collectors Edition(got it for 5 euros lol) that I've been saving for when I finish the two first ones on PC... but I just saw the prices that this goes for on Ebay, and I'm considering selling it for money to use on my summer sale haul. Decisions, decisions...
He's not accommodating key requests, either, sadly. Offering Steam keys through his own site, akin to what the Motor Rock devs are doing, with a big disclaimer that the game is buggy and no longer officially supported wouldn't be a bad idea.
I'm in a Stream with Namco PR and I asked him about the lighting and differences. His response was "The game looks good and runs well on PC. Everything just looks so clear." He is really vague about the lighting downgrades and saying he doesn't see the differences and said that the pictures from the steam page are supposed to be from the PC version. He said he thinks that the game artsyle did change a bit to a bit lighter than previous. It was kind of a ramble but when the On demand video goes up I'll link the specific time. It's about as close as we've gotten to some answers but it really sounds like the lighting is out.
You've been selected for the BattleBlock Theater Steam Beta
If they do a XB1 and PS4 version with the lighting people are gonna be pissed.
I got an offer to trade my Deadpool for Bulletstorm. Good or bad offer? I need opinion
I got an e-mail earlier today about NDA guidelines for the BattleBlock Theatre beta, which I thought was odd because as far as I was aware I didn't get in, so I searched my inbox and...
Not sure how I missed it, haha.
Damn I missed battleblock beta? How did you sign up for it?
http://www.thebehemoth.com/beta/, but the sign-up period has ended.
If they do a XB1 and PS4 version with the lighting people are gonna be pissed.
Spelunky Metroid Mod is out and I somehow missed it in all my excitement of getting to Hell for the first time. Looks great.
Every year they release a new main game. If you own the old one, you get upgraded, along with any DLC you have. I think over the years a small handful of DLC have not transferred, but the vast majority have. I bought Trainworks in like 2010 or 2011 or something and I'm still being upgraded for free every year.
Ah I see.
And didn't know Train Stimulator's old name was Trainworks.