Steam have been down much lately. Almost one or two times ever evening when we are playing dota.
So who's with me? I'm deleting my steam account and going 100% origin. I'm sure the sims is as fun as dota. It's got about 25 expansion packs. It's got to be good right?
So who's with me? I'm deleting my steam account and going 100% origin. I'm sure the sims is as fun as dota. It's got about 25 expansion packs. It's got to be good right?
I just wish Valve wasn't so quiet about the whole issue. I understand that they have their philosophies but I can't agree that it's always the way to go. Their customers deserve to know what's up and what they are doing to make things better.
What would you like them to say?
Yeah, we're having problems but we are too busy making Half Life 3 to fix them?
What's the point?
What would you like them to say?
Yeah, we're having problems and we're trying to fix them?
What's the point?
What would you like them to say?
Yeah, we're having problems and we're trying to fix them?
What's the point?
I've noticed that people seem to value communication more when the company in question is known for its secrecy, even in cases where it'd be of no actual value.
I've noticed that people seem to value communication more when the company in question is known for its secrecy, even in cases where it'd be of no actual value. See also: Those who wish Valve would state outright that Half-Life 3 is in development instead of being somewhat candid about it under the guise of Ricochet 2.
I think you are wrong. Communication in cases like this is as important no matter what's the company in question. If you don't believe that then that's completely fine too but I'm afraid I'm not wrong on this matter.
Oh phew, it's just down. I thought someone hacked my account and got my pw or something lol
Well, we'll have to agree to disagree. I don't see much of a distinction to make between Valve saying it's working on a solution and Valve later implementing one alongside acknowledging the issues it resolves.
Also, the store is back up.
Edit: Well, it was.
Speaking of PW trouble...
I changed mine yesterday, and (of course) couldn't remember what it was in the morning. Still have access to my steamguard email, have a few invoices saved in email, but I did only bought digital products on Steam.
What are my options for password change, anyone knows?
One lets your customers know you care and are working to fix it, the other makes your customers worry and feel they are abandoned.
What would you like them to say?
Yeah, we're having problems and we're trying to fix them?
What's the point?
Well, we'll have to agree to disagree. I don't see much of a distinction to make between Valve saying it's working on a solution and Valve later implementing one alongside acknowledging the issues it resolves.
Also, the store is back up.
Edit: Well, it was.
That's exactly what I want to hear.
I want a representative to come forward and say, "We're having problems with X. We haven't been able to fix it yet because Y. We're planning to address it by doing Z, which should take ______. We're sorry for the inconvenience."
I want to know what the hell's going on. I want to hear something that'll reassure me that they know what's going on, and that they have a plan to fix it. I want an idea of how long they think it'll take to fix. Knowing these things would make it easier to deal with the frustration of these outages.
I think you are wrong. Communication in cases like this is as important no matter what's the company in question. If you don't believe that then that's completely fine too
but I'm afraid I'm not wrong on this matter.
I said much of a distinction, not a distinction. Valve saying it's working on fixing things may instil a warm, fuzzy feeling within those who are worried that Steam is going to collapse and Valve is going to go out of business and people will be left with many-thousand-dollar accounts that are now worthless and Gabe Newell will flee the US to live in secrecy in the Caribbean, but it doesn't actually begin to resolve anything. It should go without saying that Valve is aware of the downtime issues.
Well I was mostly referring to your post I was answering to. I don't really think people expect any special treatment from Valve just because they're so secretive (are they really?).
But yeah naturally only thing that really matters is that they fix whatever is wrong. It's just that being transparent about it and fixing it aren't mutually exclusive.
Sure, of course they are aware and working to fix it, but I'd always take a company that acknowledges its problems over one that keeps silent.
Also, if it was Origin or Uplay or Sony or MS having this kind of issues people would be up in arms, but since is Steam all is forgiven.... they shouldn't get a free pass just for being Steam.
What would you like them to say?
Yeah, we're having problems and we're trying to fix them?
What's the point?
I don't believe it matters right now as anyone with half a brain doesn't assume that Valve doesn't care and isn't abandoning steam anytime soon. They are surely working on solutions to this problem.
oh okay then
Actually yes, that would be fantastic.
Because it would at least let me know they plan on fixing this garbage. This has been going on for at least a month, probably more. It's gotten worse.
This might not apply to most of the Steam community that only buys games to not play them, or those that only play single player games only. But for those of us that are primarily multiplayer gamers this is getting ridiculous.
People are getting 1 week to 1 month long bans in CS from servers crashing, and I assume the same would hold true in Dota as well.
They are planning on fixing it.
There I answered it for you. Now you can be happy!
Thanks Wario for the awesome game.
Which is also my 1000th game on steam
People would be up in arms because they'd expect Sony and MS to respond.
Since you wanna be a smartass, when do they plan on fixing it? Sometime this month, maybe next month? Or maybe they'll just wait until the Summer Steam Sale when they know people will spend 100s of dollars on games they'll never play.
And what happens to those of us that get a ban in CS (and Dota if it works off the same matchmaking mechanics) because Steam is garbage?
or they can just keep doing nothing like they've been doing.
I'd expect any service provider to issue a public statement in response to repeated (and worsening) outages. Yes, even a "notoriously secretive" one like Valve.
Conspicuous silence in the face of problems tends to give the impression that the company's having a hard time dealing with the issue - either they haven't isolated the cause, or they can't come up with with a solution, so they're trying to avoid talking about it. That may not be the case at all, but remaining silent certainly isn't reassuring anyone that they have the situation in hand.
Maybe no one at Valve wants to handle PR, but that doesn't mean it's not important, or that they shouldn't be expected to do it when circumstances require it.
Getting closer to a reality GAF
That's all well and good but I'd rather you didn't use my post as a springboard considering I was responding to the implicit question of why there isn't a large-scale outcry as one might expect there would be if the likes of PSN and XBLA had similar intermittent issues. In quoting my post and responding in the way you have you've removed it from that context and made it appear as though I was shrugging off any and all voices of dissatisfaction.
Is anybody having trouble changing password? I keep requesting an auth code, heck even a SteamGuard code and no mail reaches my inbox.
I'm a bit worried...
Are steam sales getting more frequent nowadays? Lately it seems like it's a EA sale every other day, and the bioshock infinite sale is like 4-5 days long
Reviewing the "suspicious activity", turned out it was a botched attempt from me to login from work (and I hadn't my phone with me to get past both Steamguard and Google's 2-steps verification. Nevertheless, are even Steam's mail servers down?Probably the wrong time to have tried if you attempted it in the last day or so, since the servers seem to be shit. Again.
What I meant to address was the notion that Valve was somehow different than Sony or MS because people expect those companies to respond publicly when issues arise.
What I took away from that statement was that there wasn't (or shouldn't be) that sort of expectation from Valve - since they have a reputation for being secretive, people are being unreasonable and/or unrealistic if they expect them to issue some kind of statement at times like this. Hence my response, which was basically, "Okay, we all know Valve sucks at PR, but that doesn't mean we should give them a pass on it."
I'm sorry if I took that statement differently than you'd intended it. : /
This is off topic, but where's that thread where people nominate themselves to do OTs? How does that stuff work around here?