I dunno what you're trying to imply here as going by the stats SotMC seems pretty hardcore to me!Marriage (followed by kids) is the one true hardcore game. It makes Dark Souls look like Secrets of the Magic Crystal.

The general rule of thumb in pinball is basically... aim for the flashy shiny blinky stuff. Though pinball has gotten pretty excessive over the decades and if you're playing something like Pinball FX it's only going to be even weirder as it's designed around being a video game and not rooted in reality.Personally, I can't make heads or tails of the pinball games on Steam. It's like there's a bunch of random things happening, stuff getting activated, and I have no idea what I did to trigger them, and what I'm supposed to do to trigger the next event. It all seems rather poorly explained. Too much flashy, shiny, blinky stuff everywhere, that I can't pick out what things I should be aiming for.
I find that I really like the simple older decade pinball tables myself. Try out Pinball Arcade and give the table Black Hole a try, it's really simple and I find myself going to it the most.