Out of curiosity, has anybody here bought Kenshi on Early Access? It's currently 33% off on Bundlestars for another 6 hours and I'm just wondering how development is progressing.
The Evil Within will likely be 60fps as it uses id Tech 5 and the Doom 4 flavour, which will officially support 30fps, is still god-knows-how-long away from being complete. Watch Dogs, on the other hand, is definitely going to be 30fps.
wat if you want oculus rift support
Hopefully this means it'll be 33% off on Steam in the near future. I would have bought it when it was discounted last year -- during the Summer Sale, IIRC -- if I was aware that the base price was going to increase.
I do too. It's somewhere around here collecting dust after I finished A Link Between Worlds.
but Bravely Default, Animal Crossing and Fire Emblem ;_;
ITT people slam the 3DS and get Vitas
jesus christ
Got a reply from Groupees, they apparently ran out of Constant C keys for the old bundle and are waiting on the dev to hand them more
Where is this deal? Did I miss it?It's sooo cheap though. $10 with a $5 video game credit at Amazon? No brainer if you have an interest.
Where is this deal? Did I miss it?
Where is this deal? Did I miss it?
Thanks for the quick reply, guys. Bummer that I missed it, but probably for the best as it's a sequel to a game I've never played.
ModBot said:I am giving away a Steam key. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line below containing the key.
Rules for this Giveaway:
- If you are a lurker you are not eligible for this giveaway. You need five or more posts in either the current Steam thread or the previous one to be eligible
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two:
Summoner --MB-299A8D0F26DA3040- Taken by Sarcasm
Just got my 10 year badge, feels goooood.
I didn't realise Steam was set to display only installed titles so I thought I didn't own it:
Taken by Sarcasm is just the best thing.
Thanks for the words of encouragement lol
Thanks JC!
While I consider Ocarina of Time to be vastly overrated
Oh gawd it's so relieving to read this every now and then!
OOT doesn't even come close to the two truly best Zeldas ever (Wind Waker and Late to the Party, but I'd like to add the amazing Minish Cap too - not a fan of Majora sorry), but every time I say it suddenly a fanboy spawns bashing my opinions like I said something horrible like Mario Sunshine > Mario 64also, I actually believe this
Quick, everyone list the PC games you have preordered (this includes kickstarter/early access).
Might have been posted but Summoner is 75% off on gamersgate.
That sweet 1.25 price.
I finished Toki Tori 2+ yesterday while playing it with my young brother and it feels good to have one less game on my backlog, I'm only missing some achievements and collectables to 100% the game.
Only thing preordered is Dark Souls 2 from Nuuvem. My body is ready.
I'll leave this here. Frog Fractions 2 stretch goals :
Only thing preordered is Dark Souls 2 from Nuuvem. My body is ready.
I'll leave this here. Frog Fractions 2 stretch goals :
But does it feel good knowing that you finished what may be the last Toki Tori game ever?
But does it feel good knowing that you finished what may be the last Toki Tori game ever?
Guys (and gals), since a few of the dlc in my crusader kings 2 giveaway were not claimed, is it considered bad form to repost it? So that more people may see it?
Same here, being able to play DS titles is awesome. Sadly it has become increasingly hard for me to import them from Amazon, so there are many games I haven't got yet, such as 999, Pokemon gens 4 and 5, Ghost Trick, Ace Attorney 1-3 (though I already played them on my Wii), Chrono Trigger (not really interested, but I've heard it's great) and the Castlevanias.The 3DS is pretty awesome, although I don't own that many 3DS games(All the games I want on the 3DS cost like $60-70, that's so many steam games!) it is pretty good for me since I skipped out on the Nintendo DS generation and I'm now catching up.
Yup, this is a damn good game. I got a bit tired of the side missions near the end, so for the last hour or two I only did story ones, but that means I still have some content left to play whenever I feel like going back to it.I also started playing Driver: San Francisco again, and man, is that game really fun.
The cars control a bit too loose for my liking, but the shift mechanic is amazing, it feels so great to shift into a random car and take down an opponent in a street race.
So good.
lolOnly thing preordered is Dark Souls 2 from Nuuvem. My body is ready.
I'll leave this here. Frog Fractions 2 stretch goals :
Guys (and gals), since a few of the dlc in my crusader kings 2 giveaway were not claimed, is it considered bad form to repost it? So that more people may see it?
Repost away or just link to it (preferable if it's a long list).
I snagged a dlc. Thanks
There's always DROD, Panda.
Also, Toki Tori 2+ should have Workshop support, I suppose people should've submitted some custom levels to it.
damn finally I found the name of this game.... is it any good?
Quick, everyone list the PC games you have preordered (this includes kickstarter/early access).
Pretty random of me but something about the screenshots reminded me of Bad Mojo. lol.