When did this become a thing...
Haha, holy shit, that's a 5$ port of an iOS game with free-to-play styled in-app purchases.
When did this become a thing...
Are you already covering the major releases like GOAT SIMULATOR?
Ooh, just got a Goat Simulator foil.
Absolutely disgusting. I sincerely hope these mobile ports stop doing this. I mean, wtf. This shit belongs on mobile, not pc. It's bad enough these games release on pc with their shitty prices, let alone with the in-app crap.Haha, holy shit, that's a 5$ port of an iOS game with free-to-play styled in-app purchases.
User recommendations for upcoming games in April - How to submit
Know about a game that is coming out next month on Steam? Then tell us by posting in the steam thread on why it deserves to be on Gaf's radar, each month the games with the the best reviews will put on the OT.
We are doing this for the first time, so don't worry if it's not fantastic, as long as it's 50-100 words we should be good.
PM the post you want to submit so I know.
Absolutely disgusting. I sincerely hope these mobile ports stop doing this. I mean, wtf. This shit belongs on mobile, not pc. It's bad enough these games release on pc with their shitty prices, let alone with the in-app crap.
Would Trails in the Sky work for a recommendation? It's release date is still kind of TBA but word is it'll be released next month.
So, you're a glass-half-empty kind of guy eh?Those in-app purchases do not belong in a paid-for game regardless of what the platform is. And it's only going to get worse, not better, with self-publishing on Steam and more developers trying out in-app purchases in bought games across all platforms. It's going to become the new norm.
Someone has to crank it every hour or so to keep Steam server running.Does the Valve do anything by any chance?
Absolutely disgusting. I sincerely hope these mobile ports stop doing this. I mean, wtf. This shit belongs on mobile, not pc. It's bad enough these games release on pc with their shitty prices, let alone with the in-app crap.
Posted this in regards to Breach & Clear but it applies to all mobile ports IMOHoly crap. Most mobile ports I see, while overpriced, do away with the microtransactions this shit is inexcusable.
Presumably the higher price point will make players a little bit more discerning on whether or not FTL will be something that they're interested in
Which is funny, because we're very expensive on iPad with the same price that's extremely cheap on PC. It could even be the same users that have the different perception of what is a $10 game, just based on the system.
So, project zomboid, its is worth in its current state?
Does the Valve do anything by any chance?
So, you're a glass-half-empty kind of guy eh?
I agree with you though. This is only going to get worse.
Honestly, I have no idea. Only have a pc. But it's quite sad if it is happening. Really hope this stays far away from us. The thought saddens me :/It's already starting to happen in 60$ releases, isn't it? Doesn't the latest Forza on Xbox One have some f2p styled in-app purchases?
Why do I feel you just haven't found out what kind of games you actually like (outside of AC of course)? Try different stuff other than mainstream or well received games on gaf, your passion for games drove you to register an account on gaf, now find it.On a serious note, the matter of games as an enjoyable activity for me has become something that I've recently begun to dwell on. Even just a year ago I'd laugh off the jokes that I buy more games than I intend to play with the internal notion that I'd get around to at least some of them eventually... but over the past six or so months it's become clear to me that I completely lack the desire to continue with something that doesn't wholly appeal to me. Like, I've been a fan of South Park ever since my brother called me into his room one night in the late 90s and showed me Cartman making fun of poor people during the excursion to South America or whatever, but because I watched a mate play through a good portion of what I'd yet to reach myself in Stick of Truth, when I returned home and loaded up own save, my interest had almost eroded entirely -- SoT is great because it feels as though you're playing an elongated episode of South Park, but the actual game component, as it turned out, doesn't appeal to me as strongly as I first thought.
I should probably clarify that my disillusion towards gaming isn't something that bothers me, but having accepted it, it does feel kinda weird that I spend, relative to what I earn, a lot of money on something I don't really feel strongly about. It's all well and good to joke about how it's nice to have something "just in case", but if there's no intention of making use of that product, is there any sense in obtaining it in the first place? Maybe I'm in too deep and have just subconsciously adjusted to go with the flow that I've developed since the closing days of the 2012 Summer Sale? I dunno.
Finished Ku: Shroud of the Morrigan, while trying to get the Paylfire rewards. Fortunately I bought it for $1 from IndieGameStand.
The game is quite bad and very buggy, your character can sometimes go off screen with no way to return, controls are slow and unresponsive, audio is horrible (never heard footsteps as bad as the ones in this game), visuals are a hit and miss, etc.
From the screenshots it looked like it could be similar to Bastion but besides the camera perspective there isn't much in common.
In Ku you get only 1 weapon, a sword, and something that shoots bubbles that stuns enemies for a little while and that's it, so the combat comes down to stunning enemy, attacking and rolling back, rinse and repeat.
I have no problem with simplistic combat but when the controls work half the time you press a button then we have a problem. Also the enemy AI (or should I say lack of) is quite bad
The Arena mode is super tedious unlike Bastion challenges. Since there aren't many types of monsters, it introduces enemies with different colors which are basically the same but they just take longer to kill. :/
Last but not least, the Arena mode menu does not work with a controller and you have to use a mouse or you'll get stuck in a loading screen forever.
I wouldn't recommend this game even if it's later patched and fixed.
On the good side, it was short and I got GMG credit for getting some achievements so not everything was in vain.
I don't know why but I got an email with a key for Yet Another Zombie Defense.
Were you able to say hi to Gabe?
im rather interested in knowing if they knew about Enhanced Steam and what they thought of it
Does the Valve do anything by any chance?
I didn't but I did have a "Gabe Sighting" on the main floor lobby. He was walking with about 10 people and was talking about superheroes and their powers. He seemed pretty alright.
jshackles I love you but please take that fedora off
lolEuphoric level rising
That's actually why I was there. Even though it wasn't a job interview, I got to meet some really awesome people today. Everyone I talked to was really nice and were users of Enhanced Steam. It's funny because a few of them told stories of how they emailed their development team and thanked them for "finally adding feature X"!!! The development team emailed them back with more or less "Uh... we didn't do that." Turns out, it was Enhanced Steam.
Jokes on you, it's not a goat!I bet Goat Sim foils are made of virtual tin, though.. you know, 'cause goats.
(That's awesome, by the way! Hopefully it pays for the game)
Real talk Jshackles: will you still love us the same and post in this thread when you get hired by valve if they let you?
Oh god, when you get the Devil Goat power inGoat Simulator, eventuallyitwill glitch out. And what happens next is horrifying, and glorious, and gloriously horrifying, and horrifyingly glorious.
I have to get a friend a last-minute birthday gift because I forgot; he's got Deadpool on his wishlist. I'm guessing it's not too expensive on the aftermarket yet? Where's the cheapest place to get it hassle-free?
Ok good because once you get hired we need you to branch out to client/account features to improve our lives in that sector.If I got hired by Valve, I would still want to post here. One of the important reasons I feel that Enhanced Steam is as popular as it is because it's iterated on based on everyone's feedback. Customer feedback is a really important piece that I (personally) feel the people in charge of Steam are kind of missing out on.
If I weren't allowed to post on GAF, I would seriously question why that was. Sure there is some general silliness that goes on here sometimes, but you guys are a great bunch and have been a tremendous help in implementing new features into Enhanced Steam.
I have to get a friend a last-minute birthday gift because I forgot; he's got Deadpool on his wishlist. I'm guessing it's not too expensive on the aftermarket yet? Where's the cheapest place to get it hassle-free?
Oh god, when you get the Devil Goat power in Goat Simulator, eventually it will glitch out. And what happens next is horrifying, and glorious, and gloriously horrifying, and horrifyingly glorious.
Yikes. How much do you like this friend Stump?!
SteamGAF, how long do you reckon it will be until Goat Simulator has a Llama DLC? I think that will be the deciding factor for when I purchase it.
Activision still has it up on their site for $40 http://store.activision.com/store/atvi/en_US/pd/productID.281376200/sac.true
Warning: Digital River.
Yeah most traders are asking for around 20 TF2 Keys atm thats around $46 not sure where else you can get it but there must be key sites selling it cheaperI have to get a friend a last-minute birthday gift because I forgot; he's got Deadpool on his wishlist. I'm guessing it's not too expensive on the aftermarket yet? Where's the cheapest place to get it hassle-free?
Activision still has it up on their site for $40 http://store.activision.com/store/atvi/en_US/pd/productID.281376200/sac.true
Warning: Digital River.
If I got hired by Valve, I would still want to post here. One of the important reasons I feel that Enhanced Steam is as popular as it is because it's iterated on based on everyone's feedback. Customer feedback is a really important piece that I (personally) feel the people in charge of Steam are kind of missing out on.
If I weren't allowed to post on GAF, I would seriously question why that was. Sure there is some general silliness that goes on here sometimes, but you guys are a great bunch and have been a tremendous help in implementing new features into Enhanced Steam.
Does the digital river thing matter given that it's a steam key? I'll see if I can get it for less from a trader.
I doubt there will be DLC, but there will be Steam Workshop support. You can bring your own llamas to the party.