woo and indeed hoo
anyone know where i can buy XCOM complete for a decent price?
Have you considered getting just EU if you can find it cheap enough and picking up the three DLCs later?
There is plenty of content in the vanilla EU for you to dig into and that would be my recommended way of playing the game. I have played EU for over 500 hours now and only added in the non EW DLC relatively recently. I have almost 100%ed it sans EW now but from what I understand EW adds in so much I am very glad that my first experience with the game was sans EW. There was plenty for me to get to grips with and I think I might have felt rather overwhelmed if I'd started with EW. Now I'll get to enjoy EW from a firm base of knowing what the hell I'm doing.
Feel free to ignore if that's not what you wish to do but I thought I'd suggest it as an option. You won't lose anything by doing it this way. The Complete version is just a collection of everything that can be bought separately.
So, I just brought Sleeping Dogs from Amazon but the code has already been used..god dammit.
Time to see if their support is worth a damn.
Stupid question: does Football Manager 2011 Arsenal Edition activate on steam?
If it doesn't it's because the universe has baulked at the travesty of it not being called "Football Manager 2011 The Arsenal Edition"