It was meant to be tongue in cheek, given I listed Wheelman which is basically impossible to get (just ask Jase)You might as well try to become an astronaut instead of trying to get a Steam version of Outrun 2006 Coast 2 Coast, it would be easier.
That might be true, but it does seem at least more accurate than the other counters.The client count always seems off to me -- like it counts things twice in some cases...
It happens on free weekends deals, the subs get added and then removed from your account.Came to think of it. Can games actually be taken away from me?
I'm pretty sure I had 146 games and now 145 is listed but it's probably my mind playing tricks on me.
Good luck
I've switched to NeoGaf's dark theme. It feels so weird. Who's #teamdarktheme?
Also, no reply re. my AC4 issues? (viewpoint shows as not synced even though I did sync it several times)
Dark theme, 100ppp, GAF Gold.I've switched to NeoGaf's dark theme. It feels so weird. Who's #teamdarktheme?
Also, no reply re. my AC4 issues? (viewpoint shows as not synced even though I did sync it several times)
Decided to check the Community Page for Dark Souls II since it's pretty much my most anticipated game for PC in the upcoming month (but I will only get it in May, ugh) and the first thing I saw was this:
...Why people waste their time with such pointless post is beyond me!
I've switched to NeoGaf's dark theme. It feels so weird. Who's #teamdarktheme?
Also, no reply re. my AC4 issues? (viewpoint shows as not synced even though I did sync it several times)
Dark theme, 100ppp, GAF Gold.
The only way to roll.
Dark theme, 100ppp, GAF Gold.
The only way to roll.
I imagine going back to light now would feel like waking up in a hospital bed, staring at blinding neon lights hanging from the ceiling![]()
Gotten a Black Ops 2 booster pack out of the blue (seriously Steam? After just 600+ hours?), should I sell it and save for MGR: Revengeance or unpack it and craft a medal? What's your take on the problem, SteamGAF?
I thought Dark users were a minority. Also using Dark theme here, but not on mobile somehow...
There is a settings menu for the mobile app, allows you to change theme and turn off gifs.
I've switched to NeoGaf's dark theme. It feels so weird. Who's #teamdarktheme?
Also, no reply re. my AC4 issues? (viewpoint shows as not synced even though I did sync it several times)
ugh switching to the facebook tab is always a self-inflicted eye-murder now tho
Nice. Would be great if it did manage to get on Steam.
I've switched to NeoGaf's dark theme. It feels so weird. Who's #teamdarktheme?
Standard theme by day, dark theme by night.
I just bought Thief: Deadly Shadows. I like stealth games and this one looks like something I could get into.
- How good is it compared to the other two games?
- Do I need to watch/read a plot summary of the other two games before playing it? (But don't suggest me to play the other ones first. I'm not kidding myself, I simply can't get into old games when I lack my nostalgia shades and the graphics/mechanics look too dated. Believe me)
Imagine that, Saoirse can actually act. And here I thought she was just JaseC's eyecandy.
The first two Thief games may look dated, but they're more mechanically complex than the latter two. Nothing nostalgic about it, what they lack in visuals they make up for in playability. Then again, I guess you could call that dated by virtue of being from a time where design was more sky's the limit and less about fear of lack of accessibility.I just bought Thief: Deadly Shadows. I like stealth games and this one looks like something I could get into.
- How good is it compared to the other two games?
- Do I need to watch/read a plot summary of the other two games before playing it? (But don't suggest me to play the other ones first. I'm not kidding myself, I simply can't get into old games when I lack my nostalgia shades and the graphics/mechanics look too dated. Believe me)
There have Oscar winners that can't act for shit though
There have Oscar winners that can't act for shit though![]()
Should I buythis? Should I wait for a bundle?![]()
The Thief game ranking is basically:
thi4f<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Deadly Shadows<Thief<Thief II
Hmm... Since it's the capstone of the trilogy, knowledge of the previous games' plot is not required, per se, but helps.
Also, there are texture and model patches for the first 2 games that make them look 'better'. The mechanics are timeless, and they're perfectly playable with the resolution patches.
The first two Thief games may look dated, but they're more mechanically complex than the latter two. Nothing nostalgic about it, what they lack in visuals they make up for in playability. Then again, I guess you could call that dated by virtue of being from a time where design was more sky's the limit and less about fear of lack of accessibility.
That said, the third game is a fine entry, and has one of the standout levels in the entire series.
Someone had to do itHaha, I knew that was coming.![]()
I'm sure it'll be in a Bundle Stars bundle within the next few months.
For the last 2 days every time i try to upload Screenshots on the steam cloud i get error, anyone else had this problem or its just my luck?
So, Echo of the Wilds, Epigenis, A-Train 8 AND Ilamentia, are they worth it? Already have everything else on the bundle.