By request:
Don't Take This If You Already Own Toki Tori 2 Plus -- The Two Tribes Bundle (28 entrants)
Too Many Puppies / With Guns In Their Hands -- Humble Weekly: Puppy Games (6 entrants)
Co-Op With One of MakeshiftChef's Kids -- Foul Play (7 entrants) CSD would have been a MUCH better choice. I wish I had been clever enough to go with that instead of referencing
this post.
The Doctor Wore One -- FEZ (5 entrants) correctly guessed by LuffyZoro
Like 30 Lightning Strikes -- 1000 Amps (5 entrants)
R.I.P. Hamilton Camp -- Ducktales (20 entrants) correctly guessed by Wok, which impressed me. I would not have expected someone who presumably grew up watching the show dubbed in French to get this one since Hamilton Camp was the English voice of Gizmoduck.
You Can't Be A Wizard, Only A Magic-User -- Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara (13 entrants)
Be! Aggressive! B-E Aggressive! -- Humble Weekly: Cipher Prime (6 entrants)
Easy...But Not Necessarily Easy (ba-BUMP BUMP) -- Ys I & II Chronicles (5 entrants)
This Year You Overlooked An Excellent Puzzler; Remedy That Mistake -- Tetrobot & Co. (14 entrants) correctly guessed by Wok, who up until this sale
was the only person on my friends list who owned it
Eat Something, You Skinny Little Weirdo -- Don't Starve (20 entrants) correctly guessed by Mr. Poolman
A Rougelike -- Papers, Please (42 entrants) correctly guessed by toddhunter
Search Query: "Tellaerin". Did You Mean: Tel'Arin | Tel'Elerin -- Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara (6 entrants) I MISTYPED TEL'ELERON and couldn't do anything about it! AUGH
Chocoholics, Beware -- Long Live the Queen (5 entrants) Unfortunately, Caerith won this one...and obviously he already owns the game, so he ended up thanking me, turning down the gift and now I gotta give it away again. The funny thing about this is that I considered using the hint "Caerith Would Approve", but since so many others bought it and were singing its praises during the sale I thought more people would guess this.
The following weren't hints at all, but there's no other way to pass any kind of message through ModBot anonymously.
You Can Re-Gift Any Of These Games, I Don't Mind (8 entrants) -- Humble Weekly: Daedalic Bundle
None Of These Games Are Bad Rats (5 entrants) -- Humble Weekly: Team 17
Please Don't Clog Up The Thread With Thank You Posts (19 entrants) -- Rogue Legacy
Since it was difficult to tell which games are which, I wanted to make sure people knew it was okay to pass the gift along if they got something they knew they didn't want or already hadand that no, none of the games were Bad Rats.
Thanks for playing and thanks for being good sports, everyone.