Hmmmm I won The Ship (Thanks Lonewolf_92!!!)but it shows up like I have an extra copy...
It was a two pack? >.>
The game reproduces itself. It's ironic because theoretically, everyone should have a copy, yet no one plays the game lol.
Hmmmm I won The Ship (Thanks Lonewolf_92!!!)but it shows up like I have an extra copy...
It was a two pack? >.>
Hmmmm I won The Ship (Thanks Lonewolf_92!!!)but it shows up like I have an extra copy...
It was a two pack? >.>
1.Build a rig1. Build my first gaming rig (waiting for maxwell)
2. Clear out my 3DS backload
3. Buy and complete Metroid Prime 2, 3, and Other M.
4. Max out 32 badges on Steam
5. Have self control and not buy a PS4 this year
This is good advice, it also gives me time to get a decent/humble mic since I believe communication is very important in these games.
Still does. The Ship will give you two extra copies of The Ship to giveaway, and then to those two people you give it too will also get one gift copy of The Ship to giveaway.Every copy of The Ship includes a gift copy.
(or it used to)
Still does. The Ship will give you two extra copies of The Ship to giveaway, and then to those two people you give it too will also get one gift copy of The Ship to giveaway.
Also, The Ship is fun with friends. But you need to join servers manually by IP now.
Kinda bummed I missed out on street fighter and saints row, shoulda pulled the trigger and ate ramen this week
Speedrunners is currently the best game on Steam.
1.Build a rig
2.Not buying a PS4
You really don't want to buy a PS4 when you are going to build a new rig, the exclusive lineups have been very weak so far.
Speedrunners is currently the best game on Steam.
AwwThe current list is lackluster, and the prices are wrong.
Bioshock Infinite should be $5 with the discount. More's being added throughout the month.
A lot of servers these days will ban you if you kill too many people who aren't your target. I've played with friends seriously and I seriously, fun in both their methods. I think it's a lot more fun with mic chat though, I had a fun scenario with a friend last time I played where he was my target but I had been helping him with his last assassin, another friend, got him to think he was safe with me, told him there was a shotgun in a drawer, he went to get it and got confused why it wasn't there and asking if I accidentally took it, and while he messed with it I took out a mannequin arm and beat him to death. The reaction and aftermath was hilarious as I'd then tease him by trailing behind him from a distance and creeping him out and the like. A lot of other instances, like someone killing me by throwing a mallet at me while I tried to run from an enclosed bathroom space, to just awkward things like people hopping to shower right next to someone as they showered.The Ship seemed like a nice idea, but when I tried to play it with friends, the servers were full of people just running around not actually playing the game, so it was kinda DOA.
Would never pay $60 for the regular game. I did get the deluxe version for $25 when it was on sale + mcdonalds discount lol. Gotta experience those bugsPeople buy this thing?:
Sorry for the double post![]()
A lot of fun with friends, but less fun with randoms, I find. Mic-talk adds so much to the experience, and doing it with a group with A Skype call going is a lot of fun.
Steam - Uninistall
Uninstalling A Valley Without Wind 2...
I am happy my friends drudge with me through my multiplayer suggestions, we've playe some pretty bad multiplayer games, sometimes willingly knowing its bad (like Scourge Project 1 & 2 and Revelations 2012), but also some pretty fun games. Hope to do a lot more this year too!Sadly, my friends don't want to play games I suggest any more after the Dino D-Day incident =p
It's like when your only child has grown up enough to fly the nest.
Only if her and I start dating.![]()
Speedrunners is currently the best game on Steam.
I entered the "Please Don't Clog Up The Thread With Thank You Posts" one. So I shouldnt thank him in this thread.
Thanks for Rogue Legacy
If you'd like it, it's yours whenever Steam's back up.
Normally the terms "roguelike" and "metroidvania" getting applied to everything under the sun even in a joking context gets pretty old...but the "rougelike" twist for Papers, Please had me straight cackling. Bad puns are my kryptonite. I don't remember who came up with that (probably going to go look it up now) but I tip my hat to you.
1. Build my first gaming rig (waiting for maxwell)
2. Clear out my 3DS backload
3. Buy and complete Metroid Prime 2, 3, and Other M.
4. Max out 32 badges on Steam
5. Have self control and not buy a PS4 this year
What 23,7 GB? And I can't choose a different drive.
SajjajaEDIT: Also, I find that Wasteland 2s requirements seem a bit excess.
EDIT: Also, I find that Wasteland 2s requirements seem a bit excess.
I like it a lot though do wish it had a gridWhat's the verdict on Skulls of the Shogun? I heard good things.
EDIT: Also, I find that Wasteland 2s requirements seem a bit excess.
Preloads go in a separate directory, so yeah, they go in your main Steam folder.
I ran into this problem with... Bioshock Infinite, where I had to clear out enough space for it to fit... and then again when I picked up the season pass and it wanted another 10 gigs on that drive =p
Yup, just found out and I'll probably wait until release and hope that the download is not slow.
Or I'll try setting a symbolic link for the preload data, that might work.
Steammover is your friendYup, just found out and I'll probably wait until release and hope that the download is not slow.
Or I'll try setting a symbolic link for the preload data, that might work.
When you select another location in addition to the current one, the next time you install a game it should give you an option on which to install to. As to setting a different permanent default location, not sure you can do that.
I know that was where it all got started, but I'm talking about the one good thing that came out of that messwhen someone realized that the "rougelike" spelling mistake/typo kinda works as a pun when it comes to Papers, Please. Still can't find the post...oh, well.seanspeed?
Been downloading this for the past hour. Can't wait. I never played the console original so I'm genuinely stoked.
Those sys reqs will go down as they optimize the game further.
is there anyway to choose where it preloads the game to. lol
What's the verdict on Skulls of the Shogun? I heard good things.
EDIT: Also, I find that Wasteland 2s requirements seem a bit excess.