Some spares
Thanks for Cities In Motion, might not be Deadly Prem (curse my slowness) but this will hopefully pass the time =)
Some spares
Some spares
I didn't even know the whole Legacy of Kain series was out on steam, how do the PC versions handle these days with 64bit OS?. £15 seems pretty expensive for games of that age but then again they get away with putting up repackages of FF7/8 for £10 each.
Has it? I know it's been 75% off in the past ($4.74) but even with a 25% off coupon it would only come to $3.55
Lost Planet 3 is a weird kind of cookie. Now, i've only played the first hour, but there was something that reminded me of Firefly when riding that mechtruck...thing. Which is alway's a good thing.
On the other hand, it felt like a gamey B-movie.
Which is also a good thing.
Does anyone notice this?
Basically you can refund any pre-order games and certain games like Ashes Cricket 2013 by yourself without talking to Steam support.
This is exactly what I just spent 2+ hours working on myself. I got hit in mid-air and dropped the key into oblivion. It happened two times in a row too.Took 3 1/2 hours to give the mine key to the tunnel man in Spelunky. This game is making me insane.
Does anyone notice this?
Basically you can refund any pre-order games and certain games like Ashes Cricket 2013 by yourself without talking to Steam support.
Amazon just informed me that my preorder for Dark Souls PC is being postponed. (where I preordered the CE) said that they have no idea whatsoever on when the item will be available, while said that it will dispatch the Black Armour Edition between May 23rd and May 28th.
Le sigh.
Is the Amazon Hitman Bundle worth it even when I own Hitman Absolution Professional Edition?
From Tony,
Amazon EC, 1/24-31, pre coupon
Tomb Raider - $8.99
Thief Bundle (Thief Gold, Thief II: The Metal Age, Thief Deadly Shadows) - $7.49
Legacy of Kain Bundle - $7.49
Final Fantasy XIV: $14.99
Final Fantasy XIV Collector's: $17.99
Hitman Taking Care of Business Pack (Hitman, Blood Money, Silent Assassin, Absolution Professional Edition) - $12.99
can't seem to find that Thief Bundle, is it already available?
thanks JaseC. guess I'll get the missing Hitman games from Steam then. any other Amazon deals worthwhile? I got a Legacy of Kain and Thief Pack.
Is XCOM Bureau 7.49 before or after coupon?
If only...
I guess one of my laptops is just a hunk of junk because no matter what settings I use with in-home streaming I get less than 20 fps and terrible display latency.
Excellent. I'm sure this is in preparation of the GFWL shutdown for the games that will not be patched..
You can not refund already bought games.
You can not refund already bought games.
The only game I can refund is Broken Age-- I'm not going to-- but I wonder how it works for keys. Would it just nuke the key and then too bad so sad? What if I activate keys for games that are no longer available? Can I refund them, or is that specific to games that were pulled for being broken?
It says it works for Ashes. It really should work for games that stop working, at least at their current store value.
For Scandinavian gaffers is giving away 1000 copies of Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter
Just add the game to the cart and add WARFIGHTER to get the game for free
Just to be clear, it's not Steam redeemable
By this I assume Broken Age is good?
The only game I can refund is Broken Age-- I'm not going to-- but I wonder how it works for keys. Would it just nuke the key and then too bad so sad? What if I activate keys for games that are no longer available? Can I refund them, or is that specific to games that were pulled for being broken?
UK'er here, seems easy enough. But...
I've got to the checkout stage, where you have to make an account, and I can't progress. There's no "continue" button to press once I've entered my details.
Yep! Best game Double Fine has put out all year![/QUOT]
.......isn't it the only game they put out this year?
The previous reddit threads about the Sega PC Port petition were deleted for some dubious reason, but then it hit the news on a non-Sega site and got submitted again.
Please upvote it, if you can.
No, just white space. Using Firefox, no VPNs or proxies.You don't see this?
Yep! Best game Double Fine has put out all year!
.......isn't it the only game they put out this year?
Details, details........isn't it the only game they put out this year?
Yep! Best game Double Fine has put out all year!
No, just white space. Using Firefox, no VPNs or proxies.
I think that was 2013, insofar as an Early Access game is ever "out." And, besides, the DF-1 refers to both "Double Fine" and "Dwarf Fortress," which has been in alpha since before computers were invented, so it's probably going to be final no earlier than 2016.Wasn't there another, Early Access title? Spacestation DF-1 or some such.