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STEAM - announcements, updates and WIN

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Dreavus said:
That reminds me. I got teamed up with a glitcher today while trying out the Sorcerer since I just got CR. He was Mekboy, and somehow got himself "outside the map" around wave 3-4, so that enemies couldn't shoot him but he could shoot back. I was trying to ask how and why he's doing such a thing, but neither of my team-mates said anything. After a wave or two of that I just up and left. I'd like to actually EARN my ticket to wave 20; not have some glitch-man do it for me. =/

Yeah, I hate those crappers. Every now and then when we find them we do our best to troll them into a rage quit, either by using the Eldar area teleport (an awesome skill in its own right) or simply by constantly standing behind the barrier so that it never comes up, even if you're dead (which is required to perform the glitch).

We finished wave 20 recently, and while the two new classes both lack the nukes of the original three they can be made pretty overpowered anyway. We beat wave 20 with an almost invincible Tyrinid (abusing the 50% energy cost combined with spamable exploding minions combined with the ability that makes the player invincible when minions die) and a Chaos marine that could clone the big boss and make him deathless (will bring his own HP back to full if it hits 0 once every 30 seconds) and with the ability to react to hits with an AoE explosion. Yeesh.


Nickiepoo said:
DoW2's campaign is ONLY worth playing in coop with a buddy on the highest difficulty. Suddenly using tactics, abilities, picking the right squads and the right equipment and actually supporting each other (and coordinating the skills you take when leveling) becomes quite important.

Given that you have two squads rather than 4, actually being able to micro to manage the brutal badguys becomes a lot more manageable and fun too.

I love the game, but I won't touch it as an SP game in any of its modes.

Really? I played it single player and it was great imo. I didn't play it on primarch though.


Xapati said:
Really? I played it single player and it was great imo. I didn't play it on primarch though.

Don't get me wrong, the game is great and can be highly enjoyable either way, but I got so much more out of playing it coop vs SP that I never looked back. I do have a highly reliable (hahahahahaha) coop partner though (+voice comm), which was pretty essential.

btw, for those of you who played the original campaign (SP or otherwise) but are on the fence about Chaos Rising, the new campaign is a massive improvement. Much more dynamic missions with a decent amount of variation in their objectives and scenarios.
There was a price drop on Assassin's Creed II in the US Steam Store. The new price is $39.99 for normal edition and $44.99 for the digital deluxe version.


Second-rate Anihawk
crimsonheadGCN said:
There was a price drop on Assassin's Creed II in the US Steam Store. The new price is $39.99 for normal edition and $44.99 for the digital deluxe version.
Now I just need a 75% off sale and the game will be worth it, even with the asstastic DRM.
crimsonheadGCN said:
There was a price drop on Assassin's Creed II in the US Steam Store. The new price is $39.99 for normal edition and $44.99 for the digital deluxe version.

Until they get rid of the DRM, Ubisoft PC games in general aren't even worth a penny...


Archie said:
I've willfully stopped myself from buying Settlers 7 several times because of the DRM, so I do have a little principal.

Does Anno 1404/Dawn of Discovery have that DRM because I have been on the edge about buying that game for months.


Second-rate Anihawk
Tokubetsu said:
Does Anno 1404/Dawn of Discovery have that DRM because I have been on the edge about buying that game for months.
The DD version Dawn of Discovery has 3 activation limits which is still pretty godawful. I know that the retail version had the DRM patched out, but I can't find the gold edition at a store for $30.


Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
Have some principle.
I was going to buy AC2 on Steam day 1. Due to the DRM, I bought it used on PS3. I want to enjoy it, but Ubi will not see a penny from me for it.

I would go as far as to double dip and let them have my dollars IFF they removed the heinous DRM. Vote with your wallets, people.

Also would have given the Splinter Cell weekend deal some consideration, but again... instant no-go. This is your own doing, Ubi.




Gold Member
crimsonheadGCN said:

The above link reports that Magic: The Gathering - Duels of the Planeswalkers will be released today on Steam. The information seems to be coming from a Press Release.

I was just saying how the last good single-player CCG I played on the PC was 1997's M:TG-DotP, is there a single player component to this where you don't need to buy booster/starter decks to play online? Or is this a $9.99 game that gives you a starter deck, and you just have to buy a couple hundred more cards and play online?


Minsc said:
I was just saying how the last good single-player CCG I played on the PC was 1997's M:TG-DotP, is there a single player component to this where you don't need to buy booster/starter decks to play online? Or is this a $9.99 game that gives you a starter deck, and you just have to buy a couple hundred more cards and play online?

It's the XBLA version, not Magic Online where you are buying virtual cards with real world money. There may be expansion packs down the line, but you aren't buying booster packs or anything. Here's some reviews, it seems relatively well received:

http://www.metacritic.com/games/pla...duelsoftheplaneswalkers?q=magic the gathering

e: Apparently "the catch" is there's no deck editing. You unlock more pre-set decks based on colors (and 2 color combinations) as you play. You can add a small number of cards to those decks but not edit the base decks themselves. Seems pretty limiting honestly.


Gold Member
Bisonian said:
It's the XBLA version, not Magic Online where you are buying virtual cards with real world money. There may be expansion packs down the line, but you aren't buying booster packs or anything. Here's some reviews, it seems relatively well received:

http://www.metacritic.com/games/pla...duelsoftheplaneswalkers?q=magic the gathering

e: Apparently "the catch" is there's no deck editing. You unlock more pre-set decks based on colors (and 2 color combinations) as you play. You can add a small number of cards to those decks but not edit the base decks themselves. Seems pretty limiting honestly.

Well that kinda sucks. 1997 version of Magic is still the #1 CCG on the PC which you don't need to pay to play then.

This might be a fun distraction, sort of a more linear experience, but I wish you could edit decks. Who knows if they have as many cards then, you'd needs 1000s of cards if you wanted to create an open deck environment, but if they give you stacked decks they can get away using just a fraction of them.

It really kills the strategy of deck building too, oh well. I'd almost rather it be pay to play online! Though we already have something like that.

Gamespy said:
Without deckbuilding, and with such a limited card pool, this is ultimately going to be a novelty for any serious Magic player.

Seems I was right. Sucks. Still, for $10, you could probably do worse!


Hail to the KING baby
i 100%'d the game and both expansions on XBLA. i think it's a real fun single-player experience especially for the price and if you're not looking for MTGO. if you're looking for MTGO well go play MTGO :p


I haven't even played the main multiplayer mode and I love it. I just played four straight hours of their DotA mode.
wait, there is mods for Dow2 ?! i didn't know that :D.

if anyone is interested in playing Dow2 Main MP add me in steam:-

Steam id: [email protected] ( it's my steam id not email ).


Gold Member
AstroLad said:
i 100%'d the game and both expansions on XBLA. i think it's a real fun single-player experience especially for the price and if you're not looking for MTGO. if you're looking for MTGO well go play MTGO :p

Have you played the 1997 version? It's actually better than MTGO, because there's an adventure mode to it with unique gameplay modes, unbalanced matches (opponents with significantly better decks/high life), unique rules to dungeon matches (banning the use of certain cards or other things), and it generally provides a unique play through every single time since it's so random (plus there's a nearly infinite combination of decks to try to build given the 5+ colors).

It also has a lot of the banned cards like Black Lotus, the Moxes, Time Walk, and plenty others :)


Hail to the KING baby
nah. this game is real simple though hence the ten bucks. got an adventure mode where you unlock new cards and decks, a co-op mode (local only), and a challenge mode (puzzles). it is basically intended to introduce people to magic, hence the pre-set decks. but for ten bucks there are certainly several hours of fun in there even for experienced players (unless you're looking for MTGO, or comparing it to MTGO, in which case you will be pissed).


Checking Sega as developer I found Comix Zone, Golden Axe, Shinobi 3, Gain Ground, Sonic 3d Blast, too.

Probably it's not over yet.
Minsc said:
Well that kinda sucks. 1997 version of Magic is still the #1 CCG on the PC which you don't need to pay to play then.

QFT! I haven't played MTG in real life for 15 years, but I love the Microprose PC game and still pull it out to play every once in a while. IMO it's the best electronic version of MTG. I've actually got the XBL game as well and it's okay. I've avoided any version of MTG that involved microtransactions for "booster packs" and such. I learned from my mistakes 15 years ago and I have a ton of worthless CCG cards (MTG and others) rotting in my closet. What a waste.


Hinomura said:
Checking Sega as developer I found Comix Zone, Golden Axe, Shinobi 3, Gain Ground, Sonic 3d Blast, too.

Probably it's not over yet.
Ecco The Dolphin and Vectorman just went up.

There also seems to be two versions of some of the games on the store; one with a "Sega Classics:" prefix, and some without. Probably an error, as the links to some of them don't work at all.

I have a feeling Sega are going to explode a massive amount of Genesis/MegaDrive games all at once. I wonder what else we're getting? Sonic 1/2/3/ & Knuckes? Sonic CD?


And I hope there's a package with a few games in it.


Omikaru said:
Ecco The Dolphin and Vectorman just went up.

There also seems to be two versions of some of the games on the store; one with a "Sega Classics:" prefix, and some without. Probably an error, as the links to some of them don't work at all.

I have a feeling Sega are going to explode a massive amount of Genesis/MegaDrive games all at once. I wonder what else we're getting? Sonic 1/2/3/ & Knuckes? Sonic CD?


And I hope there's a package with a few games in it.


The first batch of games covers of some true classics and fan favorites:
Comix Zone
Altered Beast
Crack Down
Gain Ground
Ecco the Dolphin
Shadow Dancer: the Secret of Shinobi
Golden Axe
Sonic 3D Blast
Shinobi III
Space Harrier II


panda21 said:
dreamcast games or stfu

Pretty much. Especially for the games that have superior versions on other hardware like Golden Axe or Altered Beast. (not that altered beast is really any good in any version)


Gold Member
Dr. Zoidberg said:
QFT! I haven't played MTG in real life for 15 years, but I love the Microprose PC game and still pull it out to play every once in a while. IMO it's the best electronic version of MTG. I've actually got the XBL game as well and it's okay. I've avoided any version of MTG that involved microtransactions for "booster packs" and such. I learned from my mistakes 15 years ago and I have a ton of worthless CCG cards (MTG and others) rotting in my closet. What a waste.

It's a great game, even today (looks great too!, thanks to simplicity of just having 2D images on cards), if you're remotely interested in CCGs, I dare say you will never find another like it, unless you count MTGO.

The only pain is I think you have to run it through a virtual machine, since it all-but-requires Windows 95/98 to launch. The plus is that that causes it to run in a window so you can leave it to the background, and there's no time limit for turns, so it's a great relaxed pace.

I'm the same way, have a good 1000 or so cards still today that sit in a small box, never touch them, but fire up that game once and a while. I tried MTGO a while ago, but it all adds up pretty quickly, all those boosters.

AstroLad said:
nah. this game is real simple though hence the ten bucks. got an adventure mode where you unlock new cards and decks, a co-op mode (local only), and a challenge mode (puzzles). it is basically intended to introduce people to magic, hence the pre-set decks. but for ten bucks there are certainly several hours of fun in there even for experienced players (unless you're looking for MTGO, or comparing it to MTGO, in which case you will be pissed).

Yea, I'm actually going to buy it day 1-ish, and probably end up loving it for as long as it feels fresh, I'm a sucker for the artwork and randomness + strategy.


Sinatar said:
hmm, I've been thinking about getting King Arthur for a while now. Any impressions?

I'd like to know this too. I was looking at it awhile back but couldn't justify the price for myself. This is too tempting though.


Junior Member
I was at least expecting achievements for these Genesis games. At this point it's basically just pay $3 or download a ROM.

I will admit though that out of all these if you're adamantly against ROMs, Space Harrier II might be a good deal. The game isn't on any Genesis collection and the Steam version is less than half the price of the Virtual Console version.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
panda21 said:
oh sweet jesus yes

i nearly bought KAtRPG+DLC and Crusaders over the weekend, but i got some other strategy games instead. its almost like they knew.

Damn good deal. I got KAtRPG during a previous sale when it was like $20 or $25 and have barely played it. The hour or two I spent with it were quite good, though.

I really need to stop buying games on Steam that I won't be able to play for a while unless they are in the $10 or less price range.

Servbot #42

Unconfirmed Member
Prophet Steve said:
I believe I one time read bad things about sites that offer steam keys for a decent price?
Can somebody clear this up for me? Not planning myself, but want to know how they get those keys and how they can sell them for less then on Steam.

This is the site I am talking about:


In some countries with high piracy Valve and other companies sell their games with heavy discounts in order to be able to make some money, sites like g2play get retail games from those regions somehow and sell only the keys which can be activated on Steam. At least that's how i remember it being done, if i am wrong please someone correct me :lol
Gexecuter said:
In some countries with high piracy Valve and other companies sell their games with heavy discounts in order to be able to make some money, sites like g2play get retail games from those regions somehow and sell only the keys which can be activated on Steam. At least that's how i remember it being done, if i am wrong please someone correct me :lol
No, I indeed remember something liked that. And for some games there were some ban waves for this right?
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